Story Time!
Once was a man who lived on a yacht. The problem was he had a zombie that also lived on his boat. Something the last owner didn't bring up when he threw the keys at him after the sale and ran away.
The towns folk filled with old family money of the Ducks Dukes and Mustangs had kept the town a secret for a long Ass time. Crosses were hung everywhere to keep the peace when able but once in a while a child was born that didn't care.
Then it was time to call in the Raindeer.
Just saying..
Oh and you freaking can not leave because I JUST got back. And you know what they say about Snook :D
By the way...I LOVE your art!! but you should know that too
It's nice to see you and welcome back.
Story Time!
There once was a man sitting on a deck. It was nice outside and he thought, "What the heck?" Those damn mosquitos kept biting his neck.
True story...
Story Time! Part deux
Now we know how the Zombie was born. The Dukes and Mustangs should have grown Nepeta cataria instead of making billion dollars crosses.
It's too late now to save the man on the dock...
The End?
Time for Story! Chapter 12
I have no idea where I put my lighter. I hid it away to help quit smoking and so I could be a fighter. But now I want to light a fire. This isn't even satire.
Then it is time to go to bed
you guys need OFF up there to keep the mosquito away.
That's the only off I put on.