Biting the Hand That Feeds You

in #life8 years ago

What the hell is wrong with people?

Remember the fable about the Golden Goose?

You know, the man was given a goose that laid one golden egg every day (or week, or month, or year – who cares?) So he has a minimum income, guaranteed periodically.

Well, this guy gets impatient or greedy or both. He decides that goose isn’t working hard enough and he wants more and he wants it now!

He slaughters that goose, hoping to find a stash of golden eggs perhaps? Instead, he finds a morass of slippery goose guts and no gold. PLUS that goose won’t be laying anything in the near future.

What’s my point?

Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men, Donald Trump in his Presidential Campaign, Kim Kardashian in Keeping up with the Kardashians, Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, George Michael in public toilets and shop windows…

They seem to have deliberately sabotaged their careers. Self-destruct mode stuck firmly in the ‘On the path to devastating failure!’ mode.

One question: WHY?

Charlie Sheen crashed in spectacular fashion by biting the hand that fed him. The guy played himself in a popular and insanely successful comedy. Hell! The guy could show up drunk and/or wasted and he could get away with it – who wouldn’t kill for a gig like that?

Donald Trump… well, I’ve had my opinions on him since he started the campaign and I don’t believe he imagined he’d get half as far as he has – nor do I think he actually wants to be President, hence the intensifying attempts to blow the campaign.

Kim Kardashian – The term ‘Stop making stupid people famous’ could have been coined for her if the recent debacle is anything to go by.
Not REALLY robbed at gunpoint in Paris, oh no. It looks like it was another publicity stunt.
It’s all gone a bit ‘Pete Tong’ now though… Admitting everything on camera, expecting to be patted on the head and told to run along, ‘little scamp’…

Not this time, Kim. This time – all bets are off and the show has been cancelled. The charmed life has ended. The gravy train has ground to a halt, wheels protesting, sparks flying.

Unfortunately, it’s not just mega-celebs that do this. Even ‘normal’ every-day people pull some stupid shit.

The guy that doesn’t think his job pays enough, starts stealing from work and little by little, when he doesn’t get caught, his haul increases until it’s too much to ignore and he’s sacked – if he’s lucky, he’s just turfed out on his ear, if he’s not, he could serve time for embezzlement.

The person going out for a night on the town without the ‘significant other’. Gets chatted up, decides they can do better than the one they have at home. When the dust settles and the screaming has stopped, property is divided, the one waiting at home, faithful and patient, was the far better bet.

Such is life, so they say, but I’ve seen it in lots of places – places like Steemit for example.

Please don’t allow misunderstandings escalate into flagging wars. I did a post on it:

Read this before embarking on an internet war -

Steemit relies on people liking you to a certain extent. If they don’t like you, no matter what information you post, they will never upvote your post, I don’t care how good it is! While that’s ok on Facebook and Twitter, it’s NOT ok on Steemit – if you’re not here for those upvotes, what are you here for?

You get paid to post, comment, curate etc. If you’re deliberately going to make enemies, there’s not much point being here. Go post on Facebook or Twitter; haters can’t affect your earnings there – cos there AREN’T any!

Yes, be controversial, by all means, but biting the hand that feeds you? Not the best idea you’ve ever had.


I think it's a problem of being too myopic to realize that we're

Probably... or it could just be greed... :)