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RE: When you lose a parent

in #life8 years ago

I feel your pain man, I lost my dad around the same time as you did in October. He was 63, headstrong and knew how to always have a good time, he loved to laff and he lit up a room when he entered it. He also had a heart attack, but because he hated doctors and was so secretive no one knew he had a heart problem. So I saw him on thanksgiving (im in Canada hence the October thanksgiving) than I think it was a week later he died and no one found him for 5 days, he was just decomposing in his bed...
anyways, I know what its like you go thru every emotion, but in the end all I can think about is the good times with my pops. sure we argued and he wasnt the best dad growing up, but we moved past that, and all that matters is I remeber how much fun he had in his life and how much of an influence he had on me. The one thing I think about that I never got to say, was that I love him, and I regret that. So whenever I hear about someone mad at one of there parents I tell them to get over it and reconcile with that parent.

I miss you pops, my father my hero


Yes as boys growing up our fathers are giants. Thank you for the reply.