
You seem to be able to drink loads still though. I usually stop at two drinks, these days haha but also because I try to stay fit ;<)

I think most Scots do, it's in the culture which I know is a bit sad but this country really is a booze soaked one. I don't drink half as much as I used to when I was a young lad about town. A fact I am quite glad about!!

I know so much about Scotland and I've only been there once.
Believe me, us Dutchies can drink too. And if you went to Uni, like me, it's likely you have been an alcoholic throughout it. It's not easy to slow down.

And I won't even talk about the Portuguese ( men ) and all the British out here.

God yes, the bleary days of student drinking! I remember them well. The dutchies do indeed enjoy a beer or four !

The Brits are insane on their holidays to sunny places. They drink like it is going to run out!!

The dutchies do indeed enjoy a beer or four !
Or 10. Or 15. I have no idea how my bladder did that, back in the days.

And talking about the Brits, most are not here on holidays
but they are retired drunks. Not necessarily worse than the holidaying ones but kind of sad, nevertheless.

Crikey, yeah, I forgot about those types. Portugal is quite popular for retiring to. I wonder if brexit has made it easier or harder for them? I can imagine them getting legless with sad monotony!

I have no idea how my bladder coped back in the day either. All that liquid!

I have no idea how my bladder coped back in the day either. All that liquid!

We must have had bigger bladders, back then ;<)