I really like this approach of upcycling waste to new things. Prolonging the life of any element is a sustainable act and well woth doing. Upcycling also used way sell energy than recycling.
Did you film the video? Where is that terribly polluted river?
me too, it takes a bit more time then just buying your stuff but as you say, it´s well worth doing!
no i did´t film it myself. i watched it on facebook i think. the video was originally uploaded by https://www.genesisguatemala.org/, an nonprofit project that provides kids in guatemala with educational support and health services. but i couldn´t find the video there, so i took one of youtube.
it´s the motagua river in guatemala - only sad to see what we are doing. and of course that river flows somewhere. and that´s the next challenge:

(Photo: Caroline Power Photography)