Be Careful What You Wish For: FML

in #life6 years ago (edited)

When things go wrong, why command the world to make things worse?

Hold your breath instead of saying it under your breath.

FML = Fuck my life?

Not anymore.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fix My Life.jpeg
Fix My Life

"I Wish I Had Some Ketchup Right Now."

What if that came true?

The one time the world grants you your wish; it's ketchup.

Would you be disappointed? The next time the world listens and wants to help might be thirty years down the road. Will you still be enjoying your ketchup by then?

Do you know someone who constantly makes wishes? I wish I had this, I wish I had that.

Tell them to be careful.

If that's you, stop. Stop wishing for nonsense. How many times in your life has your wish come true? Not often, correct? So, your time is coming. Eventually, your wish will come true. Don't waste it. Keep one wish, hold onto it, never let it go. Make it a good one. Always wish for that, and nothing else.

Make what you want known to the world.

It's listening.

Maybe you don't believe in that? Nature, spirits, gods. Maybe they don't have ears. So who's left to listen?


Listen to yourself. If something goes wrong, why say fuck my life, when it's already fucked?

"Fix my life."

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I'm enjoying the nicest day of the year, so far."

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.


What if you wish for a genie who can grant you 3 wishes? Then you come out ahead.

What if? One word: Hodl

Like a kid, I often wish on the first star I see, but it's a very adult mentality kind of wish. And it's always the same wish. The tricky thing about wishes is how you interpret whether it came true, or to what degree. Me and the universe debate this, or maybe just me and me are debating it, bringing my life goal up for evaluation. Saying it to the universe definitely brings it to the forefront of your mind.

Make it known, however you see fit. If you want anything, you have to focus on it. Can't hit the target with closed eyes.

Why count the wishes you make and not the wishes your life makes true without you even... wishing? For example: You have two legs, two hands, two eyes, a roof above your head, a family to love you, a job to feed you (even if it is poorly paid) and instead of having to wish for all that you have the luxury to ask for pettier things like: I wish I had a new dress to wear today because those 30 ones I keep in my closet are too boring, I wish that man in front of me won't park there so I can get to leave my car, I wish my friend won't eat that cookie I've been staring at for so long so I can get my hands on it,... and the list could keep growing.

Imagine how it would feel to notice everything around you for the first time, all at once. There would be no time to make wishes.

If you're looking at a cookie, there's no need to wish for it. Just go eat it.

Who says you have a limited number of wishes? That's something our parents instilled in us from a mentality of scarcity and lack like a whole generation experienced during the depression. I decided wishes are magical so they're unlimited but you must be sincere and very clear about what you want. And contributing some effort towards big goals helps.

Some folks spend too much time wishing and not enough doing

I agree 100%!

How about free my life? Or FEED my life, free food is always good!

Those are some good f-words. Being trapped and hungry came to mind. Then it got crazy and I thought about chewing off my own leg so I could get away.

😦 SO META!!! Had to resteem this post just for this comment. There are so many great f-words. Finger, fried, fabulous, fantastic, furries.............

I know! Fucked fucking fuckers from Friday!

Steemit has changed my life in a way that you can't imagine. From "fuck myself" or "fuck (ex's name)" or "fuck God" I am now in the "Fuck Steem or Fuck Ned" era every time something goes wrong in my life or even worst I check SBD/Steem price ;)

It'll go up, eventually. For now, just enjoy the ride. Rollercoasters are fun.

"Fix my life" not "fuck my life. I choose positivity over negativity.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all. Hope you have been having some rest?

Whatever it is, I'm taking it easy.

Your time away seems to be doing you good. I will say that all things considered, ketchup is not the worst thing one could wish for. But then, I have been accused of putting ketchup on my ketchup.

Great idea on the mustard bottle too I might add. Might make a good hiding spot for other things like money and stuff. I am sure you have been told this before (but not by me) but you have probably the coolest profile pic on the platform.

I am sure you have been told this before (but not by me) but you have probably the coolest profile pic on the platform.

Thanks! I made it all by myself.

Hahahaha, yes, I assumed you did after looking at your work for the last couple weeks. It's a tossup for me which is better, your profile pic or "Where I've Been Lately", but this is definitely better as a profile pic.

Nope, I'd never wish for ketchup... I can get that for free with a BigMac meal.

I wish I had a BigMac meal right now though.... I need some ketchup!

If I was a genie I'd tell you to go to the damn drive-thru and get it yourself. LOL

Listen to yourself!

This is all important.
Take a few minutes to get away thinking and listening or realize what you are doing or what you are asking.

Many times we realize that the ugly things that live are our fault because we decided to live in this way and in one way or another we provoke it.

I think that more than wasting a wish is to ask ourselves if what I'm going to want, do I really want it?

We're all simple products of the environments we create for ourselves.

It's totally like that!

Haha! The analogy between fuck my life and fix my life made me laugh. Strange thing, one of my readers commented your exact title on my post today. Could it be... Naaah, I don't believe in such things :D

I believe in coincidences. ;)

Hmmm... A crazy idea... Maybe just crazy enough to be true.

Listen to yourself. If something goes wrong, why say fuck my life, when it's already fucked?
... that's a damn good point

I have my moments.

Many :)

I'm glad to see you are having a nice day and you seem a bit optimistic. I've only had my wishes granted 3 times in life and they were very important wishes. The rest of those wishes floated off into the wind. I don't wish for much anymore. Even though I have struggles and things I want, I have a very lovely life the way it is. Interestingly I do wish I had some ketchup. My husband and I have this weird battle over one bottle of ketchup. Last I saw he had stolen it and hid it in his man room where he eats. I'll end up stealing it back and hiding it behind the couch. I wish I had my own bottle.

I'm living a wish come true.

Buy mustard, when the bottle is empty, fill it with ketchup. That'll be your hidden ketchup stash. Nobody will look there.

Hahahha, hard truth are not easily come by... Thanks bud.

Fix my life and don't fuck it... Lol

Bro I'm worried about your publications, is everything all right?
This looks very clearly like 13 reason why.

What's wrong now?

Nothing i just wanted your atenttion, hahahahahaha.

I remember that as a child I wanted my wishes to come true as a caricature that I saw called "the magic godparents" I wanted to be Tymi so that my wishes would be fulfilled would be something fantastic, do not you think?

"It" is missing in todays photo hahah

What photo?

The main one :)))

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 11.13.15.png

That isn't a photo.

Painting* ;))

I wish I wish I wish.... I thought you were more the type of person that would prefer mayo to ketchup.
We are doing it and pushing, but do we need a goal? Do we need to achieve something, to reach a dream in order to motivate ourselves to make things done?
How can you tame a horse to walk where you want, if you don't let him think he is going to get some sugar cubes?

Wow! Very refreshing! The ketchup thing was hilarious!