I was feeling pretty much the same recently.
Wasn't particularly in the mood to write anything, nor was I in much of a mood to do anything for that matter.
It's annoying having that feeling of guilt when you take some time off to just enjoy nothing; ignoring the various expectations you have for yourself to just clear your mind for a bit.
I wish I was able to do the same without not only having that guilt, but that feeling that I need to do something that contributes to a better future forever lingers.
I'm only 23 but I'm in a significantly better position that most people this age. I have a lot saved up (even if the market is slowly bleeding all that fiat value away) but the fact that I don't have a job has me constantly telling myself I need to do more.
To quote @whatamidoing 'comment:
I think it is called the hive mind. ( as they say in Stranger Things )
It might also be the season/ weather, the dipping cryptos and the general feeling we get hanging around Steemit and Discord lately.
For somebody of 'only' 23, you are a wise old man. Back then, I was struggling with my university thesis and already worrying about the black hole of post University.
Same here, I don't have a job. This is my job but I prefer to treat my one and only job as something that isn't just a job. I will keep tweaking, redirecting myself, asking for feedback, improvising, learning until I reach some kind of flow. No matter what, this is the most fun job I've ever had and I'm my own boss.
Instead of doing more my aim is to do less and enjoy it more.
Have a great day!