Gardening season has started in Canada. I have started my pepper plants and leeks. It is still snowing outside but in a month it will be nicer and I will be outside tilling my garden, getting it prepared for another planting season.
I have a large vegetable, fruit and herb garden with a large variety of heirloom plants that I grow organically.
GMOs (genetically modified organisms) or mutant foods as I like to call them, plague the grocery markets in my corner of the world. If the foods aren't GMOs they are heavily sprayed with pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. I do not agree with the modern practice of farming today, I believe these chemically sprayed GMO foods are harmful to personal health. Life is sacred and should not be altered and genetically modified. Food sustains life and should not be poisoned.
GMO foods are not labeled in grocery stores in Canada though many people have demanded it from the government. I believe we have a right to know if we are eating these corrupted foods.
Our health is greatly effected by the foods we eat and the environment we live in. Our personal health is our greatest asset, we cannot enjoy life without it. Therefore I eat good wholesome organic foods and I have taken up gardening and I love it!
I plan to share my gardening experience with you this season, I hope you will enjoy it.
Written by: J. Marshall from
Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.
let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!
Thank you goldendawne! I like the description of your group it sounds very interesting and right up my alley! I would love an invite! :)
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