Hi I'm @NoNamesLeftToUse and I Can't Even Compete with a Fucking Corn on the Cob

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"Do something that'll bring value to the platform," I read on my first day here.
Nearly two years later...
The people who literally get paid to promote things around here chose corn.
That's their fucking business model.


NoNamesLeftToUse - Just Kill Me Already.jpeg
Just Kill Me Already

I'm a good sport though.

I can handle losing.

During my teenage years, I was a hockey player.  I learned how to find the balance between being ultra-competitive, and not getting my way no matter how hard I tried.

Discipline, confidence, and respect.  I had to learn when to stand up for myself; I had to learn when to sit down, shut up, and listen.

I wanted to be on the first line, wanted to be the top goal scorer.  Coach helped me understand how I wasn't cut out for that role.  I wasn't good enough.  Others were better, he explained.

I was fast, agile, I hit hard, and I had an attitude.  Coach put me on the third line, right wing position.  He said it was my job to wear the other team down, get under their skin, stay out of the penalty box.  When the puck was in the opposing team's zone, it was my duty to charge the net, stand in front of the goalie, be a pest, push the defense around, dodge pucks flying at me from all directions, look for deflections, wait for the rebounds; be a grinder.

I didn't score many goals, but I did knock a lot of guys down on their asses.  I took my bumps as well.  I'd line a dude up, smash him into the boards, I'd hear cheering as I'm winded, barely able to skate to the bench so I could sit and recoup for three minutes.  Then go back out and do it all over again but this time it's me who gets hit because the other team always wants to return the favor to those who are clearly out there to throw the body around. Tit-for-tat.  Every season, every game, again and again and again.

No complaints.

Those were some of the best days of my life.

Coach didn't turn me into that guy, hold me back, or rob me of any opportunities.  He recognized my strengths.  If you're rearranging the furniture, you don't put the TV behind the couch.  Everything, everyone; it all has a place.

Sure, I would have had more ice time if I was on the first line, I would have scored more goals; maybe I'd be able to sit here and tell a story about the time I scored the game winner in overtime to win the championship series, a hero.  That didn't happen for me.

So what.  Everything I did led up to those moments, even though we lost the one season we made the finals.

That was my last game.

Still no complaints.

I was part of a team.  Valued.  Every loss turned into a win, somehow.

I grew up, had to learn how to be my own coach.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.  It's all good.

"Bring value to the platform."

Can't compete with one sentence and a picture of corn on the trending page.

Yet through my efforts I've brought $32000 worth of value to this platform.  I've earned 975 SP by simply pushing the vote button, to help others.  I started with nothing but ambition and knowing it would all add up no matter how small of a reward I received.

Maybe I can't compete with corn these days, but my account value was once worth over 200k in Canadian dollars.  I don't feel like a fucking loser because my strange art form, ridiculous posts, humor, writing and whatever else I come up with can't compete with a goddamn lousy piece of shit post about corn.

I had to work for my goals way back when.  That's my strength.  I don't remember anyone making the net bigger and moving it closer so the whiny little brats who refused to work could score.  Even the people who beat us had to earn theirs so pardon me if I have trouble wrapping my head around what makes these shit posting trenders tick.  I just don't get it.

Their coaches set them up for failure.  Selling trophies and offering up participation awards.  Thanks for showing up!  Hold my hand!  That's a good boy!  So special!

My coaches were some of the greatest men who ever lived.  People I will never be able to forget still playing a pivotal role in my life providing guidance from my past, for this day.

Even if this turns into yet another loss, I'm still winning.

And fuck being corny.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Please pardon me. I'm taking a short break. I'll respond to your comments when I get back."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

There are 2 pages

Despite what the "pending payout" value says, that poster will lose money on that post. Over time I think that people will learn that pushing "shit posts" into trending is a losing proposition. The Byteball airdrop using reputation was a setback there, but that was resolved and hopefully won't happen again.

You comparing your own success on the platform and the value you have provided to paid promotion content doesn't really make sense. In any case, I accidentally upvoted your "shit post award" comment for for $240, so now your comment is "winning" :-)

Was just looking at some old memories. This was something I never forgot. But I went quiet for about a month and a half after I wrote this. Probably the only post of mine where I didn't respond to anyone and just walked away for a bit. Put it all behind me but always wanted to say thanks.


Upvoting shitposts. That what we do around here. Here's a McSteemy.

"I accidentally upvoted your "shit post award" comment for for $240" - Nice accident, pity more bot owners didn't take the same outlook.

It was The Corn Award Reward

One of The Best For The Yesr

Now , All I have to do is Just Quarantine CORN

So which post is it ? can someone link me to it ??

What are you going do?
You don't even have enough SP ?

I am going to look at it , is it allowed?

You need to be a genius to find the post.
This is a Genius Account.
We do look for things that we are looking for. Tough!

Wait a tic.

Why exactly did you remove the vote from the post?

Have you changed your position on unvoting low quality user contributions aka shitposts or is it only those that make it to Trending?

I say this because not sure if you recall but I sure do remember our disagreement when I asked you to remove votes on that sort of thing.

Historical Context

You called me a bully for threatening to tell others about your refusal to unvote junk. I think I was being fair to call you out and hope you acknowledge it now so we can work together to build a better Steem.

I'm hoping this will be a water under the bridge scenario aka you have repented and we can know move forward productively.

I accidentally upvoted your "shit post award" comment for for $240, so now your comment is "winning" :-)

still dont get what you mean by this....

img src

Does this help?

Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 2.09.22 PM.png


holy shit....

My jaw dropped seeing thats.
You dont fucking mean it @yabapmatt didnt just fucking drop a 100% upvote for the shit award....
i think i need big bro to fucking drop a 100% on this shitty comment of mine


it was a nice award indeed....

The people who literally get paid to promote things around here chose corn.
That's their fucking business model.
Image 113.jpg

Nice story.
Did a corn post make trending?

Unbelievable Jeff.

I have no words, or corn.

I really regret not reading this sooner so I could upvote it. I just got around to actually reading the post and freaking loved it.

I was going to suggest again stop looking at trending but i suppose that's the easiest way to find shitpost of the day awards XD

Posted using Partiko Android

I never look for trending.
I set my own trends and they are never on the front page until long after I have left them!

If you're rearranging the furniture, you don't put the TV behind the couch.

After 24 years I finally learned how to use the damn thing... so its supposed to go on top of the couch right?

I started with nothing but ambition and knowing it would all add up no matter how small of a reward I received.

I'm right there with you, slowly but surelly my account will grow! What people don't realize is that the growth is exponential and not linear, which means that the start will be slow, but after a while it will add up and the growth will be imense! Maybe even more then we can even spend!

Canadian dollars

Fake money... the only true dollars are USA dollars! JK... im not even american :P

Lol fake news too! 😂👍🏻

I always enjoy reading your posts when I am able to find time. You're one of those individuals that make me think and I HATE to think when I'm off work. I like to look at pretty flower photography or comedyopenmic posts. Heck, even throw in a corn on the cob into the mix! Lol, I saw Matt upvoted your comment there, and well, you have surpassed the corn on the cob. Way to go with team spirit. :)

Where are you? Post already! It was just a bit of corn and some idiots. Really.

Can't blame you if you don't, though.

For those who want to have a look at the posting that contains said corn, it is here. The photo in it is so stunningly beautiful and competently made that it got a well-deserved award.

Fucking unreal man.

I miss you man - come back and do a shitpost




Was hoping to see more biting commentary against the powers that be but nothing since the corn post. Well that shucks! 🌽

Hope you break out of whatever but you are in sooner rather than later. I know this damn place can be a drain at times.

cmon do soemthing.jpg

??? I hope you are still alive and well. No bus hit and run rumors here at all. Just curious. You are missed though! 😔

A whole week without you! Well I suppose if you're going to make a break for it for awhile, this is the time to do it. And actually it gives me a chance to start catching up on some of the brilliance I missed when my schedule was stuffed to the gills, though it's more the commenting I missed then reading the actual posts. Still there are a handful of them.

Wait you're not supposed to put the tv behind the couch? Where prey tell does it go then?

...those who are clearly out there to throw the body around.

lol you were this so called “the bad ass guy”. In my childhood I played almost everything and was almost everything as well. Goalkeeper, defense, offense you name it. I think we would win a lot if we had played together.
I don’t want to get to this “Tranding page” subject, but keep doing what you do. You had a great coach, these “trending page...” were not that lucky.

very nice art.Your writing is very important.Thank you very much.

Do the green bits in the face indicate envy, calm, decomposing eyes, or melting solar eclipse glasses?

So I take it that you feel just a negative as I do....I wish we could turn back time two years. It was a different scenario then. You will know.

Bro.. you have your own value. Original content always matters. Cheer up aight

Well that just a great comparison!
For sure with making the net bigger 😁.
It sounds that you had a great coach which used not only your strengths but also who did gave you a honest picture of the situation, which is actually one hell of a life lesson!
I can’t say that I have invested much fiat money in the platform, just a little bit over 100 bucks but I am trying to make that up with my time investment into the platform. (Nothing wrong with that I hope) I wasn’t quite sure if steem was the real deal but I enjoyed it too much too ditch it!
Asher made a top 100 of the most engaged people in the blockchain and to my surprise I did made it in the top 90.
So I am fighting my way up the ladder by writing post and placing genuine comments. I quickly decided not to be blinded by the payouts on the trending page because most of them buy their way into it!
Thanks for the great post! You do have a new genuine follower!

Why are you so hatefully opposed to corn? I don't get it! ;-P

Nah, jokes besides, ty for your text, made me nod in approval and smile more than just once.

Hahaha the corn, that's really sad. Don't discourage yourself for that

Don't put the TV behind the couch? Damn I knew I should have signed up for hockey. Good story.

Discipline, confidence, and respect. I had to learn when to stand up for myself; I had to learn when to sit down, shut up, and listen...That's so inspiring to me

Corn is everywhere I look right now. I'm sick of it, and we are only on August 1st. Every farm stand is loaded - 3 for $1. The Steemit alternate-reality corn is really out of my price range.

Now why would that sunburned gardener look up at that lovely sunflower and say "Just kill me already"? Too many weeds? An accident spraying pesticides? Maybe he's sick of corn also. He's not the only one - sunflowers are the prettiest of the season - I talk to mine too.

Super corn Is it from another planet Cause no one respects corns here

Posted using Partiko Android

Great story @nonameslefttouse but what makes me to comment is your user name pretty cool 😎 user name in love with your user name♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Followed you one the reason is your user name keep growing dear

It could be worse, it could be 578 responses to the questioning post of - "I like fish - Do you like fish?"

Got to hand it to him though, this is likely o be bigger than his soup post. Simple, direct, and making him a shit load of money for a simple question.

Is it a shit post?, It's a question. It doesn't take a lot to think about to answer. Could I make a post with a title and a total of 4 words in the post and make a shit load of money? Not bloody likely, but bernie, yeah he can.

Did he:

"Do something that'll bring value to the platform,"

with his post, hard to say. it certainly appears it is going to bring in a lot of value to him $430.22 so far.

Is it any wonder people wonder about steemit. there are tools and schemes and ways to get things done on steemit to make money if people are interested in making money. Even if bernie did not use any bots at all on his simple little post, he likely would have still gotten a lot of votes, and a lot of comments.

Your fault, I had just had to go looking for that CORN post on trending, I never did find any post about corn, but to be honest I kind of stopped scrolling after seeing bernie's fishy post.

I wasn't here two years ago, but I've already seen a lot of head-shaking stuff in just the last few months.

I'm quietly contemplating whether you could perpetually anchor yourself at the top of Trending by becoming the official "Shit Post of the Day Award" giver outer... just repost the worst shitpost with a nice award plaque, and the approximately 342 billion people who are sick to death of shitposts would organically upvote those award posts to Trending.

Multi-layer shitposting. It's a thing. It's the future...


Thanks for reminding me to my own education...

All hail corn on the cob!
Oh wait, was that the point of this post? Whoops, let me try again.

All hail people who know how to exploit our strengths!
Er, haven't quite got it yet I think..

All hail-- oh hell, I'll just go with Sometimes people are just plain dumb. I try not to fall into that category, and I am proud to say that corn on the cob, no matter how delicious, will never compete with your fantastic self in my eyes. Not your art, or your words.

So all hail true talent like @nonameslefttouse, and those who can always spot it like moi ;)

I never visited the trending page, however, I'm here.

"Maybe I can't compete with corn these days" Corn is hard to compete with. You can eat it, make liquor or put it in a hole. It's great.

"Their coaches set them up for failure. Selling trophies and offering up participation awards." I agree with that. I think the people who pushed that way of treating people did us all a disservice my making everyone expect to be a winner with no work.

nice story man.but it can be more interesting.

Hey @nonameslefttouse I don't think you put enough "red" in your art on this post. Way too much green showed up. lol. Somebody's on the radar now....

Thats unbelievable!!
Well!! Hie.. I'm a newbie. I too write. Care to read.
Here is the link to my post. Upvote if you like the content. thanks!


Feedback appreciated!

Dis why I don't even look at the trending page.

Excelente historia, espero que a mi hijo le toque un entrenador como el tuyo

I'm really starting to wonder what the corn incident has done with you.

Anyway, I hope you will start posting again.

thanks for the insights into your journey along steemit, some of the answers you got were good and some left some corn stuck in your teeth !

Blink twice if you have been kidnaped by the corn associations of farmers. If it was by K0rn then you better let us all know so we can come and party!

Rescues Packages Could Include

--Box of kittens

--Day trip to the zoo to see the otters.

-- Hit # 12

-- Johnnie Walker Black Label

-- The corn was a disuse for the crickets and you need more fly paper. It went Breaking Bad in here.

-- You need an extra roll of double ply as you ran out and been sitting on the crapper for a week now.

-- That one lady finally called your work ark work and you assumed the worst that the world is ending. As a time traveling cat I can assure that you does not happen till 11/21/211. Don’t tell the humans.

-- You somehow become elected the prime minister of Canada and have been screaming from a window for a week now for a step ladder to escape. I hope a firetruck will have a big enough ladder.

-- A giant vat of boiling water we are cooking some corn.

@nonameslefttouse, dude are you still alive or did the whales eat you? I know this pic didn't have enough red in it, but it wasn't a complete failure.

Sorry @nonameslefttouse, I guess I should have read the credits.... You picked a hell of a time to take a vacation, you should have a heart-attack of a payout when you get back, which is totally awesome and well deserved


Once... in 7days
there was nopostlefttoread...
Stuck on the comment section and had to go down your memory lane...
got lost in your brain
Had to drag myself out...
Think i needed the Vacation to catch up with your history
and it sure was a hell of a fun-ride down the timeline..
its legendary....
and one that should be honored...

Miss you much man....

please end the vacation

its past mid-term

this place is getting so boring already.....

And this Shit just got RESTEEMED.

It seems you've ridden your dirt bike off into the sunset. Bird poop and all, no doubt. Are you coming home soon? Things are getting a bit boring here lately. God speed.

So it finally happened... you decided to expire yourself huh?

You can pretend, but I know you’re sitting behind your computer with not a stitch on, probably haven’t shaved, showered or brushed your teeth for — checks last posting date — 17 days. No doubt you resemble that mythical Yeti, and not that cute guy you briefly revealed yourself to be.

Is crypto worth turning yourself into an anti-social media monster?

Is being compared to corn and found to be lesser so bad? Corn is an essential staple of our civilization after all. It deserves to have a moment on the trending page. Most of us know and can relate to corn.
The ability to relate = $$$.

So why not just work off your frustration. Just find a dead tree, nail a sign to it that says: ‘F*cked Up Steemit Trending Page’ and smack it with your hockey stick. A bit like boxing, only a little more psycho...

Then when you run out of energy, it’s okay to fall to the ground and have a manly cry at being defeated by a corn cob. Just release the poison, then dust yourself off and return a changed man...like Gandalf.

But if you’re determined to be melancholy, here...listen to this. Just remember to replace the very last word in the song from ‘rose’ to ‘corn’.

Maybe it’ll help you see corn in a more sentimental, loving light...

Where you been ?

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