Your office years should just better than ours. I love savoury for and empanadas in the morning would be awesome!
I always believe January to be a temporary affair when it comes to the body. It's the month you are allowed to let it go then pull it back in. I'm pulling back in myself right now!
They are very tasty and succulent, and they fill you up for a few hours, just like our famous tequeños stuffed with delicious white cheese, they are yummmm
I had never heard of tequeños. I looked them up on Google however and they look fabulous! I wouldn't mind trying them!
The tequeños are delicious, they are stuffed with white cheese it is possible that you will get them in your country where they sell Latin food, especially from Venezuela. I'm going to share a photo of the ones I made for breakfast today.
Amazing looking things! I have never seen them here and I usually try anything different I see. I might have a bash at making them!
They can be made baked or fried. Mr. @meesterboom look for them in the Latin market, it is feasible that you will get them, you can eat them with tomato sauce, pink sauce (mix of mayonnaise and ketchup or with your sauce of preference.
I will, the closest we have to a latin market is a Mexican market, not quite the same! But I will keep an eye out