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RE: Have I Ever Made You Laugh?

in #life6 years ago

he was talking about USA stuff, and I'm Canadian.

Is there some kind of a difference between the two?

I am not funny in writing, but in real life I am actually quite hilarious - just not around people.

I think comedy is one of the most difficult areas to perform in and in writing even worse because not only is there no feedback, you have no idea what mood you catch the audience in. People generally don't put on a Netflix standup routine when they are depressed, yet they might read a post in that state.

However, struggling to be funny or do whatever you are good at from time to time is a good thing, as it helps you recognize when things are flowing well.

Perhaps if you listen to what that conch shell in the last image has to say, it will tell you something funny to write about for tomorrow. While I am happy now, I plan on being depressed tomorrow so you missed your chance to make me laugh - I will still read your post, but know that there will unlikely be even a faint smirk.


The rambling post meets the rambling response. Just kidding.

Yes, there's a difference. It's hard to explain. Many from Canada have been consumed by USA's media though so many of the conversations would be similar these days. We're all just a product of our environment. I don't pay attention to what's happening there, since most of the news turned into theater.

Maybe if it rains tomorrow, I'll pretend to not be depressed, by writing humor, so someone who's depressed can mistake me for an asshole....? This is so confusing.

since most of the news turned into theater.

Theatre, eh? Don't you have Justin Timberlake as your Prime Minister? Must be a musical.

It is confusing, but depression is simple. You don't really need to do much for it for it to stay the same. Kind of like having a cactus to care for.

No, we do have a Justin, but timber is for lumberjacks and lakes are for me.

The worst bout of depression I ever faced came after a severe concussion. Still haunts me, plus I banged my head a few more times since then. Just the other day I took a spill on the dirtbike and saw some fancy stars!

Depression is no laughing matter.

At least while nothing amusing is happening.

I was depressed once upon a time due to illnesses, not worth the effort.

I'll take it seriously but not so much when folks use it for attention, so others feel sorry for them. Seeking that sort of attention is common on social media. I used to follow someone on Facebook and every day, for years, all they did was moan and groan. Never once did they write about going for a walk, and how it made them feel better. Get the blood flowing. Beat the crap out of a punching bag. Trigger some adrenaline. That's way better than those pills.

Sympathy sluts.