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RE: Why trying to force change never works. Let go of that damn control!

in #life8 years ago

Many who follow this path of "positivity" would benefit more from simple balance.

Positive/negative only allows for yes/no, black/white, up/down, left/right, good/bad.

I often tell people to extend their arms out. Observe their hands. One hand is negative, the other is positive. Very distant and opposing.

The part nobody sees when they do this, is their head. The place in the middle. That place requires both to function properly.


I think everyone has this term 'positivity' pegged wrongly. It's not about seeing the world as a black or white matter and always positive, it's about a whole range of things. Yes, there's balance, but there's also improvement and working together and a plethora of other things involved. Accepting the world as it is and not what you want it to be. It's a mindset really, that is all :)

I wrote this only just yesterday if you'd care to have a glance :)

I've been having trouble explaining my take on it. I wrote something about it a few weeks ago. Luckily, I don't expect anyone to understand. That would be leaning too far to the positive side. I also expect, at times, people may fly off the handle while disagreeing, which would be the negative. Since I expect the negative, if it happened, I'm already prepared. This lessens the impact and I remain balanced. If I mislead myself and believe my thought is the only way to think, then I give my self false hopes... which are a damaging by product of too much leaning to one side, the positive side in this case.

I carry this craziness with me everywhere. I expect both positive and negative and call it balance. This gives me a third option.

Anyway, just rambling at this point. Good articles by the way.

Haha - thank you! I appreciate you saying that! Always like to hear people say they appreciate my articles.

What if you expected 'nothing' and then when a situation presented itself take it from there? I mean I don't walk around in cloud fairyland expecting gold and roses, but I don't expect anything of anyone apart from myself - and then when a situation presents itself I judge accordingly.

How does that sound? Then you are not preparing yourself for the unknown!

Expecting nothing won't work. Many situations are predictable. I think this man would know what I'm talking about.

Ah man, there goes that subjective thing again lol. I love the idea behind Taoism and I do believe I took something entirely different away from that! lol