I Guess The Show Is Over

in #life5 years ago

Apparently I'm not welcome here.
I didn't come here to be trolled, harassed, and bullied.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Not Finished.png
Not Finished

One Month Ago

I wrote this:

In that post, from one month ago, I explained how some emotionally immature and socially stunted moron was trolling, harassing, and bullying me.

It's still going on.

I woke up to this shit:

Screenshot (637).png

It's been like that for MORE than two fucking months.

His first bullshit excuse to be a moron and act like that was because I spoke to someone he didn't like.

Now his bullshit excuse is because I muted him. Well of course I'm going to mute him. He's an emotionally immature and socially stunted moron.

I did my best to ignore his ass for more than two months.

You can look here and see he's still going: https://steemworld.org/@nonameslefttouse

As of this writing there's at least nineteen more downvotes and they just keep coming. Posts, comments, whatever, all of it, downvoted, for no fucking reason.

The real problem though, is the fact this fucker not only downvotes me like this, but he downvotes nearly EVERYONE who comments under my posts, FOR NO REASON.

So in order to save you all a fucking headache and a future of being harassed by this emotionally immature and socially stunted moron...

I guess I gotta go!
I'm sorry.


All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"I'll probably cool down, maybe, eventually. I'll think about it. Until then, peace!"

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


The funny thing is... he can't do anything on creativecoin or palnet... it's almost like he doesn't exist in this world...

Not everyone who follows my work uses these tribes, yet. I've been upvoting commentators 8-10%, with all of my stake, and the SP is wasted. Don't vote, then the comments get greyed out and the blog looks like a mess to outside eyes. Might just have to start passing around CCC links and PAL links instead of Steemit links.

He can only take away Steem rewards, which aren't much anyways. Not much to worry about. I get flagged by him and all his alt accounts as well. He is like a little gnat that just wants attention.

No worries! I plan on staking a good bit of PAL and such. I have added you to my voting list for steemauto, so that I can assist in countering on there as well. If we work together, we can essentially undo what this little piece of shit does. Also, not sure if you've heard of it, but others referred me to @freezepeach which helped to counter the downvotes with upvotes. Just something to think about that might help you out a bit. :)

Don't let him get to you, I'm not. He takes 0.02-0.04 cents away from my posts each time I post as well, but the thing is, I continue to post and the community continues to have my back and support me. This is no different. You're right. No one deserves to be harassed. ESPECIALLY not for speaking to whomever they so choose!

Man. I really didn't know so many were being targeted. Those rewards aren't much, today. They would add up to quite a bit though, if and when the value rises. There was nearly nothing for these folks to earn in curation reward so I'd always upvote their comments. Taking that away is a low blow, because I was just trying to help everyone fairly. Whale or minnow, everyone got a boost. That's one shitty way to get attention.

Well since you have staked tribe tokens on your account, you are rewarding those people with those as well, which he isn't able to touch with his downvotes since he is muted on every tribe because of his malicious behavior. That is what is so nice about the tribe communities. We are able to get rid of the bad actors who are there just to terrorize the community and tear it down.

So all he's really doing is driving more people to use the thing he hates the most. Isn't that the way of the world...

I might write up a How To Tribe post soon. I don't feel too comfortable shilling tokens but I do see the potential in the tribes.

It is much more logical though to invest in a business that actually operates like a business instead of clusterfuck.

I totally understand not wanting to shill any specific tokens, but I really feel that tribes are what is going to keep the Steem blockchain going. Especially tribes that are moderated and don’t just turn into a shit show that allow people to ruin it like we have seen with Steemit.

All caught up now! Passing around ccc and palnet links sounds like a great idea, I might do that depending on who I'm passing links to. I've been passing around SteemPeak for no other reason than it's still my fav :)

I need to try that SteemPeak stuff. Is that the one with the tribes listed on the UI somewhere?

Yep. It also lists your tokens and snax in the wallet (but you still have to claim and stake either with steem-engine or associated front ends). And there’s analytics if you like that kind of thing. And drafts and templates and snippets and post scheduling and probably other useful interesting things I haven’t looked at yet.

Posted using Partiko iOS

He keep his voting power run down the DVs are tiny, the dude did too many drugs, we will all be okay, comments or not comments

You should set a better example as a long term Steemian. If you want to normalize DVs and get people fighting abuse you can't get upset over flags... It's going to get wild and no talent doesn't make you immune to flags.

Suck it up...
John Wayne it...
Get it together...
DVs are just part of it. :)

Maybe he did too many drugs. I think someone is paying him to harass certain people, or he's got severe mental illness and needs an ambulance.

Like I already said though. I'm not about to normalize malicious use of the downvote. That's not helping. Responsible curation both up and down is required. Not anything goes.

That would be great if you were king of the world.

We don't get to control, if you want a reward consensus it has to come with up and down votes as well as bad actors. We are humans...

Make your own choices I accept DVs as part of the curation process.

Posts are open for 7 days... that's it.

I accept DVs as part of the CURATION process as well.

Normalizing responsible use of the downvote has far more benefits than normalizing the malicious use of the downvote.

Do you want to go to the zoo where the monkeys fling shit at everyone, because monkeys fling shit... or would you rather see them behaving in the wild?

Don't know what to tell you I guess humanity is still too imperfect for you. There are assholes everywhere.

Yes. I have an issue with crackheads harassing my customers and shitting on the sidewalk. That's a fairly normal stance.

Nobody is paying him to harass you! Self centered little brat! I only say it like that because i'm not even 100% certain who you are even taking about? lol Just doing my flags while spying a little too at the same time! olol!

The proof is in your wallet memos. Again, you prove yourself to be a moron. Anyone can go look and see what you're up to. And why are you acting like you and coininstant are different people? Again, being a moron.

Yes. The whole point was to troll you into insanity so you can only downvote me.

You got played like a fiddle.

It flags me too, I just ignore it

I ignore it as well but then I'm seeing smaller accounts get it, for nothing. They're confused. How many people will show up here if they keep getting harassed?

I got crackheads bothering my patrons.

Then you must devise a way to kills it.

Yeah right, no crack around here except the false cracks u one goin' get if you don't stfu! bitch! I bother people like you, get used to it! All I gots to do to get s'worked up is simply read a little bit of nonamesfeft2dodo! No crack heads around here bro, except you! Seriously you have crack on the brain! Your story was good, you should stick to writing them and stop spreading false wack slander! All this bitching and @gtg money, u earned flags 4 life! I was just moving on from you to gtg, when who do I see, U! Back to square1!

It's fun fucking with you though. And I'll keep doing it because it makes you nuts. I told you yesterday, I own you now.

U r an it! bozo the clown pink nose! weirdo! STFU!
I heard all about you, took a while for me to be convinced for myself how gross u are on the inside! I'd like to blend it up and pour it down nonamesleft to waterboard him with u'r stank to death!

Lol, that's quite funny!



He's been flagging me for 2 or 3 months. he is muted from steemit.com I think.

You can't let that get you down.

I've been getting flagged by @boosta :)

It's just part of it... you know this.

You cannot negate the negative psychological effect of a downvote.

Yeah we can, it's called grow up.

People and code aren't perfect and I am tired of getting scammed and liquidated.

If we do not downvote, there is zero reason to be here.

I'm not about to normalize malicious and irresponsible curation habits.

posts are open for 7 days, users can upvote or downvote at will using the limits their stake gives them. They all have their own ideas of what will and will not add value and some of them are going to troll.

I can not support people who do not accept curation. Look at trending, look at the price, look at our 75th ranking.

If we want people to curate and fight abuse that means that some will use it poorly. If we do not begin to try curation I see no further reason to hold STEEM or engage on the blockchain.

Yep, someone took a couple of pennies, that is the price of being able to post on Steem.

So you see no value in attempting to promote responsible curation habits?

I'm not concerned about losing a few DOLLARS, not pennies. Pennies add up. Those pennies can't add up for the people who are doing the exact opposite of abuse though, if someone comes and takes them away, for no reason. I'm fine with downvotes when they're used responsibly, same with upvotes. I can't say I'm comfortable with being thrown into 'got downvoted, lost a few pennies, now whining about it about' pile when CLEARLY that's not what's happening here. If you're not able to see the difference, what, exactly, do you know about curation?

There is a huge difference between promoting responsible curation and having a fit because you got flagged for a penny.

Love your work enjoy your position I'm done talking about this.

IMO you are over reacting, setting a bad example and giving a troll attention.

I'll be back by when you move on to a new topic.

Yeah well, sometimes I overreact and set bad examples.

I'll be back when I move on to a new topic.

It's sad how some people can value their own time so little. There are lots of them here, either trying to pull you down out of envy, 'get theirs' by manipulating rewards, or just want to watch this world burn.

If they put as much time and energy into something productive, they'd probably be able to pull themselves out of whatever pathetic excuse for a life they are living.

As much time as this one spends harassing people, with multiple accounts and over 50000SP... I'll just go ahead and assume someone is paying them to do it. That's just a child. Easy target for someone to manipulate with money.

Perhaps, but stupidity and free time are abundant in adults too.

Posted using Partiko Android

He downvotes me also. I think his comments are perma-banned

Like I've already said here a few times, I had no idea nearly everyone here was getting the same treatment. Are folks getting downoted for leaving comments as well?

lol see ya :)

challenge accepted

Nooooooooooo....you must not gooooooo!
This dude downvotes Everybody!
He has multiple accounts as well that he uses for downvoting. I think his main account is coininstant or something.
I get a huge batch of downvotes from him and his other accounts every week.
I don't know why he is doing it, but I assure you that it is not just you that is dealing with this.
And yeah, he is muted on Palnet and Creativecoin.

I didn't know everyone was getting it. Nearly everyone here says its happening. That's fucked up.

Yeah, seems random at some points. At others it's because you responded to the wrong blog or comment.

Posted using Partiko Android

"Wrong blog." I wonder how many more people are like that here? Though they don't downvote, I wonder if they refuse to pay any attention to my work, simply because I spoke to someone they don't like. That is so petty.

It's the noise and artifacts created by decentralisation. You have to view it that way. As this platform grows, it will only get worse. I suspect some of them won't even be human.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your leaving will not stop it. I get down voted quite a bit from him, then on one account he unvotes the downvote, but it does not matter because by that time the damage has already been done even if it is minuscule to my rep, and the post payout for those that voted they will get a little less in curation rewards, He of course will say he unvoted the down vote so no harm done, Yeah right and I have a bridge in brookland to sell. The down vote come in at $0.043, the undownvote comes in at $0.040. The damage to the rep does not get repaired, he is slightly higher than me.

For those not in the know this individual was blocked and limited to once a day action on pal-net, initially they were pretty much muted from all of palnet, due to a report from a user to palnet that they felt this individual threatened them with physical harm.

Of course he denied it, but the screen shot is available. I stood up for what the owners of Pal-Net did, I agreed with their actions against this type of bullying/threatening of individuals by individuals. PAL stands for PEACE, ABUNDANCE and LIBERTY. When an individual threatens all three of those against another individual they should be muted or banned.

Your leaving will not prevent this person from harassing other users that speak their mind, that voice their opinion, if the speaker is not in 100% agreement with them.

I agree muting them does no good. Ignoring them does no good. Assholes are going to be assholes no matter what. Assholes with money are just assholes with money, that think their shit does not stink.

I am sorry that this is going to disrupt you for a little while, I hope you will return after a short hiatus or that you will change your mind about leaving.

I wasn't going to leave.

Good. I would have missed the paintings, and reading everyone's comments on your post. you get a lot of good comments. Real comments, not fake ones.

Yeah, and I enjoyed giving everyone a little something for stopping by and spending time here.

Such drama, you've earned a DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to steem-engine.com.

I woke up to this shit:

This might help, to improve your spirits. The downvotes will still be there, you'll just choose to ignore them further. Not seeing them helps to keep your mind off them.

That still doesn't stop someone like you getting downvoted for the simple act of leaving a comment here.

That is true.

Posted using Partiko Android

I got trolled as well, luckily I don't give a fuck about them... It's not like they can take anything away from us... Fuck tards

I don't give a fuck about them either.

I guess that is what he (or she) wanted. I get flagged too. It does have a negative effect, but the majority does not want you to go.

I'm not going anywhere.

Welcome to the club! Surprised he still has the bandwidth to continue!

Posted using Partiko iOS

He's got two accounts with about as much SP as I have in each.

Yeah dude.. I think I've been flagged by this person as well. Another person is flagging everything I write simply because I commented on a post by @swelker101.

I asked him why he was flagging me and he basically said because Shane is his enemy.. I guess you can't really stop people from flagging you.

I think there are a group of people working together to flag people who associate with certain people. It's really strange.

In the post I linked above, I had stated how I thought there was some kind of political motive behind all this. It is strange, but at the same time becoming more obvious each day. I'm starting to think the small group who speak about this place being one big conspiracy all the time, are the actual conspiracy. Paid provocateurs. The biggest problem is whoever is paying them, chose amateurs.

Yeah, if you go to some of their accounts, you can see them having memo conversations reminding each other to flag certain posts etc. Really weird.

But yeah, conspiracy theorists see conspiracy everywhere. Most of the time life is much more boring and mundane than that.

It doesn't make sense to spend so much time writing stuff most won't see, unless they're getting paid to do it. No sane human would waste that much time, for nothing. They'll spend more hours not getting paid than most of us spend getting paid. That's not right.

I'm reading your post on Creative Coin front end and can't see his comments. This is good for user experience is he is banned everywhere else but Steemit.

At this very moment he's sending me all kinds of nonsensical messages and downvoting things.

Congratulations @nonameslefttouse!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 2 with 81 comments

His first bullshit excuse to be a moron and act like that was because I spoke to someone he didn't like.

Holy shit... it's the same person who's been harassing me!
All because I talked to berniesanders!

This guy is really immature and I definitely think he's mentally unstable... It's unfortunate. :/

I tried to reason with him, respectfully and logically, but he didn't wanna hear it. Apparently I was a dumbass and a piece of shit for talking to whoever I choose. Pretty sad tbh. Sorry you're having to deal with this shit!

He flags anyone associated with you as well, usually, as you have witnessed.
He flagged innocent people that were kind enough to help me get started here... It's truly just sad. :/ I wish he'd get mental health help. For his own sake.

I could tell, two months ago, he was suffering from severe mental illness. Most days he's not even aware of himself. I'm not sure if it's the curable kind. He needs medical attention but nobody here can get him that help. At the same time, I think he's being paid to harass people. Not totally sure. Someone might be taking advantage of him though, for their own strange agenda. Probably another one with a few mental problems.

Dear @nonameslefttouse

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such an awful experience with PALnet community. However taking into consideration that our contact also was never really pleasent.

I realized at that time, that it's somehow very easy to get in conflict with you, which can be escalated very quickly (current post is an example).

Coininstant is definetly not someone to be in touch with and I would only recommend to ignore this user, instead of letting him get under your skin.


Do you know why it's easy to get in conflict with you?

I find you to be the most confused and socially awkward person here on the chain. And you say things like this:

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such an awful experience with PALnet community.

I'm not having an awful experience with the PALnet community. WHERE does it say I'm having an issue with the PALnet community? Nearly every time I speak to you, it's because you've either done something that makes absolutely no sense, or it's because you've said something that makes absolutely no sense.

At this point in the game I think you're just trolling me. How is it, every time we cross paths, you're acting clueless?

Your response now will be some kind of deflection. You can't seem to figure out why you frustrate me, yet I've given you honest reasons every single time. And it never seems to end with you. In a week you'll come and say something else that doesn't make any sense, or you'll throw out another lie.

Dear @nonameslefttouse

Trust me, Im not trolling you. I don't really have a reason to do that and I wouldn't waste time to troll anyone and spoil other people days.

Perhaps sometimes we are experiencing some miscommunication and then I can mostly blame myself, since I'm not a native english speaker and sometimes I do understand things wrongly.

I can only assume that you're a native english speaker so you won't understand where am I coming from.

However trust me, my intentions are not to upset anyone.

say something else that doesn't make any sense, or you'll throw out another lie.

I agree that sometimes I say things that do not make any sense to other people. It does happen to me sometimes and you may be right, that I'm "socially awkward person". However second part about throwing lies is a bit to much, and unjustified. Just saying.

At this stage I can only wish you all the best in the future and I think it's best if I really won't bother you ever again with my comments. I presume that's what you wish for.
Regards, Piotr

However second part about throwing lies is a bit to much, and unjustified. Just saying.

There's the lie I was expecting. Should I link a previous conversation where I had caught you in a lie? You're bullshitting on a blockchain. It's locked in, forever. Your attempt to save face only made you look worse and does a fine job of highlighting your true colors.

Yes. Go away.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

I was already over there fucking with him, forcing his low IQ to focus everything on me and nobody else. Kind of like shining a bright light and attracting bugs.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Not breaking. Just couldn't think of a better or more honest way to draw attention to this problem. It's frustrating. I'm human. I get frustrated. This is my fucking business and I'm handing out free coffees, some asshole is slapping them out of their hands. That's not cool.