Happy 4th Birthday to Little Ricky and What's Up with Me?

in #life3 months ago

Four Difficult Yet Beautiful Years

It has by no means been an easy time with @little-ricky but I wouldn't change it for anything. My rambunctious little one just turned 4 this week and we had something of a prolonged birthday celebration.

Riding a train at a local shopping mall

First I took him down to the mall and let him ride a few laps on a kids train ride they have set up there. He never gets tired of it! It was a special treat for him as we usually come here so that he can play in the indoor play area for kids. He had a great day and even got to have overpriced pretzels from Wetzel's and frozen yogurt from Yogurtland. So he was a happy camper!

Here is little Mr. spoiled breeches in his new pool

He came home to find that @afturner had gotten him a new swimming pool for his birthday. We all went out back and let him fill it up. Unfortunately he spent quite a lot of time going crazy with the hose and getting us both soaked.

It really wasn't so bad though, considering how hot it's been lately. I do not do well in the heat and have been struggling quite a bit. Especially since I've put on a few pounds. I've been doing a lot of contract work recently which has kept me in front of the screen more than I've been for years! Getting the ol' brain working again.

Taking a break at the park

For his actual birthday, we took him to Knott's Berry farm where he rode a roller coaster for the very first time! We brought some of our close friends with us to get on some of the dizzier rides with him since both of his parents get super motion sick in our older age. It is ridiculous! I used to be able to get on any ride and have a great time, but not any more.

What's Up with @nuthman?

I realize that I've not been around much these days. My workload has really started to pick up since @little-ricky has gotten to an age where he can play on his own a bit more, and is also spending more time in pre-school. I've got to pay the bills after all!

Must be climbing at all times

As for the witness node, it is still up and running as well as the backup node. I've not had any issues now for months, knock on wood. I will keep things going as they are being that I've not gained/lost any support in months. I am breaking even with costs which is perfectly fine at my rank. Being a backup witness helps to secure the network and keep the Hive blockchain up and running. I greatly appreciate everyone who has given me your vote.

Other than staying super busy with my 4 year old and piled on work, I also had to do with a massive water leak in the laundry room. Now that was wild. I walked into the room and noticed dripping from the ceiling. When I looked up, there was a massive 3 square foot sack full of water made from sagging paint hanging above me. That turned into quite a mess needing to replace most of the ceiling and wall in that room. But that is another story.


Sounds like he had a very happy fourth birthday! What a cute kid! I'm glad to hear you're spending so much time with him because before you know it he'll be a teenager.

Glad to hear the node is running well, it would be nice to see you making a profit since you do have bills to pay... Especially with a water leak like that. Those are a nightmare to clean up, and with any luck you don't get any black mold out of the deal!

before you know it he'll be a teenager.

I know.. I am already freaking out that he is already 4. It's so weird how it has simultaneously gone by really fast, and really slowly.

it would be nice to see you making a profit since you do have bills to pay...

Yeah, honestly it's really not going to make much money unless you are a top 20-30 witness. I actually think that the profits should be spread out a little bit more. The top witnesses get way too much for what they do, and the lower ones get almost nothing.

Ugh, that sounds horrible about the leak. It gives me PTSD from when our basement flooded! No fun! My wife and I just got back from a big trip out west. It was a lot of fun, we saw a Wetzel's pretzels, but I didn't stop and try one. I did have In and Out Burger for the first time though. I hope things calm down for you after a bit!

Yeah this kid loves his pretzels. I go to In and Out from time to time but I really don't like their fries. I swear they contain cardboard. haha! I know I am in the minority. Some people are tribal about their In and Out around here. It reminds of of Texas with the Whataburgers.

The water leak incident was a real pain in the butt for sure. The repair guy is still dealing with the drywall and such. At least we finally have our washer and dryer hooked back up.

It gives me PTSD from when our basement flooded!

Dude, I swear when I lived in Ohio there was someone's basement flooding like once a month. I had forgotten about that. Everyone had really old houses and pipes that were freezing and bursting all the time back in the 80s.

I'm in the process of doing some drywall work in our basement right now. I am reminded of why I hate working with drywall. The dust is everywhere! I'm going to write a post about it in the next couple of weeks, but I wasn't that impressed with In and Out.

Oh yeah, the dust. My wife's work computer is right next to where they are working and got covered in dust. No one closed the door when he was working and it got all over everything.

Ugh, that's horrible. I have a ceramics room at work that the computer is constantly getting caked.

It's just like that, children are more beautiful than you, the way it's their birthday, so if you celebrate it, you'll be much happier.

Thanks, friend! He is a real blessing and a complete handful.

little ricky is such a playful kid! I wish him a happy birthday and fun years! There's a lot of things he will discover in life and he's going to be excited for more adventure. 🥳

Thanks @sydney27 he is definitely a little practical joker. And a lot of fun! I am really enjoying being his dad. Even though it is very hard sometimes!

You are welcome! By the way, can I ask a question regarding hive. I swapped my hive token to swap.bch and now I wonder how I can cash it out? I am so confused 😂

I've never really traded any of the non-hive related 'swap' coins on HE, that being said, I can definitely tell you how to withdraw it.

You can go to https://hive-engine.com/@sydney27/wallet and click the withdraw button. From there just click the "please select token" box and type in BCH. From there you can withdraw whatever you want.

Hi, I am still frustrated about this thing. I clicked the link you sent to me and I saw my tokens there and I log in using hive keychain but in the hive keychain, there's no withdraw button. I don't know what am I supposed to do. :(

You just use keychain to login. You have to click the withdraw button on the website. Are you doing this on a computer or a phone?

I'm sorry but I tried the best I can but it just doesn't work on me. It doesn't work on the mobile, there's no option to withdraw. On the computer, I can't download the app no matter how many times I have tried to to. 😩

De todo corazón un feliz Cumpleaños para Ricky , que Dios lo colme de bendiciones , imagino la alegría que llevo al ver su piscina , a esa edad piscinas , bicicletas y video juegos son lo máximo para un niño, mucho éxito y que todo el apoyo prestado a mi persona se te multiplique en alegrías y salud al lado de tu familia..

Muchisimas gracias @albertocova.

a esa edad piscinas , bicicletas y video juegos son lo máximo para un niño

Eso si es la verdad. Quisiera poder sentir hoy como sentia en esos dias de niño. Tan libre y todo misterioso.

Excelentes momentos amigo

had gotten him a new swimming pool for his birthday.

Awwww I love the swimming pool, I guess if I had that when I was younger I wouldn’t have been scared of swimming. Happy Birthday champ!

Well, it's never too late to jump in and lose your fear! hehe. I used to be scared of the water too. My son is crazy though. He tried to crawl into the ocean even before he could walk.

Happy bday to him!

Thanks, buddy!

your child is very beautiful, I hope your family is all healthy❤️

Thanks, this kid amazes me everyday. Much appreciated!

Happy birthday to him, kids needs time to play and attention as well, and immediately they begin to age, you just lose some of those workloads that comes with them.
Such a cheerful kid.
Age catches up with everyone, I can't do the things I used to be able to do 5 years ago and I'm in my early 30s

Link to your witness?

Thanks man. Yes he is a very cheerful kid. As long as he is getting what he wants. He can be the happiest kid in the world and then get really mad on the flip of a coin. lol!

Sure, you can vote for my witness by clicking here, or finding me on the witness page and approving me here. I am currently at #91.

Happy 4th birthday to Ricky. Looks like he had an amazing day filled with fun and excitement. Very good !WINE

He had a blast! I am glad that I'm able to give him a good birthday experience. Let's hope he remembers that when I get old. lol!

I hope so you sacrificed a lot

Holy Moly @nuthman!

Prepare yourself in becoming into an experienced cardiologist and extraordinary heart surgeon. Or into an infallible lawyer who does not lose any case. Or in the worst of the cases, hire both professionals and have them always very close to you from now on. Because I have the suspicion that that handsome 4-year-old boy @little-ricky the heartbreaker, is gonna get you into a lot of legal & loving troubles very soon. LoL

Hahaha I hope it doesn't come to that, but he is already a bundle of trouble. He manages to get into everything and is very sneaky. I do think he might be a little heartbreaker though. He's already such a little cutie.

He manages to get into everything and is very sneaky.

Huy, huy, huy brother. A hunky four y/o heartbreaker who already also manages to get into everything and is very sneaky?

Sheesh mate! I'm afraid that turning yourself into an experienced cardiologist and an infallible lawyer i's not going to be enough to save you from troubles.

I wish little Ricky many great and fulfilling years here on earth, he's surely going to be a great man.
Ops and sorry about your leaking ceiling, hope it's fixed now. Wishing you the best too.

Thank you my friend, good to hear from you. Yeah the ceiling issue freaked me out. I looked up and stared at that giant sagging bubble for like 30 seconds without moving. I was so confused at first. hahah!

Congratulations @nuthman! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 7 years!

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7 years later I have 7x the coins, 10% the value. haha!

Happy Hive Birthday @nuthman

Hehe, we all know we are not staying here for the money, aren't we? 😜

haha, I hope not!

Good job my friend

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