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RE: What You Really Really Want

in #life3 years ago

Air drop mouse-click finger hammering to no avail. Failure of the crypto gods. I see you have computer punching fantasies also, lol.

angry frog with two large teeth.

Sounds like time for a bullfrog

The thing, you know? Where you, ahem, ejaculate in a sock and then put a potato in the sock and bury the spunky sock-clad potato in 'midnight soil' and then the next day the very thing you really wanted comes true?

Is that a Scottish rite?

I could not miss the nipple slip display in your cover image. I'm impressed. Since nipples have been front and center the last few days.....too long of a story..... suffice to say, it's nipplicious time. I'm very happy to present you with the first #proofofnipple award, since you have shown nipple in your post. Congratulations!!!



The icon reminded me of a hungry frog. I suspect I have been watching far too many frog time videos!

We Scots do not divulge our rites. Definitely not. Unless it is on a public blockchain and everyone can see of course :OD

If that's the first proof of nipple award then I am humbled! I shall cut it out and wear it as a badge of honour!

It is a strangely captivating GIF, lol!

There's never enough too much when it comes to those videos, thanks for passing on the addiction. I have it in mind to get some others addicted to those videos. Sharing is caring.

We Scots do not divulge our rites. Definitely not. Unless it is on a public blockchain and everyone can see of course :OD

Pass ✅. I had to check, been seeing some funny as f*** that was crazy. The world's not gone totally weird yet but it's getting there. I so gotta up my weird game.

That is the first one, LOL, very first public appearance.

I shall cut it out and wear it as a badge of honour!

I'm dying here, LMAO.

It is a strangely captivating GIF, lol!

I cite Loud & Proud influences. These guys. Stuck with nipples in my head since Saturday and committing to a secret (for now) nipple project. Ended up straying into gif territory in the process, plus some joking on Hive, add that all together and now there's a string of nipples in my mind waiting to pop up.

A string of nipples... Lol, that makes me invisage some kind of knitted nipple attire like a jersey or smart coat made of the dashed things!

Then there would be no need for badges as the whole thing would be a badge!

I look forward to more info dropping on this bizarrely alluring project ::OD

😂 Giving me ideas that will cause far too much disturbance on the street here. I blend, but not a bullfrog in a blender style.

Also, I should clarify, a string of nipples rolling on the sea. I took a break to play around with the gif in preparation to get that sea rolling. I did do a sacrifice ritual to invoke the power of the nipple, but probably shouldn't say that on chain, someone might put in the dark arts category.

There is a more of misinterpretation of art and creativity on the chain as satanic sadly. Best not!

Which is plain daft. Sometimes the crusaders for freedom don't realise that they impinge upon our freedoms with their crusades!

LOL, that'd be right on point, sigh.

Which is plain daft. Sometimes the crusaders for freedom don't realise that they impinge upon our freedoms with their crusades!

Daft, haven't heard that word in a while, good choice. Freedom does not reside outside oneself, not that I've ever found. I wonder if these people ever clean out their own closets before projecting whatever thought forms out there.

They would never dream of looking in the darkened mess of their own closets! Too many skeletons! Haha.

Daft is a great word. I sue it all the time. In Scotland we call someone a daftie if they are overly... well, daftt! It can be affectionate but is usually despairing. I think I will call someone in work it today