I Remember
These days:
Those were both published somewhere around the middle of February, 2018. STEEM was worth about $4.50 back then.
See all those comments? The dollar value beside each post was organic as well.
I held on to the tokens I earned back then, just as I do now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist's assistant with a fancy calculator to know those posts are not worth anywhere near the dollar value shown, today.
Doesn't matter.
I still had fun.
So did a lot of other people.
Up until recently, after those two posts linked above, the value placed on my posts, by the community, steadily declined. With a simple scroll through my blog, the proof is there for all to see. Much of that decline in post value was in tune with the decline in token value.
Some of that decline coincided with the fact it became more profitable to not vote for content and instead sell votes or delegate SP to a vote selling service. I'm one of the few content producers here who can actually say they felt the impact of that behavior from start to finish.
I said on numerous occasions, "I will not hold a grudge."
If someone is going to pay you more to not support my work, it only makes sense to see a decline in support, and that's what happened. I expected that to happen and carried on anyway.
Doesn't matter.
I still had fun.
So did a lot of other people.
Producing content here and rolling with the punches, for as long as I have, has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life.
The money fucks with your head. Some of the people fuck with your head.
It's really hard to talk about.
Walking on eggshells.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
You can entertain many people right out in the open, in front of everyone. You can be as legit as humanly possible, knowing full well your every move is locked away into a block, forever, and can't be reversed. That's not enough. Someone will come along, ignore all the facts, and toss you under that bus.
That's what makes them happy.
So you'll need a thick skin.
Let it bounce off.
None of it matters if you're having fun.
All of those who are just here to talk shit, they don't matter.
I'm down to about one argument per week, here. That's pretty damn good, for me.
I've written a few posts in the past about my experience here. Sometimes people come along and say something along the lines of, "Damn, dude. This shit you said gives me hope."
Of course they'll use more sophisticated words but whatever, at the time of writing, I had no idea whatever the hell I'd be saying that day would resonate with anyone.
I think it would be awfully selfish of the haters out there to think their words should be more worthwhile to me than the words of the appreciators.
I hear it all, and I listen to it all. So I guess it's up to me to decide who to listen to and I say I'm my own worst enemy.
Since one of my biggest haters thinks everyone who comes here to my blog to have some fun or say something nice is just me talking to myself with alt accounts, I'll listen to myself, which is you, since you're me, and of course I don't really mind what I'm reading most days, because you said it, as me, or something, if that makes sense.
Doesn't matter.
I still had fun.
So did a lot of other people.
And since nothing up there makes sense, here's this:

We win again! Have a nice day.

Here is me. And by me I mean you. Stopping by to say hi. And to give myself/yourself a vote of appreciation for your/my content. Which is consistently entertaining. At least to me/you.
It's always so nice to see me. Thanks for stopping by to say hi to yourself.
Haters gonna hate.
I think part of being an artist is taking the criticism from those who don't get it. They think they get it of course, but that is their ego believing they have the skill necessary to get it.
If they got it, they'd get it.
It comes with the territory. This place adds a whole new layer of hate on top of the typical stuff one should expect though. Even if I speak to someone another individual does not like, that could be enough to throw my efforts in the trash. Plenty of things like that. Best to just ignore those strange people and carry on.
You get it.
Popularity is always a cycle. People get interested in you for a while and then they head off to get something fresh for a while.
There are very few who can sustain a specific level of popularity for a long time.
I watch new people come and go, but I watch a few mature people get it and stay.
Doesn't mean we don't get caught up once in a while and say and do dumb things. Just means we don't quit over every high and low spot.
Some will call having a three plus year relationship with others a circle jerk.
I call it trust. I know you may take a break, we might disagree, but you aren't a scammer, you aren't a spammer and sooner or later you will probably get back here.
Also we do have new users again, so sharing your experience is a good thing
Highs and lows. There are plenty of folks here who are still active, used to come visit me quite often. I haven't seen them in months. I don't take it personally.
When I take a break, it's usually when things are going good. I've walked away from 'success' a few times but only because I was tired and planned to take a break anyway. Another one is coming, eventually.
That talk of circle jerks should be directed at the actual circle jerks. It sucks when those with a mutual respect and no actual agreement on where votes go and when get thrown into that mix. I only vote for what I like and sometimes those folks like my stuff as well.
Plenty of new users. I've been watching my incoming votes a lot lately, checking in to blogs I haven't seen before. I'm following 700 now, yet some days my feed is quiet, but there's where I usually go to vote.
Well, I'm not one of your alternate accounts. I can even prove it. :-)
It's been quite the rollercoaster ride, hasn't it? I've been on steem since the middle of May of 2017. I've been through several hardforks, and seen the value of steem go from sub $1.00 way up, and then back down again. I'm still here, poking at the keyboard, putting out my content, and hoping somebody likes it...
You're not me! Wow! It's nice to finally meet someone who isn't me!
That's all I've done, since day one. You won't even see me in discord! I'm just here, doing my thing.
Sometimes that works as well as anything else does.
I just come here to have fun and write. Yeah I miss the organic nature we once had and all the great folks that used to frequent this crypro bar. But I have never delegated my votes or sold them. I see multiple benefits in writing. I do not worry about the size of the crowd. But I know I am building a treasure chest of writings and may help others and hopefully make this world a better place. Thick skin and patience are some allies in the blogging trenches
I really hope that comes back. I miss sitting here, every day, responding for hours, having fun. I need that, I guess. The art, the writing, the jokes if I write them, whatever, it's nothing without the people here reading it and having fun. I still have fun but it looks like another quiet day. I beat myself up when it's quiet. Wondering what I did wrong.
You did nothing wrong my friend. Life goes in seasons.
I do not get loads of comments on my posts but the ones I get show at least people have read them. When I look at some other people's posts and see the few comments they get, at least I can not complain.
A couple of funny comments and replies for me is already enough to feel good about the post.
And I think that if my post pay-out as of now would double (or more), and I would have no comments anymore, I would be gone here in no time.
Feeling good about the post is important.
If you look at the comments on those posts I included here and then compare that reaction to some of the drama getting the most attention these days, you'll see why I'm saying the shit talkers don't matter. People would benefit (myself included) if the drama was replaced with fun. Even finding the motivation to do something nutty like I had done yesterday is difficult when the crowd isn't into it. I'll still keep trying though.
'People would benefit (myself included) if the drama was replaced with fun'
Even finding the motivation to do something nutty like I had done yesterday is difficult when the crowd isn't into it'.
And above all, please keep on trying.
Humor can sometimes "balance out" the most difficult/heavy/dramatic subjects and make it easier to digest (sorry, english is not my mother language, so I use the words that I think approach as close as what I want to say)
Btw, how's the Herpes?
The herpes... is frikkin' hilarious.
Dang, I'm not one of the Alt accounts, but then again I am pretty glad I am not, I can be pretty boring to talk to at times, and I like to just talk to the air, or the trees or to just randomly type in chat rooms that have people sitting in them and no one typing or chatting, so boring when that happens, so I type to no one and everyone sometimes.
I like the trophy, I may need to down load it and turn it around and mirror it and flip it and see what I am missing in it. The faint bottom part of it looks a little like an Elephant with a long trunk and big ears, but it is not clear to me, and it looks like other things too. The green guys seem to be standing on the backs of little people, so a twist or a flip what would I see then?
One of the nice things about steem, the changes, I am one of those odd balls I guess, I like change, I may bitch and grumble and rage about it, but I like change, change is what keeps us moving. It doesn't matter in the end if it was forward, backward or sideways movement, it was movement, it was change, and change unlike Greed, really is Good.
I rarely visit any kind of chat place. Spent a lot of time doing that long ago though.
I was planning to use this art for some creative writing. The story was to be dark and twisted. Still might write it. If I do, it would explain more about what's happening there. I can't really talk about it.
I'm a huge fan of change. I noticed a lot of folks prefer comfort zones, in life. Sucks living the same day, every day.
Yeah, Ground Hog Day, and the Causality Loop Star Trek episode, life would really suck knowing nothing changed ever, especially if you knew nothing was changing.
I remember when I had a post blow up in 2017. I was happier about all the comments it was getting then I was about the post payout. There were 50 comments in total and only 71 voters.
I use to also comment like a crazy person back then like a lot of people. Those where different times where you had quite a few comment legends laying down epic threads and people just going crazy.
These past two days have been quiet for me. This is quiet. I've still been quite busy lately though. A couple recent posts made the top 10 most commented on. That was happening two to three times per week before. The humor posts used to do well and many would come visit. I wrote one yesterday and sat here feeling awkward for a few hours with the silence. It was the only skit on Steem...
A lot of comment sections seem to be rather quite today. I’ve noticed the same for discords are more silent than usual. Some seem rather affected by the price movement.
Perhaps we just need have one giant campfire and enjoy the slow times with some S’mores!
There's no worse feeling than being halfway through finishing a post meant to be humorous, and the market crashes.
I'll bring the fire...

Good plan! I vote that you win the trophy for that campfire idea! What do you think @nonameslefttouse? Maybe draw a campfire tomorrow and invite everyone?
I could probably draw a campfire but it would have green flames made out of water and blood everywhere for no reason. Maybe someone else should draw the campfire?
And that's why I thought you should host the campfire! lol
Hi, you/me here. Assuming that I am you then we are a bit like those twins up there. That central being has a face and an evil purpose no doubt, but he looks a bit like the inner parts of a conch shell that has been washed and beaten by the ocean...and yet it looks like the ocean. Also looks a little like a uterus. I always see uteruses here though. What is with you/me and the uteruses?
I don't know why I do these things. I was hoping you could tell me, since you're me, and might be an expert on the subject.
Mark my words Steem will be all the rage again, only this time new blood will be vaping, loads of artistic tendencies and electronic implants that allows them to create instant original content ... like the equivalent of 2 minute ramen.
Give it a decade, plus or minus a few years....in the meantime, watch it go down by 50% before it runs up by >1000% to finally surpass 2019 lower high when the bittycoin finally shakes off it's 2nd upcoming winter blues.
In the mean time eat healthy, go to the gym or some shit, we need you to stay alive and sassy to whip up the young pups when they start rolling in.
Better sharpen the blender blades! Thanks for the heads-up!
"Since one of my biggest haters thinks everyone who comes here to my blog to have some fun or say something nice is just me talking to myself with alt accounts"
For real? I'm pretty sure I'm not you but if I was, I would deny it so I guess that nobody besides you and I (or you and you) will ever know. lol
Craziest thing about that craziness is the fact majority of the me, myself, and I's here also have our own blogs. Isn't it amazing how much work I can get done in a single day!
That's because all us I's are a fucking genius who can type 37,000 words a minute and while we're eating a bucket of chicken wings and vacuuming the house.
Maybe it's meant a Star Trek a hive mind kind of the thing. We show up, say "we are the @nonamelefttouse," and try to stick our probes in Patrick Stewart for some reason. Those haters are right to be afraid.
Haha I kind of low-key like it too. I am tempted to pay for that lame ass cbs streaming service to watch the new show.
Nice, Patrick Stewart is the best. lol
... the world is not only mirrored. In others, we see our reflection. But beyond the reflection is another world, through the looking glass. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that you take this game too seriously to be funny.
You can advise Rorsheh to review his material for the test (Rorsheh spots). Your spots may be more informative :-))
... the world is not only mirrored. In others, we see our reflection. But beyond the reflection is another world, through the looking glass. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that you take this game too seriously to be funny.
You can advise Rorsheh to review his material for the test (Rorsheh spots). Your spots may be more informative :-))
I could name your picture "At a reception at Satan" )))
You're reading the code writing within the art I see. Interesting.
...I will think about your words :-)
I’m pretty sure I’m not you 🙃
And even if we were to pretend for the lols it would fall apart pretty quick as I can’t write like you do especially when you start rhyming 😆
You mean that wasn't you rhyming, it was me, and I'm you? My mind is so blown right now.
I can confirm I am one of your alts.
Yesterday I was also called am operative of the CIA or advanced AI!!
Oh look! It's the version of me that speaks with a Scottish accent! What brings me here today?
I read somewhere else you had said someone called you a "gay failure" LOL!
It can be quite the shit-show out there...
Does the CIA pay well or is that the job that drives you to drink and create beer posts?
That's right, the gay failure because I mentioned that someone has a boner for me because they wouldn't stop going on about the downvote I gave them!!
Oh this place. In fact the internet, it just gives and gives and gives!!
And it is a prerequisite of the job in the CIA to drink like a fiend!
Shoplifters act the same way. I wonder why?
Because they are bastatas!!
I was lucky enough to catch a troll today!
Was it the weak Frenchman? I had to resist from replying to him! What a penis
Not selling when the steem was worth $4 ++ I call it debility.
Sold some for much higher value, before that, in order to leave a much smaller dent in what I had accumulated. Other tokens exist as well and those are more suitable to flip for profit, since they don't do anything useful. I decided to go with STEEM long term. Did I mention my life story here and all the details? Are you selling at today's value? What do you call that? Your weekly powerdown is less than what I accumulate on a good day of curating. It takes money to make money.
And did I talk about my life? You have a typical steemian attitude. You'll quickly look at the wallet to see who you can talk to. If you see a lot of SP, you crash and if you see an empty wallet you feel strong. I sold the few tokens I won as I went along when the steem was worth 5 4 3 2 1$ I didn't wait until it was worth 0.14$. My current power down is just symbolic to empty my wallet and leave nothing on this shitty platform ;-) .
Culture is like jam, the less you have, the more you spread it.
Carry on.
;-) ;-)
I'll give it to you in duplicate since you don't want to see it ;-) !
It's good to make a jester like you sweat. Hold on to your tokens. When you do a power down during an ATH the time you get all your tokens back the steem will already be reset to zero. You're a good pigeon, that's good.
Didn't you realize I didn't care about steem anymore? Your downvotes confirm that I'm right, so go ahead and add some more. While I'm laughing, you strangle yourself thinking about what you could have done if you had a brain and sold your tokens on time. Loooooosssserrrrrrrrr
Is that what you sing when you look at your wallet and think you could have had 500x more tokens if you had sold on time?
Story of my life..... i try to reason with a lot of them but you know how this.... goes. It's like stating the facts and out of nowhere you hear the stupidest thing you never expected to hear, like the example you gave with the one that said to you that the comments are from alt accounts......
I have one of these trolls here, now, helping prove the point I made.
And yes, more often than not, it is the stupidest thing.
You know what are really worthless? Name squatters 😉
I couldn't agree more because I fully agree and there's no more room left to agree much more than that.