Good day and welcome to another episode of me doing the thing I do sometimes.
I, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, was asked an interesting question for once, just the other day.
Part of me thinks I was getting dissed and the other part doesn't really care, so that leads to a nice healthy and balanced lifestyle, I suppose.
A New Look
That'll come in handy and soon you'll find out why. Like right away. Not even joking. I'm about to explain. Just one more useless sentence and then I'll move on.
So I was asked a peculiar question the other day. It went something exactly like:
If you consider yourself an artist, why do you hide your identity?
Of course the first thing that came to mind was something like, WTF? Am I invisible? Look!
Can see me coming a mile away, and I'm everywhere, all at once...
And the question was coming from a 'real' artist, so the pressure was on.
My answer went something like:
I'm me. A writer and artist working under a pseudonym, no different than thousands if not millions of content creators and many of the actors, musicians, writers all over the world; it's been like that for centuries. I don't require personal fame and glory. Could produce something that goes viral, seen and enjoyed by millions, and wouldn't care nobody knows it's me.
Suppose I could also add I'm perfectly fine with being an underground outsider as well. Just doing my own thing. If I don't go places, I don't go places. That's cool with me.
Totally fine with half the value of my work going to those who support it. Love that model actually and think it's the coolest thing ever so I'm happy doing things this way.
It's never been a secret to me that some of the more traditional artists don't like me too much and despise my approach. And I don't even NFT so of course I'm not cool...
That whole "The Writer/Artist Himself" thing is actually me just taking a shot at stereotypes. If you're an artist, some expect you to be some kind of a pompous prick, so I thought I'd need to do something to fit in.
Of course I don't and I'm starting to learn that the hard way.
It's Just Whatever
That's what I called that piece.
Some people might think I'm jealous of all these artists that now use artificial intelligence to paint their pictures for them but I'm really not. I only painted a quarter of that image. Fancy schmancy mirror tool did the rest.
The mirror tool splits the image into four sections, you paint in one section and it mirrors those actions, filling in all the other sections automatically. It's one of my favorite tools and the end results look cool, most days. I embrace the new tech but still enjoy doing things myself and keeping things simple.
Of course I don't use it for everything.
Story Time
That's what I called that one but I'm not sure why because it doesn't really tell a story.
For something like that I spent a lot of time building a base layer. I then duplicated that layer, lowered the opacity, moved it over slightly, then flattened the image. Probably did that same process about twenty times, then blended all the edges and did a bit of fine tuning by hand.
One can see the depth of all the layers if they look closely, or just take my word for it.
Was basically messing around but it turned out alright. I might revisit that piece again in the future. Some shading in just the right places and I'd be able to create the illusion of it being three dimensional. Of course that takes a lot of time and patience. I did it in some places but then got bored.
Throwing in the Towel
I've felt like doing that so many times this year it's not even funny, and I'm typically the first to laugh at all the dumb things I do.
That fucking guy that dragged my name through the mud for several months around here; using my art to make everyone look bad...
What a fucking douche. Blamed for stuff I had nothing to do with. Accused of heinous crimes, for no reason other than he's a psycho and would do that to people with no care in the world. Says it all with a smile and thinks it's funny. Then having to sit and watch a bunch of two-faced cowards feed into it and enjoy every moment.
WTF is wrong with this world...
It's been one thing after another this year though so I just roll with it. Like to rise above all that nonsense. People been talking shit my whole life so it's nothing new; nothing I can't handle.
Some might ask though: Why are you so fucked up, dude?
Blue Bear
Maybe because that's what my teddybear looked like when I was a kid.
Of course I'm only joking but it's pretty damn close. It didn't have a mouth but I'm certain it still spoke to me. And I ripped the eyes out so my cat would have something to play with, then regretted it for the rest of my childhood.
I might go quiet for awhile. I'm undecided and not really feeling it these days. Still working on quitting smoking. Trying to enjoy some summer. Plus it seems really quiet around these parts and this art stuff takes a lot of time to produce. Even though I don't mind "hiding", it's still nice when it's seen and of course I still enjoy hanging out with you folks for the afterparty.
I only showed up quite a few weeks ago to help take care of a few problems around here. Only to discover there's a few more.
This art lately was just something I was itching to do; wanted to get a few things off my chest. It helps take my mind off life's distractions as well. I zone out for hours working on this stuff. Music's on. It's one way to feel good.
All shit aside, I do feel good. I'm somewhat happy. That's really all I need. And I hope you're doing good, too.
Love the new LOOK XD Third pic from the top is my favourite, so many pretty colours!
There's always problems and there will always be problems, you'll never be bored if you like solving problems :) but don't get burnt out. Burning out is generally bad.
Glad you're doing good :)
I think I used every crayon I have for that one lol!
I do enjoy solving problems but it's becoming tiresome for sure. Hard to stop though as every day seems to bring something new. Could use a break but then... those tend to last too long. Can be comfortable doing nothing as well but it's a bad habit.
Thanks for being here.
Awesome bro. Such a fresh, new look you have there.
Thanks for having a good look.
Hope you're doing well these days.
Trying to... Sometimes it feels like my two year old is trying to make me as unwell as possible!
Nice art, I think you have a really unique style (I think I may have mentioned that to you already, but one half of me doesn't care, lol).
I also appreciate the narrative that goes along with your artwork presentation. It's both superficial and deep at the same time. Superficial in the sense that you're talking about what you're writing about, like a layer on top (superficial). But there are some deep thoughts that arise when you get into the nitty gritty. It's a nice sandwich.
I can also zone out at times while working on something creative. It feels like the brain has been given a break in those moments but I'm sure it's hammering away like a madman.
Enjoy your summer, look forward to seeing your next update whenever you're ready to post.
I noticed years ago folks connect with artists more than art. And I find simply talking about whatever means a lot more to the viewer and of course myself. It beats using a descriptive template with each post or a marketing/sales pitch by far. Helps keep things fresh; new. People don't know what to expect.
Haven't done a damn thing all week so I guess break mode is in full swing. Seems to be coming on naturally so I'll just roll with it. But that could change in an instant. Just going with the flow.
I love your work 😍 blue bear got my attention 👏👏 thank you so much for your support on my work
Your photos are cool. Don't feel let down though if you don't see my vote. I'm all over the place and only vote when I actually look but I'm taking a bit off time off from the internet; not here as much.
taking the time for yourself is amazing. mostly people are overtaken with internet
I like to shake the addiction but of course I still had to take a lunch break from shaking the addiction.
Blue Bear is a cool dude. He just can't see it. (see what I did there?)
First off, do not quit smoking, its over rated, we all die one day anyway. Just don't chain smoke. And if you feel like you need to get a better breath, take up swimming and pause smoking for a time. Don't quit. It's in your system for life and you will crave it every time you feel pressure from life.
Second, don't you fucken dare going quiet here, you are the meth in my addiction. You are getting your genius squished out of you till you bleeding dry like being in a full dirty Bangkok orgy with cheap labour.
Third, this place will be full of squares trying to copy your genius.
Don't do it.
That's some good terrible advice. I agree the smoking is part of who and what I've become and it's really difficult to be someone else, which is what quitting smoking boils down to.
I really like nicotine and don't mind the vape as a substitute but I've cut down to going some days without a cig, and sometimes reaching for one when my brain starts going loopy and I need to recalibrate. It's an addiction but it also serves a purpose. An effective drug.
I plan to stick around but can't see having time to be here daily, grinding away. Won't even attempt it. But I'll always be around, watching.
Need to smoke a pipe missin out on some wonderful tobaccos here...and the nic hit...without the damage to the lungs via inhalation LOOOL
I'm actually enjoying the vape. Good tobacco though; that's more like a treat.
I feel kind of violated LOL
Yeah I just said that to be trippy.
Just brought a new vape home. I like these things. Gives me a solid nicotine buzz as well because I bought the strong stuff. Tastes like apples dude. Fucking apples!
Dang, that shit will get confiscated on the way to me. No nicotine vape allowed here...
I will just stick to my trusty Marlboro.
Fucken apple.
Those Marlboros are decent. If you smoked a Canadian brand most of your life, a Marlboro would taste more like a cigar.
Look, one must have a look, otherwise people wouldn't know whether to look or not look. There's nothing wrong with having a look at other people's look, right? Looking too long at someone's look isn't a good look though, unless the person who made the look wants people to look at the look. People must look inside to determine the right or wrong of a long look; it's through having a long look at oneself will dictate whether it'll be a good look to look at the look, or not look at the look.
So, I looked at your look and feel it's a good look. Not the look I took, that was just a normal look, I mean your look, that it's a good look. Ok?
Look. I think you've been having a few too many looks. Looks like you need to calm down.
Made you look though.
I lways look, expect when there's a new look to look at.
I thought about making it flash on and off, gif style. Decided against it though thinking that might lead to the wrong looks.
That look would look good, but your look looks good as it is, no flashy looks needed.
Yep, I do the same while creating art… fully zone out hehehe 🤭 best thing ever.
It is rather quite here lately but don’t let that stand in your way. Still many people around 🤓😉 to appreciate your art.
I like the “ It's Just Whatever “ one. Pretty cool.
And just be you… what others think… it so doesn’t matter.
Have a wonderful Sunday further 👋🏻😎
Create a bit more.
For sure quiet, views are cut more than in half, but one post per week seems doable. I think I'll continue this approach. I'll need an excuse to zone out.
Nice seeing you again. Thanks for having a look and enjoying Just Whatever.
One post a weak is sure doable 🤓 looking forward to more… it’s the best excuse to zone out… I should do it more again.
You are welcome 😎 happy be here. 👋🏻
I didn't mention in the post but since you like It's Just Whatever, if you can I suggest looking at it from far away. Bit of an optical illusion happening there but I'm not sure if everyone can see it.
Just went back and checked it out. Thanks for that!
I went about 2 meters away… but didn’t see the illusion 😕 but could be because my head is killing me at the moment, headaches are no fun.
The yellow part does become very clear though… and stand out more.
From really far away one might see aliens, very clear. But it's still just the eyes playing tricks, so it might not work for everyone. Sometimes I can pull that off but it can be hit or miss. This one might be a miss.
I do see 2 small figures right and left side with both arms up… but that’s from any distance.
I know, some work some don’t. And everybody does see other things. Still I love that one. It’s cool in every way 🥰
Keep creating!
I knew you would find Something to talk about!
Something to say was all I had to say.
Blamed for stuff I had nothing to do with. Accused of heinous crimes, for no reason...
I hear you invaded Ukraine.. is that true? 🤔
It was an accident.
I understand. It could happen to anybody..
And it does! People need to be more careful.
Blue bear rocks!
That artist is a cantankerous prick who just assumed that he is entitled to autovotes. Like so many it makes em greedy same they just post shit over and over to get them.
Keep doing the art man. The rest is just bumfluff
I noticed a bit of an attitude there. Just a bit...
Was only slightly annoyed...
So much potential there though. Surprising to see it wasted on basic reward collection. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Blue Bear took awhile and I had to fight through childhood flashbacks just to be able to finish him.
He hates the you were being reasonable and attempting to talk it out and were not affiliated with hivewatchers so had to change the narrative repeatedly to attempt his point. Fucking dick.
He is an incredible artist, one wonders if it is entitlement that makes him expect to be rewarded or that he didn't produce anything anymore and is creatively dead. This on turn leads him to recycling.
Who knows but I wouldn't pay him any kind, just another in a long list of arseholes.
Some flashbacks are good!
Was difficult to navigate but at the end of the day, the goal was to simply talk him down from escalating. That reaction can be incredibly damaging to one's brand and image. That Traveler for instance will never be able to redeem himself. So I think I helped even though shots were fired, but I didn't take it personally. Just slightly annoyed. Tried to dance around it. Those conversations are never easy. But I've seen so many wreck themselves over petty nonsense. Hard for me to watch.
True. He has the option at least not to burn his bridges. Some people don't realise that once you do, they remain burnt.
Someone not of this realm could find it and rub it in his face as well. So the bridges are burnt and ghosts rise from the ashes to haunt. That's the part people are forgetting when they go off on these weird tantrums.
Very nice art.
I tried to make a post or two every week during 2022. Got bored around March or April. I still read and occasionally comment.
If I don't have anything I want to post or anytime, I really can't be bothered.
I seem to be doing alright with one post per week. Can get a lot of art done in that time plus still be able to live and focus on other things. Daily grind drives me nuts now. Can't do it.
There's nothing wrong at all with how you present your art. It does happen to be yours to do with as you wish... And sharing it here (and allowing others to use it with your permission) is very generous :) ...
As for making Story Time 3D, the middle looks perfect without it, just the way it is. I think you really only had a few more small edits to go, to get the effect you wanted. Sometimes looking at it too long leads to doing too much 😂 It's always good to put such things aside and as you said, revisit them later :) ...
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
I rarely actually let people use it, but at the same time not many with good intentions ever ask. Having it stolen was a tough pill to swallow; still pissed.
Awhile back @therealpaul said something to me that really stuck. Something about how all art is abandoned at just the right time. So I get what you mean. It's good to walk away. But I still want to work on that one a little more but the end result would be an entirely new piece. I do get carried away sometimes though and there's almost too much going on, but I still like it.
Thanks for stopping in.
Oh, what I meant is that if you've been looking at it for like 10 hours, sometimes it takes a day or two for the brain to "reset" - then you see the best possibilities ever :)
Yeah, it doesn't feel good to have one's work stolen 💔...
Do tag me please if you work with that one again? I'd love to see the finished result 🙌
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/10)@nonameslefttouse! to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
(1/4)@nonameslefttouse, I sent you an on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
I see what you mean now. That's wise as well. Take a break and readjust.
Banksy is a fuckin' genius. Just saying...
Concept is the driving factor for me, art wise. So yeah... I abandoned fine art because it was more a who's who in the zoo, political scene when I was a lass.
And then anonymity made art happen again. For me.
Yeah I admire, and enjoy, that whole approach.
Sitting back, doing whatever, and don't have to be anything special. Say whatever, do whatever. It's all about whatever. Not sure but I think I sound spaced out right now. Oh well.
Whatever and Nothing.
The enlightened folks would call it Being I guess.
It's all a dream (or projection if you wanna be intellectual) anyway so have fun and do what you will (as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else), is my new found philosophy.
Morning! :)
It's fun to just, be.
Morning already? You must be from the future.
Also. I do not know how to share. I generally over share (in every possible way) so any insight on that would be lovely, please.
I'm understanding not to just share upvotes on every reply... but I would for first replies because hey... how cool to stop and say hello.
So if I fuck up please feel free to educate me. Open communication is simplest and best
Your votes at this point aren't worth anything of value, and one can only use so many per day. Hover over that stats thing in your profile on peakd and you'll see you're at about 50% power. It recharges like a battery over time. HP is needed to have a vote worth something.
What do you mean by sharing?
By sharing... well... by taking care of others as well. A fair exchange. I tend to over tip. Or did when I could still afford restaurants, had a car etc.
It's actually a trauma reaction interestingly enough :) I"m working on it...
So I'll figure it out.
Yeah - I see all these colours and icons and have only today looked properly at the wallet because a cool human I met delegated me some more Hive Power but I don't know what all this stuff is...
I'll just muddle along and keep having fun. I don't want to step on any toes because I'm still ignorant is all.
Maybe I'll try and dig up some posts for Noobs on etiquette and the wallet area after that. (I wanted to delegate some Hive Power to a person that signed up on my referral link but I don't have enough. Yet!)
Loving it here. And now a friend is hooked as well :)
It is! And it's hard to just be. For me. Still.
I thought I was from Mars, but I think I may have found my people.
I like the blue bear piece, as with most of your pieces I like, I have no clue why I like them. I guess they just hit some primordial part of my brain.
As for smoking and trying to quit, keep at it, keep trying and hope you do not keep trying right up til the day you head to the hospital like I did. I did manage to quit, but it really was to late by then.
I don't know why I make them. People don't know why they like them. Still works out in the end.
It's not easy for me to quit but I'm working on it. I don't want to find out if it's too late.
Really quiet here so, thank you very much for showing up. Means a lot.
Seems to be a pretty slow comment day all around. I enjoy your work and hope when the mood hits you keep sharing. I do understand the times away to recharge, but you always do come back, and I hope that trend continues.
Not sure what I'm doing yet but yeah if I go, I'll be back.
Story Time!
Once was a man who lived on a yacht. The problem was he had a zombie that also lived on his boat. Something the last owner didn't bring up when he threw the keys at him after the sale and ran away.
The towns folk filled with old family money of the
DucksDukes and Mustangs had kept the town a secret for a long Ass time. Crosses were hung everywhere to keep the peace when able but once in a while a child was born that didn't care.Then it was time to call in the Raindeer.
Just saying..
Oh and you freaking can not leave because I JUST got back. And you know what they say about Snook :D
By the way...I LOVE your art!! but you should know that too
It's nice to see you and welcome back.
Story Time!
There once was a man sitting on a deck. It was nice outside and he thought, "What the heck?" Those damn mosquitos kept biting his neck.
True story...
Story Time! Part deux
Now we know how the Zombie was born. The Dukes and Mustangs should have grown Nepeta cataria instead of making billion dollars crosses.
It's too late now to save the man on the dock...
The End?
Time for Story! Chapter 12
I have no idea where I put my lighter. I hid it away to help quit smoking and so I could be a fighter. But now I want to light a fire. This isn't even satire.
Then it is time to go to bed
you guys need OFF up there to keep the mosquito away.
I don't know what they mean by hiding. With the exception of Throwing In The Towel, you've been more transparent than most over the years. I can spot a self portrait of a badminton serve from a mile away.
See you if you get back.
Not Important.
Certainly not hiding. Just a different approach. Taken a lot of flak for it over the years but it's never harsh. Confuses people that's all.
Leaning towards sticking around but some life events might take me away.
Not Sure What I'm-Doing
Yeah, life. It can be really lifey sometimes.
isn't your real name...?!?!?!?!? I'll be damned...!!!So... @nonameslefttouse
I know. It's shocking.
Haha. Relatable. I also consider myself an artist. My work doesn't require me to reveal my identity. It also makes me feel much safer. I would think a hundred times before revealing my face or my personal details on a public blockchain. My privacy is of utmost importance to me. Everyone has their own reasons and we must respect them!
I like this approach. Certainly not 'hiding'. Just doing things my way. The approach to all this stuff always evolves over time. Even the way some of us post is more like a combination of traditional social media, blogging, and entertainment articles. Some folks don't realize that and think it's just weird. But anything traditional started out being a little bit strange.
Blue Bear is awesome! I love all your work, as usual but today, I gotta say ble bear is my fave!
I like Blue Bear as well. And it truly is based on my childhood toy. Even the name. Sadly Blue Bear was eventually eaten by a dog. RIP Blue Bear
Ohhhh mannnnn... Poor Blue Bear... My imaginary friend got eaten by our neighbor's pet peacocks when I was a child... I feel your pain.
I almost got eaten by a raptor when I was young but really, it was just a rooster, and I should have known better than to chase those chickens around.
Lmfao... Those roosters don't play!!!
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Ah yeah mirroring, that's a funny creative tool. There's a fine video out there with a lot of mirroring.
It's Just Whatever...
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Popped in to say hi. Your in my thoughts. Hoping your silence means more content is being created... I'll look out for you.
Actually just being a bit of a vegetable, enjoying some time off from everything. I pop in and out often here. How it goes.
Nice to take some down time... I'm about to this weekend (I hope!)
I'll check in sporadically. I'm like that... so no need to rush to respond if you're relaxing for a bit. Good to see you though :)
It's Just Whatever has a really appealing color combination, and a kaleidescope with a memory nagging the edges of my mind attached to it. If that design was on a hooded, knit sweater, it would be my favorite!
Thanks for the drive by on my post, it really was the boost I needed. Sometimes it is like pulling my own teeth to post for some reason, but when I have joy to share I try to do it :0)
Always know there's someone in the world who glows a little brighter because you're in it too my friend
Still hoping to find new material... but no pressure of course.
*tap tap
Hey, are you around by any chance? Got on today and saw that Hive is shooting you know anything?
Just came for a look
Did you see anything?
Not a funking jot. :op
This really looks amazing 😱
Blue Bear looks sort of snuggly. I could see it as your childhood bear. If your bear did have that soul-sucking mouth, I'm sure being that it was your bear would make everything fine. Maybe he would even suck your soul in for safe keeping, and then let it out now and then to play.
Sorry to see you have hit the road again. I did too for a while - life got busy. I'm sure yours is too. Best wishes.
I did hit the road but apparently the road hits back. For the most part I was the exact opposite of busy. Trying really hard to find that reason to be here again for awhile at least.
What's that saying, if you love what you do you never work a day, or something like that? I don't think artistic people have an easy time forcing it. I just post when I feel like it. Hope to see you around and posting, when you feel like it.
It'll click eventually. Forcing isn't an option. There's a flow and I just go with it. The stuff I was doing here, it's the only gig I could go twenty hours straight focused on something and never once look at the clock and wish the day was over. One day I'll wake up, veer one way, see that lane again, put the pedal to the floor. Other days I'm stuck in traffic or whatever playing that stupid game of hurry up and wait.
Just checking in, in case you snuck back on without me knowing lol. Hope summer is still hanging on for you and you've had plenty of relax time at the lake cabin :)
Was a good summer.
Always so glad to see you! Are you just stopping in or sticking around for a bit?
I wanted to be here for the hardfork first and foremost. Once everything appears to be stable I'll most likely publish a few posts and go from there. In the meantime I'm just out and about mingling, trying to get caught up. Might do some rebranding but can't decide which character to use for my avatar. I was thinking Quits. Remember that guy?
I think so, green with a hoodie? As long as your rebranding is from your art collection I approve!:0)
Yup that's the one. This one seems to scare people LOL! That's a compliment though because creating something that can stir emotions or whatever isn't easy.
Does it really? 🤣 That's hilarious! Yup, it's a mark of a true artist for sure. Just like the mark of success is jealousy and resentment, something else that has plagued you here lol