All Work and no Play makes Vincent a Dull Boy - Can I be a Forest Fish please?

in #life7 years ago


As I feel a little uninspired on the blogging front lately, I felt I had to try something new. So, instead of forcing myself to write another movie recommendation or to post pretty pictures of Spain and talk about my travels, I'm doing something else today.

Sure, I could easily recommend the movie that this GIF is referring to, a film that I talked about a couple of times before, months ago. But, instead, I will use it as a metaphor for how I feel these days:

giphy (1).gif

All work and no Play makes Vincent a Dull Boy

I don't wanna complain. I'm traveling, I'm being my own boss. I'm making my money writing on stuff that I like to write about.

Working 7 days a Week

For a lot of people, it would seem like I'm not working. Like I'm on a holiday, being in Spain and all. But, it doesn't feel that way to me. It hasn't felt like that in a long time. Even when I lived on The Canary Islands for half a year (september 2016 to March 2017), I was working on a movie back then. A film that I never finished, but that was in the back of my mind every single day.

Thinking about it, I often get the feeling that people think I'm doing little (not having a 9 to 5 job, making little money, 'just' blogging) and I seem to want to proof the opposite. I want to show them that they're wrong. But, at the same time, I wanna do the opposite. Can I please be 'lazy' every now and then and not feel guilty about it?

Working Less

Two days ago, in the train, on my way two Ronda, I talked to a German couple. At a certain point in the conversation, we got to talk about the movie that this guy wanted to make in the near future on the island La Gomera. Yeah, he also wants to make a movie on one of the Canary Islands. He said that it would be a fiction movie, telling the story of hippie children, who reach a point in their life where they have to decide whether they stay on the island and keep doing 'nothing' or leave the island to start living another kind of life.

I found that fascinating to hear, because I can't help but feeling that I want to be like these hippie children. I got this strong urge to live on an island and live a life doing fewer things. Just the basic stuff you need to do to survive, without feeling guilty about it. But, can I really do that? Can we? Why do we always have the urge to do so many things?

Playing More

I realize that I wanna play more. I wanna be like the kid inside of me. The kid that feels caged most of the time. It's time to approach things in a more playful way. Work or no work. So let's see what I can do about that.

As I started meditating again a week or so ago and I'm trying to be more and more mindful, I just realized that I could navigate this playful part inside of me. Why couldn't I make it a topic in my daily meditation sessions, a point of focus. I am curious where that will lead to. No matter what, I will do my best to keep you updated on my inner and outer journey.

I hope you stick with me. And if you don't, I wish you enjoy your own personal journey, wherever it takes you. Just remember, the process is more important than the destination. So make sure you enjoy the process as much as possible.



full post, including a process video of the making of this beautiful image.The above picture is my inner creature, a forest fish, designed by the lovely @ryivhnn To read more about that, here's the

Both GIFs, referring to Stanley Kubrick's 1980 masterpiece The Shining, can be found on

Hey!!! First of all, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, Brother.
I get it. In fact, many people just go to college and get a degree for a mediocre job. That they don't enjoy, pays a little, and gets them nowhere. (I am one of them). And what you do is creative. You are a content creator and an awesome person.

All I am saying is you are working hard towards your dream/ passion and have earned the right to be lazy

Enjoy the break :-)

Hi there, buddy!

You know that one of my tasks in life, is to get 'people like you' to quit their job and follow their heart, right? I hope to be an example of what to do and not to do, when that stage has been reached.

Thanks for your words of support. They mean a lot to me.

Hahaha, Well you are halfway there. At least you got me into thinking about quitting and living. I, just need to figure out how? With your support, it won't be a problem.,


And you are half way there too. Thinking about it is the first step ;>)

I was feeling pretty much the same recently.

Wasn't particularly in the mood to write anything, nor was I in much of a mood to do anything for that matter.

It's annoying having that feeling of guilt when you take some time off to just enjoy nothing; ignoring the various expectations you have for yourself to just clear your mind for a bit.

I wish I was able to do the same without not only having that guilt, but that feeling that I need to do something that contributes to a better future forever lingers.

I'm only 23 but I'm in a significantly better position that most people this age. I have a lot saved up (even if the market is slowly bleeding all that fiat value away) but the fact that I don't have a job has me constantly telling myself I need to do more.

To quote @whatamidoing 'comment:

It’s funny how so many of us are on the same wavelength with the same highs and the same lows

I think it is called the hive mind. ( as they say in Stranger Things )
It might also be the season/ weather, the dipping cryptos and the general feeling we get hanging around Steemit and Discord lately.

For somebody of 'only' 23, you are a wise old man. Back then, I was struggling with my university thesis and already worrying about the black hole of post University.

Same here, I don't have a job. This is my job but I prefer to treat my one and only job as something that isn't just a job. I will keep tweaking, redirecting myself, asking for feedback, improvising, learning until I reach some kind of flow. No matter what, this is the most fun job I've ever had and I'm my own boss.

Instead of doing more my aim is to do less and enjoy it more.

Have a great day!

You are doing just fine bro. Just do your thing at the speed you want to do it. I am a bit overzealous on my shit then I sit back then I ask myself the same questions.. WHy? Is it worth it? There is no good answer but this is true that it's not about the destination it's about the journey. Have fun doing your thing and I will watch it when you share it. No expectation just mad love good weekend.

Thank you, mate!

It's important to sit back as often as possible and give yourself the time to think (or not to think at all). To enjoy the journey.

Today, after posting, I went out for a long walk. I got myself a lot of food, a beer and some water. Half
an hour later, I walked on some medieval city walls and a little later, ended up between a group of grazing sheep and cute little lambs. I watched them for quite a while, forgot about the rain and enjoyed the landscape. It was all good.

Hope you're having a great weekend too! I really appreciate your support :>)


Thinking about it, I often get the feeling that people think I'm doing little (not having a 9 to 5 job, making little money, 'just' blogging) and I seem to want to proof the opposite. I want to show them that they're wrong. But, at the same time, I wanna do the opposite. Can I please be 'lazy' every now and then and not feel guilty about it?

I know dem feels. I don't really help myself by using "lazy" to violently inaccurately mean "I don't want to" or more regularly "I'm really busy and feeling under the pump at the moment".

Some of the stuff you do is pretty intense, so no feeling guilty about taking lazy days allowed ;D


Cheers! I'm doing my best to be more lazy and actually enjoy those times. Posting about it seems to have boosted my creativity again, haha. I just realized that I forgot to take a day off Steemit today. Anyhow, I'll do my best to go a little more with the flow. Not feeling guilty about anything.

Hugs from your forest fish friend,


I wouldn't worry about what others think of your job or profession of choice. Lots would love to be their own boss and travel ect. The ones looking down on you are just jealous. We all get stuck in our moods sometimes.

All the best !

I see nothing wrong with being lazy. I am an expert at being lazy even when working hard LOL. I really do not care what others think about it, but I think the routine day-job thing kills your soul and breaks your mind. Unfortunately I still need to eat...

Being lazy when working hard seems like a great skill too learn. You should teach that to us! ;>)

I didn't think Steem could every become a routine day-job for me, but it has become one. Perhaps I should treat it less as a job, it doesn't pay like a job anyway, haha and have more fun with it.

I tend to believe that, if you enjoy the process, it will be visible in the result



It’s funny how so many of us are on the same wavelength with the same highs and the same lows, I had the laziest day in a while today!

As I mentioned to @namiks , that's called the 'hive mind'. But seriously, I think it's something bigger and we Steemians are a relatively small bunch of like minded people struggling with the same issues. I also feel that more and more awareness is arising that we can actually change things for the better. Talking and writing about it openly is a first step in the right direction.

I am glad to hear that you are having lazy days yourself :>)