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RE: A Letter to my mother.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You letter to your mother is so touching, @honeychum . And your mother is so beautiful. Never think that you are alone. Your mother is always with you. In your thoughts, perceptions, actions everywhere. You are her dream and her image both. I know nothing can bring those beautiful days back. But sorrow enters our life for a reason.. To make us aware and compassionate. Never seek friends, because there are none ! But never feel alone , because those who love you are always with you, @honeychum. My regards to your mother and best wishes to you, @honeychum ... Smile :) ... Your mother's soul finds peace and happiness in your smiles and success, @honeychum. She looks upon you :)


Thanks a lot for your kind words @nehab . I am very strong emotionally but it is just those moments when u need a shoulder. My Mom was the only one i had. She is not here anymore but writing about her makes her alive and bring me out of my sorrow. When someone like you says something nice then it bring back my smiles. Wish u a happy new year.

I totally understand. Emotional pain is so personal that you cannot really talk about it to people around. But writing or expressing it through writing helps to make it bearable. ... And yes, it breathes life into the memory and the emotion. With my experience I will only say this, @honeychum. Never try to lessen or erase the pain you feel. The pain is proof that you are alive. Feel the hurt and the sorrow and the loss. It is the gift of love. Let it flow into a creative, productive river. In life and in Heaven, mother's are always silent companions who never leave you :)

So true and beautiful your words are. They make pain, the blood of soul. I believe pain brings out the real self and reveals your character. ( It is the gift of love. Let it flow into a creative, productive river.) How could it be said in a better way? Honestly, i do not know you personally but i have imaged you as a very intellectual person. You know emotions and you understand them. The way these two messages have twisted my thought towards my own grief , is amazing. Thanks a lot my friend. :)

We understand only that which we feel, @honeychum... I am just a normal and honest person. But I believe in emotions more than intellect. I believe that true wisdom and understanding comes from feeling. I think a lot and I never forget what I have gone through. ... I am very happy if my words helped you to understand and become aware of your feelings and your strength , Your strength is in your emotions. This is why, true women are stronger. And mothers are strongest ! :)... You do not have to say thank you to friends. Friends understand :) ... I am happy I met you here. I am honoured to be your friend :)

I wanted to say lot of things but now i am speechless. Your words express your soul. I respect all women because i know they are way stronger then us. They are the creator and we r defenders. I have seen my mother and have realized her inner strength. I owe you one my friend. Friend you are and standing proudly at the top. :)

You don't have to say anything, @honeychum. :) Just be happy , focused and walk the path that gives you joy and peace and makes your mother smile. I am very happy and proud to have you as my friend. It does not matter whether we have met or not. Our minds understand and respect each other. This is valuable. I am always there :) ... Lots of love and best wishes to you

@nehab I definitely agree that though we lost them we are forever with those who are now on the other side as long as we remember the wisdom that they impart to us and all the love we receive from them

very true, @gratefulayn ... soul is an energy expressed in thoughts. It never goes away. It only transforms :)