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RE: A New Look and More Plus I'll Probably Talk About Something

in #life3 years ago

Blue bear rocks!

That artist is a cantankerous prick who just assumed that he is entitled to autovotes. Like so many it makes em greedy same they just post shit over and over to get them.

Keep doing the art man. The rest is just bumfluff


I noticed a bit of an attitude there. Just a bit...

Was only slightly annoyed...

So much potential there though. Surprising to see it wasted on basic reward collection. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Blue Bear took awhile and I had to fight through childhood flashbacks just to be able to finish him.

He hates the you were being reasonable and attempting to talk it out and were not affiliated with hivewatchers so had to change the narrative repeatedly to attempt his point. Fucking dick.

He is an incredible artist, one wonders if it is entitlement that makes him expect to be rewarded or that he didn't produce anything anymore and is creatively dead. This on turn leads him to recycling.

Who knows but I wouldn't pay him any kind, just another in a long list of arseholes.

Some flashbacks are good!

Was difficult to navigate but at the end of the day, the goal was to simply talk him down from escalating. That reaction can be incredibly damaging to one's brand and image. That Traveler for instance will never be able to redeem himself. So I think I helped even though shots were fired, but I didn't take it personally. Just slightly annoyed. Tried to dance around it. Those conversations are never easy. But I've seen so many wreck themselves over petty nonsense. Hard for me to watch.

True. He has the option at least not to burn his bridges. Some people don't realise that once you do, they remain burnt.

Someone not of this realm could find it and rub it in his face as well. So the bridges are burnt and ghosts rise from the ashes to haunt. That's the part people are forgetting when they go off on these weird tantrums.