Some Simple Swirly Art
And maybe some rambling.
I enjoy writing humor.
Some days it's impossible.
It's strange because if I'm sitting with a group of people, having drinks, whatever, even just chilling somewhere — I can usually get people laughing. That is, of course, if they're the type of people who are still connected to this world, and not their device.
It's much easier to deliver jokes, in person. Writing humor is a shot in the dark and even if it goes well, you don't actually hear the laughter.
Hearing laughter is how one finds out if what they said, did, or wrote, was funny. Everyone knows that.
I'll never know if something I wrote is funny, until they laugh. I understand the art form, I've produced many funny moments here, and some days I feel like I've bombed pretty hard.
When you attempt to write something humorous, then get a quiet or confused response, I suppose the feeling is much like how a musician would feel after releasing their latest track, and someone came along to say it straight up sounded like shit.
A lot can be said, when nothing is said at all.
I've been lucky though.
Can't hear the laughs, but I can sense from the response when things go well.
Some folks here enjoy my art and prefer when I take things seriously.
Humor is what put me on the map here in Steem Land though.
Damn near everything I wrote, nearly all 791 posts, had some entertaining or humorous content within.
Most days it flies out of my mind and onto this screen in front of me; it's easy.
Not today.
Can't force it.
All natural, or nothing.
I was watching a comedian the other day.
He took the easy road: Political humor.
I don't really like political humor because for one, he was talking about USA stuff, and I'm Canadian. Also, all one has to do to be funny in that arena is pick a side, and make fun of the other side. That doesn't take skill; the comedian is basically telling the audience what they want to hear. And the "best" in that field, like Stephen Colbert, come equipped with a giant 'applause' sign directly above their heads. If the joke was a groaner, they'll just add in the sound of laughter and cheering before airing the show.
Laughter is supposed to be the only thing left us humans can't fake. We all know what a fake laugh sounds like. Even that big hotshot CEO surrounded by the bogus laughter of all those ass kissers and yes men. She knows, and puts up with it because replacing employees is a royal pain in the ass.
We also know how uncontrollable a real laugh can be. It's hard to hold back.
Can't force a laugh.
All natural, or nothing.
Real comedians will spend weeks writing material. They'll go over that material hundreds of times, adding things in, taking things away. Then every live performance on stage is like a rehearsal for the next show. If they notice something they thought was funny isn't working with the crowd, they drop it. On occasion, a new addition to a joke will pop into their minds, on stage, while performing. If the crowd is roaring, you damn right they'll say it all again in the next show.
When you finally see them on stage doing an hour long special for Netflix or HBO, what you're actually seeing is weeks of writing, hundreds of nights worth of tests and rehearsals performed live in front of people, and a hint of perfection.
Must be nice!
For me, once it's written, all I can do is hope for the best and then move on to the next.
Then I get days like today where I want to but no matter how hard I try, I can't perform. Not even Viagra can save me!
I'm one month away from being a three year veteran here in Steem Land. Since day one all I heard was, "Bring value." "Do something that adds value."
I looked around early on, saw a whole whack of people writing about how much they loved Steemit, making the place smell of cult, or they were offering the always outdated "this is not financial advice" while making money, which was strange to me, because real financial advisors were making less money on a financial institution salary, than some of these folks offering random "not advice."
So I thought, "Hmm... That stuff doesn't seem valuable nor timeless— but art makes billions yearly, fiction sells millions of copies, and comedy sells out stadiums. Maybe I'll do that."
And I'm glad I stuck to it.
There's now hundreds of hours worth of entertainment on my blog.
And it's just as valuable today as it was when it was published. I think that's what they meant when they said, "Bring value to the platform."
When I started, advertisements didn't exist. Now they're here. Maybe, someday, the content producers will get a cut of this ad revenue.
Having a blog that could potentially attract eyes for years to come, even if I stopped producing today, well, that all might be a nice paycheck someday. Who knows... and at least I'm prepared.
So I guess I feel better now. Started out writing the post not knowing why I'm alive, and rambled all the way...
To hell
and back.
Just in time, too.

Come on man, cheer up. All you have to do to get a good belly laugh out of me is to slip on a banana peel and fall on your ass. Kills me every time :-)
Maybe I'll strap on a GoPro and give everyone the point of view perspective of someone who's slippin'!
1st person wackiness always entertains me.
Especially when motorcycles come into play.
Wipe out for views! What a great idea.
It will be easier than doing awesome tricks, those take practice.
Hell yeah, I can recall multiple times when I burst out laughing with your jokes. To me, this is one of the most entertaining blogs on the Steem blockchain. Keep up the good work, good sir! xD
Well that's good to hear. I'll definitely keep going but today the mind is mush and needs a weekend to recharge.
Thanks again.
No problem, it's the truth! You must be fun at parties! (That's not a sarcastic retort :P)
Depends on the party and whether or not there was a funeral before it.
It is a funny business within itself reading people's reactions to your own writing. Well, funny or ridiculous, depending on the mood. When things are misunderstood there is always this gap that hangs in the air - Which one of us is at fault here? Did I not make that clear...or does the reader not read well? I like to think it is more often the latter.
I recall the first thing I saw of yours was a parody of something you saw on the trending page, and being new here I had no idea what you were talking about, but it was quite obviously fiction by halfway through and funny. So if I can walk in on that having no background with it and grasp it, then you must be making yourself clear.
Anyway, unrelated, but I wanted to tell you that I thought of your story while sitting in a bakery the other day. The kids and I have a tradition that we go get a pastry and laze around on the first day of public school, to really bask in our freedom. I was sitting there for a minute or so before I laid eyes on this creepy guy across the way. He had a strong look of hatred on his face, projected in every direction. He was shifting around in his seat, his jaws moving dramatically as he destroyed a croissant in a alligator-like manner. Your story in the coffee shop flashed into my head and I got totally creeped out. Fortunately I think he was just a guy having a really bad day, with no bad intentions.
Took me a bit to see that white up there as an exit within all the red. I just kept seeing a thin grey figure holding up a bit of cheerful white sheet for shelter over its head within all that villainous red. That might have been projection on my part...
The writing does demand attention, it's not for the skimmer. There's usually a lot hidden in between the lines as well. I could be more clear, some days. That removes certain elements I like to include though, if that makes sense.
Some of those posts should be crystal clear. Was that the parody where I was selling crack as a health product? If it was, that's one of my favorite posts. I've written a few parodies though. Maybe you're talking about the self help guru. Band of well-intentioned warriors!
Those people probably hate me... LOL!
I know those types. Those vibes. I learned to pay attention to it; to not be paranoid, but aware. We have the corner of the eye for a reason... and some folks just stare at the concrete.
The art at the bottom is a hellscape. Like a landscape, except hell. I've done a few, one quite similar to that one. It is an exit. Digging through my blog, you'll find more. They come from dreams I used to have. I probably just jinxed it though and will end up wandering around there once again.
Being clear sometimes is not any fun.
It wasn't either of those, I don't remember it too well as it was a year and a half ago. I just remember something about a guy with a pitchfork...but I get the feeling you may have had a lot of pitchforks in your time here ;)
So you dream of hellish places with no end. Interesting. My nightmares are generally more of your traditional horror movie type themes, but you write that sort of thing so obviously it wouldn't scare you. My mom used to have breathing problems as a child, and has had a recurring nightmare of smothering clouds. Your hellholes sound a bit like they could have a physical component that inspired them.
I think I know which one you're talking about. Something about digging potatoes and sleeping behind the fridge. I wrote that one with an accent in my head. I do that often.
There's an end but I wake up every time I see the exit, so I haven't actually got out.
I don't know where these dreams come from. Had one the other day where I woke up, inside of my dream, it was dark, I walked over to the door where I could see a bit of light. Then, suddenly, I found myself slumped over a piece of furniture. I saw a shadow run out of the room. I couldn't move. Didn't feel pain. Eyes were wide open. In my dream, I thought I was awake. Once it crossed my mind that someone was in the room and stabbed me, I woke up. Confused and relieved. Thought I was dead... LOL! It's like going to the movies.
Funny how in dreams too much on an emotional reaction always jerks us awake. It is so obvious, but that never really occurred to me before: the unconscious mind is a very neutral ground, no emotion allowed. Any of that messy emotion stuff throws us back into consciousness. I find there is usually a message in anything I experience while unconscious - whether asleep or from a physical problem. It is as though the mind is always twisting things around to find a solution, and in that neutral place so much more can be solved because of the lack of emotion. The wisdom is just sitting there, but oddly it is always coded into some sort of puzzle that needs a little untangling - the two worlds work together, but not in the same language. Now you've gotten me started and I am falling down the spiritual rabbit hole...this hole isn't a hellhole though, at least.
That dream sounds based in control - fear of being powerless against the bad things should you try to step into that bright light. Oh dream analysis is always fun, although a bit useless when I am making a sweeping judgement about the psyche of someone I have not even met :)
Some of that dream analysis stuff sounds like people reading crystal balls to me. I try to not give it all too much thought. I enjoy the experiences, even if they're not much fun. Maybe the brain craves the chaos, because life could be a little too simple at times.
There have been some eerie coincidences though. Not much fun to talk about.
I've had those eerie coincidences, so eerie I'm not sure they are coincidences. And then that makes it more frightening when you find yourself in a dream where you murdered someone and you're wondering if you will get away with it! But I figure my brain had to up the game because the dreams of all my teeth falling out were no longer frightening me -- they had become comical. I sometimes think our sleeping brains are just trying to toughen us up a bit.
I come here for the comedy and to use my imagination in your art. Please, keep it up.
Yes, if you are going to analyze it, only the dreamer can know the meaning, the rest is crystal ball stuff.
I dont like to think about the eerie coincidences either.
BTW I accidentally unfollow people on my phone periodically, and then re-follow. So if you see that, my phone apparently doesn't like you, but I still do.
Is there some kind of a difference between the two?
I am not funny in writing, but in real life I am actually quite hilarious - just not around people.
I think comedy is one of the most difficult areas to perform in and in writing even worse because not only is there no feedback, you have no idea what mood you catch the audience in. People generally don't put on a Netflix standup routine when they are depressed, yet they might read a post in that state.
However, struggling to be funny or do whatever you are good at from time to time is a good thing, as it helps you recognize when things are flowing well.
Perhaps if you listen to what that conch shell in the last image has to say, it will tell you something funny to write about for tomorrow. While I am happy now, I plan on being depressed tomorrow so you missed your chance to make me laugh - I will still read your post, but know that there will unlikely be even a faint smirk.
The rambling post meets the rambling response. Just kidding.
Yes, there's a difference. It's hard to explain. Many from Canada have been consumed by USA's media though so many of the conversations would be similar these days. We're all just a product of our environment. I don't pay attention to what's happening there, since most of the news turned into theater.
Maybe if it rains tomorrow, I'll pretend to not be depressed, by writing humor, so someone who's depressed can mistake me for an asshole....? This is so confusing.
Theatre, eh? Don't you have Justin Timberlake as your Prime Minister? Must be a musical.
It is confusing, but depression is simple. You don't really need to do much for it for it to stay the same. Kind of like having a cactus to care for.
No, we do have a Justin, but timber is for lumberjacks and lakes are for me.
The worst bout of depression I ever faced came after a severe concussion. Still haunts me, plus I banged my head a few more times since then. Just the other day I took a spill on the dirtbike and saw some fancy stars!
Depression is no laughing matter.
At least while nothing amusing is happening.
I was depressed once upon a time due to illnesses, not worth the effort.
I'll take it seriously but not so much when folks use it for attention, so others feel sorry for them. Seeking that sort of attention is common on social media. I used to follow someone on Facebook and every day, for years, all they did was moan and groan. Never once did they write about going for a walk, and how it made them feel better. Get the blood flowing. Beat the crap out of a punching bag. Trigger some adrenaline. That's way better than those pills.
Sympathy sluts.
I would say that you frequently make me laugh.
"He took the easy road: Political humor.
Haha Truth. I am so sick of that brand of comedy.
"Having a blog that could potentially attract eyes for years to come, even if I stopped producing today, well, that all might be a nice paycheck someday. Who knows... and at least I'm prepared."
That's what I am hoping for here. It's about what I earn today, its about what I might earn tomorrow.
Unwise to forget about tomorrow.
That's good you're laughing. Hopefully I'll have something new up within a couple days. Taking a bit of a break over here.
You never hear them laughing but they do indeed. I get a good laugh from your blogs and appreciate the swirly mcwhirlyness of the art too :O)
This is good. You're one of the rare who can actually make me laugh. Still cracking up over the time you threw that beer... LOL!
Hehe, and the grass is still alive!!
Are the bugs still drunk?
It's hard to tell with the Scottish bugs, they might have been drunk to start with!
That's what I was thinking, but it's always better if you say it in this day and age. The politically correct stuff... sigh.
Oh the pc brigade. Always do ready to leap upon offense!!!
It's hard to tell with
The Scottish bugs, they might have
Been drunk to start with!
- meesterboom
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
There are only a few accounts I check to see if there's a new post. I'm happy I found this one and actually READ and have a good laugh!
Now, could you give a little more clear hint on who the hotshot CEO is? ;)
Good to know I've managed to find a way into your daily routine. It's difficult to be on every single day. Huge challenge, quite tiring. A post like this rambling mess, I suppose I just wanted to make sure it's not all for nothing. It's not, so that's good.
I think if I cleared that one up, I'd be swimming with the fishes. HA! It's not that bad. I've met a few, seen a few around, witnessed their entourages. It could be all of them!
Hello... Are you Okay?
You are right. Written comedy must be the toughest. I did laugh with one of posts, I just do not remember it right now.
Once a comedian was hired at a party in my home country of Peru. He had the people literally falling from their chairs and crawling with laughter. One of the best experiences in my life.
It's tough. Even the simple act of writing an intentionally long run on sentence to deliver some amusement might make someone who doesn't realize they're reading a joke think I don't even know how to write. Some of those grammar rules must bend at times.
I love comedy shows. I enjoy how they deal with hecklers. Hilarious when someone goes to a comedy show, and takes things seriously, almost personally, then gets angry and becomes annoying. Comedy can force the narcissistic types to break and show their true colors.
Sometimes I can be funny in meetings, but I prefer to be the one who listens and laughs non-stop!
It would be interesting to hear you say jokes, although because of the geographical difference we laugh at different things. Although there are universal jokes haha!
That's another hurdle. Cultural differences. On a few occasions, I've written something ridiculous, while in character yet, and somehow, some guy, from wherever, read the entire thing with a serious tone of voice in their head. Then I get a comment. If I did some self-deprecating stuff, they're telling me not to worry and that everything will be okay. LOL! I have to say, it's just a joke, it's all bullshit, meant to make people laugh. Then I get, "Why would make fun of yourself?"
There are also quite a few posts where the build up lasts forever, and the post sounds serious. People stop reading before they get to the end, and leave a comment. The comment doesn't make sense, they clearly missed the whole point of the post was to tell a joke at the end... way over their heads. Finding those who pay attention can be tough as well.
Yeah, it's hard to understand you sometimes. That's what interaction for getting to know each other is all about.
The other thing is cheating, haha!
Sometimes not sure to laugh at the words or be afraid of the images... But it is surely always an interesting engagement done here!
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Getting a natural response is ideal but that's something I can't control. If you feel like laughing, laugh. There's nothing to be truly afraid of. The dark stuff is just entertainment.
Adding a little humor into a blog makes it seem more personable or animated I guess as it makes me feel I'm in the room with the person, not just reading some words on a page. It shows personality, or conversely, lack of, in my opinion. Anyway, you give me a laugh with almost every blog so you're all good there. Seemingly by the comments here most feel the same.
When I read people's blogs and they reach out with personality I often think to myself, "sounds like a legit person I wouldn't mind meeting" and so I stay for more.
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Some supportive folks here indeed. I doubt anything would said if someone actually had an issue. Constructive criticism is healthy, most days.
I also look for personality in the writing. I follow people, not posts. I've been trying for years to encourage more folks to add themselves into their posts. It's just a page turner if all I see is a few photos, for instance, and no words about their own personal experience. I'll stumble into a new musician and all it says is, "Here's my new song." But who are you? Adding your own personality is important on this platform. If every post was about trees, majority of people would gravitate towards the one who's personality makes the tree posts more interesting than the others. I'm rambling, you get it.
Yeah, I do the same. Even one of those dumb boulder Monday posts might get my attention if it's well written and has some personality...Actually nah, probably not. 😂
Laughter is one of the hardest things to bring yet must be done naturally. Great medicine though. Sometimes we need to blog. I get it completely. Have a beer tonight and smile. You are loved by us.
I think I will crack a beer and smile tonight. Have to save some energy though. Being out in the middle of a lake on a kayak, just to stare at the moon — that's the plan.
I love the smell of cult in the morning. And in answer to your first question, many a time!
Have you seen the CCC market today? It's rather lively :)
"Many a time!" That's good to know. I remember early on telling people, "Listen. Saying LOL is a perfectly fine response around here!" it just won't get you a comment vote.... LOL!
I've been watching that one, closely. It's almost as if the word finally got out, somehow...
what about lololol?
I found a tool to see who was looking to buy or sell a token, the sizable buy caught my eye earlier. https://steem.tools/steemengine/markets.php?to=&symbol=CCC
And the coder has added a reference to if they are human or not. The sneaky bot has decided that just above that large trade is a good position.
Interesting stuff. We can spy on who's ditching as well! LOL!
And then head straight to Discord to dish out some fruity language! Or just collect them and say thank you kindly.
I still avoid Discord. People probably think I'm stuck up.
...as I sit here talking to everyone.
I wise choice for the most part, there are occasionally some 'shows' worthy of an hour of your time. Whilst you sit here talking to everyone.
Existential crisis? :)
And yes, yes you have. At least smile if not outright actual laughing.
No crisis. Just rambling out some honesty, I guess.
Since reading is often internalized, smiles are just as good.
Humour is very personal , that says it all .
You make yourself laugh and you share , who cares for anything else and if you can enjoy a laugh with another then it is a very different expression than on writing or drawing , very different . .. we are lucky , humour is many shades and colors so it can be seen and felt everywhere in our perception .
Interesting sharing .
I think your posts are very creative and scary. I can’t say I laughed a lot, but it sounds like you're talking about something serious.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Maybe you've only seen the creative and scary ones? I don't always write humor. Out of all the things I do, humor is what I enjoy most.
Do you write them like writting a letter to your girl friend?
Dear Tookallnames,
I missed you a lot. My day was like
I don’t think so
How do you do?
You write something fictional like it is real?
May be just some inspiration from your real life experience?
Is there any reality in your writes?
If I'm writing fiction, I'll tag it fiction. It should be obvious, the alien who went to Disney World the other day, was fiction. If it's reality or based on reality I'll tag it 'life'.
There's plenty of reality. Most folks can tell the difference, I hope.
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Not posted using Partiko Android
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @nonameslefttouse!
Fast forward to 9 minutes remaining :)
Countless times, my poor keyboard even suffered for it with the liquid and the snorting... thought I'd jump on to a fun nonames marathon but looks like you've been gone the whole time I have, hope you're having a blast wherever you are!
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After all this time, it's a good feeling hearing my name get thrown around in that context. Thanks for the heads-up.