Your stuff always give me a good laugh. If I was not supposed to be amused, then I am just being ironic when I say it gives me a good laugh. If you are completely serious, then I am serious. Otherwise (if you are only partially serious) I am serious that I find your work and banter very entertaining.
If you up-vote my comment then I will assume that you assume that I know how to assume that you assume that I appreciate your artwork, otherwise I will know that I'm completely off base. Nothing will change.
If you don't up-vote this comment, I will know that you hate freedom and America. Grats on the rep btw
This kind of stuff isn't meant to be taken seriously. Most of what I do is a joke. I feel weird being serious. I honestly don't like being serious. Seriously, it sucks. Like just now I was all like fuuuhk. Why did I have to be like that.
Man. I try to give everyone an upvote for stopping in. We don't get much for curation reward, so that's the main reason I vote. I'd offer people a free coffee if you came into my shop (if I had a shop with coffee), the vote is the same thing. When the value was high, people were walking out of here with more than a dollar. I miss those days. The same percentage voting power doesn't go as far as it used to. Hodl your comment upvotes, I say.
Well, I keep adding more SP, so hopefully when the price comes my votes will actually be worth something. ;p
Let's hope it doesn't take too long!
I see millions were powered up recently. I hope much of that will be put to good use. If those millions are coming in and that SP needs to be repurchased by votebuyers, I'm afraid this place might continue to struggle.
Where can you see all those power-ups?
Penguinpablo usually does a report.
Ah, right. I've seen that before, I'll check it out. Thanks brah
Ugh.. It looks like a significant portion of the largest power-ups were done by people who immediately delegated all of most or all of it to someone else.. presumably bots.
Except for a guy named @imacryptorick who seems pretty cool (Anyone named Rick must be cool since well.. I'm a Rick). Although I did get a bit of anxiety reading part of his post talking about crypto taxes which freaks me out a bit.