

I enjoy spending money on people. Prolly why I'm broke. But I had enough so please work on accepting. It's hard. I know!

Had a t-shirt job from a film company this week. I'm okay for a while. 🌼

Off for a walk and will save that rhyme for when I can give it my full attention.

Sew you soon

That front end you mentioned with no voting / earning whatever

May I have the link please? Curious to experience it :)

I didn't mention a frontend with no voting / earning whatever.

Oh. I thought you said someone tried one with no votes or earnings showing on the Great Debate with the two whales recently 🤔

And you said nobody ended up using it after they demanded it 😆

But I've been overworking and multi tasking...

Gonna game a bit and unwind. Eyes are! aren't (see?) burnt out and sore now. Sucks getting old


platform politics too seriously anymore.No. Some people expressed displeasure with downvotes, someone came up with a potential solution which was a platform that doesn't have downvotes, but those same people expressing displeasure ignored it, and continue to express displeasure in the same way as if no progress had been made and solutions are impossible, and it just goes on like that. It looks like one of those classic examples of attempting to please people that cannot be pleased no matter what. All that contributed to the reasons why I personally don't take

Oh. No.

We need downvotes.

Of course.

Imagine if there weren't any downvotes. Geesh 😬

I studied one group not connected to Hive attempting the no downvote thing. When a few don't like something and would prefer it doesn't get support, they practice shunning like a cult. Political mind games in a sense, leading to members being ostracized while other members follow suit so what's happening to the target (losing support) doesn't happen to them. The downvote there is not receiving upvotes. No middle ground. Truly fascinating.

No time for politics today. But always time for you :D

Busy transforming a bit again. It's always a bit uneven when you don't know the path.

Breakfast soundtrack.

Going slow for a bit. Very tired and need to streamline a bit. Brb 🪷💓

Just to clarify. I totally agree with down votes. Very necessary!!

I was more keen to try a front end with no earnings and votes visible :)

Cut out the noise, y'know.

But down votes would need to remain visible to protect people. Of course.

[Edited] Some donwvotes are valid. #justsayin

But that happens around here anyway my darling human.

It's everywhere. It's the Love and Light rock bottom! 😆

That's "cancel culture". One of my other "good fights" :D

Useless, cowardly behavior. Things don't change by being ignored. My how we've regressed

Sorry so late! Super tired at the moment and had to clean house today... catching up now