
Oh yeah for sure! Especially when the tumbleweed rolls in the background. There's no way a pimply faced teen would be a match for Boom Master Boom!

Hehe, I was going to type something but you know it has taken me so many steps to get a reply through to this today that I don't know what I was saying anymore!!

Haha! It has been a struggle, that's why I chose to retire for the night a few hours ago. The trick I've been doing was that I copy-paste my reply in a notepad, so that I could just refer copy that back when I chance upon a successful load. That was after ten or so replies faded into obscurity haha!

I have been doing that for posts but for comments I hadnt. Because of the phone thing. I sure will in future though. Even copying it so i can paste after a failed one!

It used to be that it's saved to drafts when the post fails, but lately everything just gets wiped out. Are you using an app or the website itself?

I am using the app, never been a huge fan of any of the apps. They just don't let me make my posts the way I want to. What do you use?

I use the web browser mostly, but I've used the eSteem app when I'm on mobile. It's quite laggy, but I think it's the current best option there.