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RE: Old Dads

in #life6 years ago

hehehehehe you were complaining that he was calling you "old" dads, but you were struggling to stay awake....hehe classic. :) seriously though, I will be an old dad for sure. I know I told you this already, I am 40, with still no kids or a wife. haha I better marry someone young with energy lol. I will be the dad holding the toddler on his lap, and I will be asleep while the toddler is playing. hahaha. oh by the chocolate is awesome. :)


It's only the lack of sleep! I have always been a sleeper. When I was younger I used to take the odd day of work just to sleep all day and night of it was fantastic!

hahahaha okay okay....I believe you. :) haha I will say a nice afternoon nap, is pretty awesome. haha

It is, I dream of the day it will happen again!!