Sometimes I look around and leave shaking my head. How many more Hive posts will trend today? Is this the Covid-19 forum? Why did it only take me three seconds to find a noob named 'medicant' publishing total nonsense? Why does it take three hours of scrolling the same feed to find someone new I'd actually be interested in following? Have I become a fussy prick?
![NoNamesLeftToUse Wow cover.png](
I'll be an 'Orca' in less than a week.
It's so strange. I used to read posts back in the day that stated things like, "You'll never become an Orca by blogging alone."
So I'd sit and watch all these shitheads with their tricks and gimmicks. With a sizable wallet, steadily selling, constant barrage of daily shit posts, vote selling, alternate accounts, voting rings, automation bots, yadda yadda yadda; sure, someone actually could pull 50k out of the reward pool and Orcanize themselves by "blogging."
Dumbass me over here did it the "hard" way.
Maybe it's all due to a technicality but I'll take it.
The SP that's slowly becoming HP was all earned by producing actual content.
I'm one of those dipshits who signed up to that "experiment" back in 2016 with nothing in the wallet, thinking it would be like Youtube, where I could simply produce content and slowly grow a supportive following.
You can follow the money by scrolling through my blog and see where things started to go really well, then, continue on the path, and watch how someone attempting to grow organically (me) would earn peanuts while the profiteers using tricks and gimmicks laughed their asses all the way to the bank.
Playing by the rules, sticking to the original vision, and working hard actually made me feel kind of silly at times because those other folks were "becoming orcas" every month or so, several times per year.
Set it and forget it. Some didn't even have to look at posts or be contributing members of the community.
Came so close to losing everything.
I nearly became one of the thousands who left due to being forced out of business. Nobody of sound mind wants to pay a toll to post on a platform that allows free posting, in order to be competitive, especially when the competition consists of shit posters and plagiarists who scared all the consumers away.
At the time, I would have had to purchase more and higher powered votes in order for my work to rise above the shit posters and shady crew. Meaning those selling votes would have made even more money due to that wall of garbage put in place, and I would have been broke.
I studied the business model thoroughly and realized quite early, the precise moment the vote selling "for visibility" model becomes as successful as it possibly could was also the moment it collapses in on itself and dies.
If you're attempting to purchase a top slot on trending and do so with 100 others lining up for the same thing at the same moment, you'll end up purchasing maybe ten minutes worth of "trending time" before your post is knocked down by the rest of the competition. Who would spend hundreds for ten minutes of time on a platform that lacked genuine consumers?
Meanwhile, tens of thousands can't compete no matter how hard they try, so they're forced out of business and leave.
To top it all off, this is an attention economy, and many of the top earners were getting paid to look away.
![NoNamesLeftToUse To The Right.png](
How long would you last in retail if you allowed any old merchadiser off the street to place their junk in the high traffic areas, all while placing the products the consumer actually came to buy in the worst possible locations like a top shelf most can't reach?
That's how you win the Darwin Award!
I'm happy it happened because there's no better way of learning what not to do.
And I'm so glad I see them trying it out again on Steem.
It's a game for suckers designed by profiteers who'll eagerly prey upon the gullible minds of those desperate for attention.
Create a problem then offer a solution for a fee. That's the oldest trick in the book. Dates all the way back to those travelling snake oil salesmen I learned about as a child while watching black and white western movies with my elders.
Seeing them do it again on Steem reminds me of a disgusting analogy. Gangstas shooting gangstas. A problem that'll eventually solve itself.
Of course it doesn't work like that but since they are not part of this community, them buying votes over there means they're helping us get rid of the competition.
Combine that with all the other problems they have going on and it's almost damn time we start sending over thank you cards.
Maybe a gift basket.
![NoNamesLeftToUse Saw It Coming.png](
Hive isn't perfect!
Oops. Did I just make you spit out your drink?
I have a couple things to complain about but first and foremost please recognize the fact I want this platform to succeed.
Based on the amount of Hive fandom I seem to be seeing a lot of lately (preaching to the choir), being negative is probably frowned upon. Constructive criticism on a platform that adores free speech should be more than welcome though, one would think.
- General content produced by the masses.
- Development news, Hive news, platform politics, etc.
These two do not mix well together, especially when they're ranked high, making up top slots on the trending page, and in direct competition for eyeballs.
My home can be a bit messy at times but I still know where everything is.
I'm suggesting the recent development news, Hive content, internal memo style posts and the like get their own home. Instead of being mixed in with 'trending' content, I'd like to see it all sorted into something like a 'Hive News' tab or 'Recent Developments' tab.
The variety of general content intended for a wide audience stays on 'trending' but that can be renamed to something like 'What's Popular' or 'Popular Now'.
The actual trending content would then be near the top slots of their respective group.
In my mind, it makes no sense to publish important news, then have that news bumped down by my art, your photography, a good musical performance, that awesome story about your mom, the outrageous conspiracy theory, or whatever.
Why am I scrolling for days to find that post about Hive keychain being updated or the how to install Hive keychain post? Wouldn't it make more sense to have this critical information all in one spot, sitting high in top slots for many more hours because a photography post can't bump it down?
Yes. It would make more sense to have it all organized.
Vice versa. If I want to be entertained after learning everything I need to know that day, why must I scroll through all this technical stuff just to find something to immerse myself in and maybe meet someone new?
Again, these two types of content don't mix well and it's pointless to have it all competing against each other when it's equally important.
Something as simple as a properly tagged post or even the usage of a community should be enough to sort this out.
Then we're left with popular content everyone can enjoy in one space, and another space where everyone can go to inform themselves, so people can stop saying this place is too hard and "they didn't know how."
![NoNamesLeftToUse What It Was.png](
When you're looking at that money beside a post, please keep in mind only half goes to the publisher.
I'm witnessing some folks complain about others earning money here. That's been going on for years. What I'm seeing lately though is something like:
"They're earning 40 bucks! For that!"
No. They're earning twenty.
Celebrate success; let people have fun. If you see a post making the big bucks, realize it can also be considered a generous offering since half of that value is going back to the contributing community members who voted.
Popularity is common in this industry. It happens. If more and more consumers are voting for something or someone because they like it or like them, let it happen!
If all we're going to do is allow developers, a few worthy witnesses, and some folks with fat wallets to earn the big bucks while the rest of the general content creators are forced to work under some kind of an unwritten rule of a salary cap, that'll just lead to disappointment; animosity.
If someone is posting three or four times per day and that content always reaches top slots then yeah, I understand, it's time to step in and make reward adjustments. Other than that though, save the downvote power for actual instances of abuse, like that "medicant" character I mentioned off the top, or the King.
That's all. Thanks for putting up with me!
Have a nice day.
![NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png](
When I first joined back in 2017 I wrote a post titled something like
"How can one locate quality content on Steemit?"
I was utterly confused because the idea was really cool, but I would scroll for like an hour and find nothing but utter garbage upvoted to oblivion. I had just gotten done writing a post that took me several hours to put together and it got literally less than a penny in rewards.
At the time, I had no idea what a 'bid bot' was, so I didn't realize that people were paying for those up-votes to their meme filled nonsense. So it had me pulling out my hair pretty aggressively!
I feel like things are a bit better since the bots are pretty much dead, but people always find a way to game the system. I wish we could figure out a good, effective way to clean up the feeds so that real good content gets in there. I guess we all have to put the effort in to be better curators for that to happen.
This! And I'd also like to add that I find it a little cheeky when people complain about really good posts that get really high rewards, and even flag them... like $80+ posts or whatever. Give me a break... If people are going to complain about someone getting 100 bucks for a well crafted post, then what they are really saying is:
"Don't expect to be a full time blogger, and if you do - don't do it on Hive."
If this platform ever really took off, I would expect that the best posts would consistently earn over $100. Otherwise, why would any real content creators waste their time.
Like I said, those paid votes scared away a lot of consumers. Nothing made sense. Crap earning top dollar (most of that money was actually going to a handful of vote sellers but nobody knew that). Quality creators left out of frustration. In one of my first posts pointing out those issues I suggested the posts with paid votes be marked as 'paid programming' or 'advertisments' since that what they were, but I was ignored, things got worse. They almost destroyed the entire content creation element of this blockchain, for nothing.
Things are better but you're right about gaming and I pointed out how it didn't take me long to find an example of it. That name I mentioned was spamming garbage, and I'm sure the voters are also voting for many other garbage posts created in the same fashion. All this spam for a few quarters a day clogs the arteries here and we can't find the good stuff. Scroll and scroll. Click, realize it's just a shit post, exit, scroll, scroll, click, another shit post. Where are the people?!? They're around, just hard to find on the feed.
And of course limiting 'success' is a terrible idea. No need to pick on the actual content creators for doing well.
I think you just hit the head on the nail...wait...or is it the other way around? I forget sometimes:)
I hit my head on the hammer!
Dohhhh!!! I hate it when that
I got used to it.
I would love it if all that tech stuff and platform dev stuff had it's own home. I think I would love it more if we didn't land on trending when we clicked on our feed and instead landed on our actual feed of people we followed with the option to go to trending. It's never a good thing to make multiple clicks to get to your destination.
I'm using PeakD most days just so most things are one click away. I miss the tags, as in topics. No clue why they got rid of that in favor of these communities. PeakD lets us 'favorite' tags and add them to a list, so that helps. Two trending like sections, as I suggested, would help tremendously. If I have to end up searching for days just to find 100 different communities to find development news, that's just annoying. I'd much rather take a quick glance a couple times per day, quick scroll through the list, see what's popular, then I'd have more time to spend on actual entertaining posts.
I was a manager in logistics. Ran a tight ship. Seeing shit everywhere unorganized drives me batshit crazy.
I use peakd on my laptop and the old fashioned hive blog on my phone. I do quite like peakd.
And agreed, unorganised things drive me batty too. To the point of wearing a cape and fighting crime!
I wonder if anyone ever created Batshit Man? A quick google says, NO. That might be in an upcoming post.
Character Development: Batshit Man is just a regular guy with a short fuse and can't stand to be inconvenienced. Then he starts making up rules and laws and framing people for crimes just so he can kick their ass and call it self defense. The mayor doesn't care because he's been bribed with booze. Batshit Man has a mumbling meth head sidekick named Juanita. She wears tutus.
Juanita sounds like she'd kick butt!
Lol, I think every inch of the above is great. Framing them for crimes so he can busy their ass!
Celebrate success.
This. Don’t be a whining little biatch not taking the moment to try again and definitely not see where the other may have come from and how often they may have received less than $1. Of course, your bitterness is totally what we wanted to hear, so please come again.
Celebrate success and keep working, some day it may be you, bitch.
I'm not sure if I'd be interested in publishing here if everyone was failing. I love seeing people do well. It's much like Youtube though. You're not getting a million views on your first day. For every successful channel, there are thousands still working to get there.
Wow! I see that your concerns about the platform agree a lot with mines. We shouldn't have problems like having to scroll a lot to see an interesting article like this or other not so apreciated or not so known hivers. Steem had fatal mistakes, like the ones you pointed ot about vote selling etc... but Hive is not much different from that if we don't manage to make some substantial changes.
Is still early I know but I wouldn't like to discover in a few months that Hive is not the same but very similar game than we were playing before.
I'm aware that many steemians still refuse to view in this proyect a step forward I hope that we could do like you did and give them a huge dissapointment in that sense.
Playing cool doesn't mean win always by cheating.
I firmly believe, over time, as long as we're productive with our criticism and try to find ways to work together, we might actually see some positive change, for a change.
It's frustrating but requires patience. Mine is wearing thin but I'm still doing okay. In a few months I do expect to see progress.
I truly want to see this place succeed. I'm betting on it.
Yeah love that enthusiasm, that is a big difference from the disappointment I had before with steemit.
Things were starting to get better over there, but we brought that momentum here after hitting the reset button. I'm hoping once everything is sorted this platform will pick up where we left off. It has only been a month. Still, it worth bringing up issues now, before it's too late.
Agree, as the Wolf said "Well, let's not start suckin' each other's dicks quite yet." 😂
I be damned man.
Get of my head.
But it's nice in here! Not as much echo as mine!
First of all,congratulations!
You are angry to system,shitposters and the system which makes them trending...And also there, a lot of newcomers and all of them want to make money in a quick way...So they try all the ways.
However as a hive user, i used to see ordinary stuffs in trending and digging a little about it i find that: system makes rich more richer,like in real life and also there. As a minnow i just wait calm...But maybe someday winds change direction...
Your writing is too long for me but it is mellifluous.It was a pleasure to read it.
Thanks! But I wouldn't say I'm angry. More like I'm numb to it all. The things that make you go hmmph.
Writing is too long? *You're lucky I chopped out about one third of what could have been here. LOL
Congratulations. you deserve it to the end .. I spend a lot of time studying and reading your posts. I am not complaining. I enjoy. you know, my english is not good and i always get help for translation. from my wife or friends. you write great. I don't want to miss them. You never broke your own style and line. I am aware that the system is crap. I was also complaining about similar things. But if I have to self-criticize; mostly I want to win. we were unemployed like everyone else. and this is bad. I'm looking for a solution. sometimes I have to enter useful content. i also write rubbish content,sometimes in my posts. Keep blogging. :) You have a super fan like me hehehe.
I noticed you had to take a big downvote for no apparent reason other than the fact some people maybe enjoyed what you did? You didn't buy votes or something like that, did you? It just seemed odd.
We all want to do well. Nobody came here to fail.
Of course you're right, my friend. Those who have the right to like also have the right to dislike. I wondered.
(I got into the blacklist for a reason I wasn't aware of before.)
it took me a long time to understand this and I wouldn't fix it. If the same thing happened, I should have known why.
Whales had war?
If not, it's okay.
-If someone likes my post, I would be happy, if not, I would be sorry. this much. I think this is my character.
and already told the friend who pulled me down.
"If you found my post boring, you're right, the decision is yours"
Sure but when it comes to things like art/photography, you're not asking anyone to like it, you hope they do, if they don't, all they have to do is stop looking at it. I had taken a large downvote months ago and the reason was they didn't like the thumbnail, yet the post was jammed with solid writing and actual art. All that does is create an unsuitable environment for creators who are actually trying to make the place look good. Why chase them away?
Also there is decline payout, shortcut button available on the fronted, and limit payout to some sum, 5$, 10$, 15$ etc ... but that button is still not on a frontend :)
I'm not concerned about payouts. The content I'm suggesting be removed and sorted into a separate section still deserves rewards.
It would be even more annoying if the top twenty slots and any other declined payout content was bumping down what's currently popular and making it harder to find.
I already watched people on Steem buy votes, decline rewards, and position junk nobody cares about above things currently receiving organically high ratings. That's no different than downvoting everyone else just to be seen and if many did it, more shit rises to the top again.
As an artist I think it would be absurd to decline rewards just to get noticed. That number one hit song on the billboard is also making a lot of money, if you know what I mean.
Content creators aren't here to earn 'likes'. Sorry man, looks like I'm rambling!
Lol .... I'm not about declining payouts ... just maybe for official updates .... further the set maximum payout can also can be explored so some of the semi official dev post dont end on trending .... for example if blocktrades set max 15$ reward it wont show up on trending at all ... I think :)
And here I'm saying this content can be tagged somehow, which sends it to an official news and development tab, where they can still earn, but probably wouldn't need $150 at current rates just to hit number one. So we're saving a bit from the reward pool, plus people know exactly where to go to get this information, and the majority has an actual stage to perform on to make the place look good and appealing, plus the content creators aren't feeling like second class citizens for actually using and enjoying the things these developers make...
Fuck limits... LOL! Maybe if the value of the token skyrockets I'll consider limits but I don't even like a sign that tells me I can only 100 kph when I'm in a goddamn hurry ;)
I think the solutions for this are in Communities, but what we have is just a good start. The design needs more work to function properly.
First I think it should be easy to set up an account to be auto beneficiaried for posts in a Community. This financially incentivizes people to creating active, vibrant communities. Creating and managing a Community is a lot of work for no real benefit except a macro systemic benefit. People like me will do it, but a better system would reward the behavior it wants repeated by many.
Also I think there need to be sub-communities. Like within my OnChainArt community there could be sub communities for fine art, anime/manga, graphic design, animation, 3D art, etc. It could just be an additional “suggested” tag that’s used for further filtering, but I think it would make discovery a lot better.
Then, there should be Community types. This was all in the works, but not sure what’s going to happen now since the one working on it left Steemit. There were supposed to be Communities that were open for all to post and comment(what we have now). Communities where a set of white listed people can post and everyone can comment, and a Community where only specific people can post and comment. The latter two would be good for things like Hive development news or learning material. This would make it easy to find this sort of content and it would all remain quickly and easily accessible.
In short, it all just needs more work. Considering Hive was just listed on Huobi and another exchange, I think the current focus is on foundational stuff. I’m hoping once we get settled, development will be faster to improve the feature set of applications. We ARE in a better position than we were before, but we still have a long way to go. Glad you’re still here sticking it out through all the muck.
We’re going to get there.
A community could handle it but then one must first hunt down this specific community and subscribe. Having two sections, one for all of the behind the scenes happenings, and having that section easily accessible like the 'posts', 'proposals', 'witnesses', would help tremendously, especially now (sooner rather than later) while so much development is in full swing.
Having a 'trending' page for the behind scenes news, recent developments, hive hype, etc, means one then has instant access to many communities. Many projects have or will have their own community. The communities feature doesn't make it any easier to find this content. It's no different than finding the associated accounts and following, especially if there are a lot of communities.
Personally, I'm not a fan of micromanaging. Being organized is good but to a point. These trending pages to me are like the junk drawers in my house. That's not a bad thing. If I ever need something, I always know the first place to look is that junk drawer. Communities can be like that stack of boxes in the garage at times. Gotta tear the whole garage apart just to find one little thing because you need it for five minutes.
I recognize the fact this project is still in its infancy, needs more time to grow and develop before it can even walk. I respect all the work happening and the people doing it. Certainly not going to force my ideas on anyone or start making demands. I like a lot of the ideas floating around, including some of yours, and I am confident at some point everything will begin to gel.
Saw It Coming is killer. Since nobody else appears to have asked yet, what are the names of the other two new pieces?
also I think your idea for organizing hive news/internal stuff separately from general content is excellent
Thanks for asking. I haven't worked on many pieces like that lately. Wrote the post and thought it looked bland.
Maybe it's an age thing, I find I'm getting fussier in my old age too XD
Or maybe it's a time that comes with age thing, there's only so much time so you don't want to waste it on things you consider unimportant.
Trending still needs fixing does it? An apocalypse is happening and I'm still not looking at it XD Splitting it seems like a good idea, perhaps something to bring up with front end developers?
So many gave up looking at that page. Some folks won't even look at a post if they feel it has "enough" money beside it. It's such strange behavior. There's good stuff. I'd rather find interesting folks doing well, start at the top of the list. Starting at the bottom, like I said, just leads to hours and hours of digging and finding so much junk it becomes annoying. A little bit of organization and a little bit more appreciation for a job well done would go a long ways. People do well and nobody is even looking? What's up with that? Right!?
Well, it's here now. Word travels fast? Or is nobody looking?
I don't know what the front end devs are paying attention to, everything I've heard is go in their Discord or their git repos (wherever they have it and in fairness, it's much easier to manage bugs/feature requests/etc on git repos than here).
I guess I can understand that "enough" money feeling if you're focusing on/thinking a lot about wider distribution but by the same token if you like it you like it? I donno I don't do things "properly" and I just go around throwing upvotes at things I like XD
I see what you did there ;)
I thought it only necessary to end with a satirical quip. Not much else going on in that department.
Very good points.
Do I win points for good points?
Yes .... you got all the points I could give you plus a rehive. I wish I could give you more points.
Be careful what you wish for. What if this was the one time a wish actually came true? Would you have wished again for something better? LOL!
Thanks for everything. Truly appreciated.
This is a strong phrase =)
You described everything that I thought about last week - do you read my mind?
Couldn't find anything else to read so yeah, read your mind.
The condenser frontend is really showing its age and unfortunately having the trending page be the front page of Hive is really not going to give a first good impression of what's on offer here. I will always point people to PEAKD, it puts content front and center. Although, it is good to have alternatives I'd vote to have PEAKD the homepage of Hive.
Congrads on moving up the ranks, well deserved.
I like PeakD but when I'm looking for what's receiving high ratings (trending) I'm still met with the same list. A list that needs to be split into two groups. One for internal info and another for everything else.
To be honest I very rarely look at trending pages as they kind of depresses me. I do get your point however that there should be a place for the nuts and bolts posts. For new visitors I am sure they are not too interest about such things.
Sounds like you need to add the Farting Community to your daily scrolling. We've got big plans for this "Rising" Community. We are currenlty looking for Artists / Fart Artists aka "Fartists" to creat a Farting Community Mascot in case you know anyone. We also need a cool name for him as well, something like Gaseous Gary or Squeeky Jones etc. Perhaps we will run a contest for this.
Why only guy name mascots, how about a Flatulent Franny?
Because Women don't fart, they release Rainbow Skittle scented atoms.
ha Ha Ha. Now that was funny, and made me laugh.
I used to ride a bus with dude who had gas and always wore shiny blue outfits. Maybe he could be your mascot?
That dude has potential. Was he left or right handed ?
Smoked with the left, picked his ass with the right. Ambidextrous.
The little green guy above "Hive isn't perfect" - Curious as to it's name. It brings a sense of a sad cat that has lost it's best friend to my mind.
That one is called: Saw It Coming
I guess the whole sorting things out was somewhat supposed to be sorted out by communities.
Too bad communities are not really thriving enough since anyways most are just posting on ocd or gems.
Luring folks in with large votes makes the big communities somewhat pointless, mini versions of what we already have, then the other communities will struggle since so many want to chase money rather than work for an audience. I'd call that a mistake.
OCD had recognized this and is changing their process. They’re going to focus on Community curation instead of curating within their Community. Would be great if GEMS followed suite.
But then again it gets back to my point that there needs to be more of an incentive to create, maintain, promote, and moderate a Community. It’s a fair amount of work.
I saw that. There's still quite a few of us that make up a community, who aren't too keen on using communities just yet as well. It's tough to decide things like, where do I belong.
You can create your own home :)
Welcome to the “Long format, Funny, OG, Keeping it real, Also art” Community. Or whatever order you think best defines you ;)
I’d post in there.
I've thought about it and the only thing holding me back is the lack of time I have to manage such things. Been upping the ante with my content lately, putting even more time into it than I ever have, trying to get the people talking again since it's been so quiet.
well its straight up facts that you have mentioned here keep up the good work
No point in beating around the bush, right!
You get good comments.
Sometimes it gets eerily quiet, lately. Usually, yeah, I'm treated with a lot of classy visits from some cool people.
That should go a long way! I like this, and we should have a system to collect such suggestions from the community with the ability to vote too!
Even this post is better suited for a specific arena where people can gather their thoughts. When things get political, sometimes we'll see drama. I find it so odd we put that drama on the actual trending page at times. I don't go to Youtube to watch their board meetings or check out videos about their recent developments or public service announcements. This behind the scenes stuff is still really important here though, since so many of us are invested. It's needed but simply doesn't mix well with general information and entertainment.
Wondered about that too! But I agree that while 'behind the scenes' stuff is important, it is also very techy and would not engage a lay user and should be handled seperately.
YEYE you da man! :)
your words are healing...
not able to spend the time to read everything...
but I feel it every time with a glimpse :)
@nonameslefttouse, exactly! Good point!
I am also revolted today.
I'm new but I can smell shit.
After posting this today, I got 7 downvotes on another post that complied with Hive rules 100%
Hmmm, someone wants us to be quiet.
Your post talks about curators taking a cut. That's normal here and I fully support it. Where else can you go and actually get paid to be entertained? As for some larger accounts that sometimes vote automatically, they act like promoters, and promoters always get paid in this industry. They help push the work higher up the rankings so more people can see it. As a content creator you can decide if you'd rather cash out, or power up. When you power up, you too get a chance to earn by upvoting others.
There's more to it all than I'm mentioning here. It's actually quite difficult to explain in detail. It's not there to hurt anyone though. As a matter of fact, if I had the ability to offer curators a 90% cut, I'd earn way more with a 10% cut because I'd be receiving far more votes since those voting know they'd be earning more as well. Incentives are cool like that.
My indignation comes from the fact that when posting on, the engagement is at least 10x lower than when posting in their group on ecency or peakd, even if I use ecency after to boost or promote that post. Also, only on peakd and ecency they take 50%. Butit's different when posting directly on
Take a look here
I will save your reply in a file with directions to follow.
Thank you so much for coming by and reading.
Simply creating content and publishing it doesn't mean anyone is required to view or support it. Also, these tribes and communities write their own rules, which is fine. They want people using their products. They want content published on their platform to be indexed on Google properly so it leads to their product, and not the competition's. Things like that. I can how in some ways it introduces unhealthy competition. The content creator is responsible for their own decisions. Part of that is learning how things are, and dealing with it. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Nobody is forcing you.
I see your point and it is valid if things were only about that.I don'tlike being stolen in any way. Learning curve or not, I'm all in for fairness and transparency. Let's talk more commenting on my post if you wish to continue: The rest doesn't stick with the actual story 100%,not in what I have said and not in others' opinions: Thanks for the intervention.