Me and my awesome art names.
A long time ago, I'd paint things (digitally), and, whatever; that was it.
One night I was showing off my work to a friend of mine and she asked what I named them.
I didn't have names. She insisted I'm supposed to give them names. I've been naming them ever since.
I don't think these names are what she had in mind though.
I just write, whatever. It's the first thing that pops into my head. It feels natural that way.
Sometimes I get distracted, mid-thought. Maybe the neighbor is outside yelling about something. That helps, too.
Stupid Dog! Shut up!
Something like that might end up being a name someday and I'm totally cool with it.
I don't really want to do anymore Steemit related posts.
I reached reputation 72. It wasn't purchased.
Oh well.
Have a nice day.

I know how you are feeling, I programmed the rewarding bot and now I keep telling me that this was not a waste of my time...
$rewarding bounty 100% 2days
If anyone is asking what this does, it will create a comment after two days where its beneficiaries are set to the comment authors that were upvoted by nonameslefttouse. Why? I'm trying to figure it out...
Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty (The upvote value is distributed to the winner(s) by setting beneficiaries for this comment):
The bounty is set. When the post is 2.00 days old, a comment is created and upvoted with a 100.00% vote from holger80. The beneficaries of this comment is distributed to all top-level comment authors of this post. The comments are weighted by the creator and other reader by their upvotes. When no comment is created or no comment is upvoted, no comment from rewarding is created.
I don't mind being the lab rat for this experiment. If you're giving everyone a boost, that's awesome, and not a waste of time. Will they know where this boost came from? I don't know...
Just keep plugging away. That's all I do. I never expect much so when something awesome happens, I can actually feel it. If something shitty happens, well, I kind of expected it, so it doesn't really feel bad.
Thanks for letting me experiment. It kinda worked, but the percentages are wrong. I have to fix it and try again.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, I saw you post about this. Pretty cool idea!
Your stuff always give me a good laugh. If I was not supposed to be amused, then I am just being ironic when I say it gives me a good laugh. If you are completely serious, then I am serious. Otherwise (if you are only partially serious) I am serious that I find your work and banter very entertaining.
If you up-vote my comment then I will assume that you assume that I know how to assume that you assume that I appreciate your artwork, otherwise I will know that I'm completely off base. Nothing will change.
If you don't up-vote this comment, I will know that you hate freedom and America. Grats on the rep btw
This kind of stuff isn't meant to be taken seriously. Most of what I do is a joke. I feel weird being serious. I honestly don't like being serious. Seriously, it sucks. Like just now I was all like fuuuhk. Why did I have to be like that.
Man. I try to give everyone an upvote for stopping in. We don't get much for curation reward, so that's the main reason I vote. I'd offer people a free coffee if you came into my shop (if I had a shop with coffee), the vote is the same thing. When the value was high, people were walking out of here with more than a dollar. I miss those days. The same percentage voting power doesn't go as far as it used to. Hodl your comment upvotes, I say.
Well, I keep adding more SP, so hopefully when the price comes my votes will actually be worth something. ;p
Let's hope it doesn't take too long!
I see millions were powered up recently. I hope much of that will be put to good use. If those millions are coming in and that SP needs to be repurchased by votebuyers, I'm afraid this place might continue to struggle.
Where can you see all those power-ups?
Penguinpablo usually does a report.
Ah, right. I've seen that before, I'll check it out. Thanks brah
Not a waste of time. I have been following you for a little while, and I really enjoy your art and sense of humor. Best wishes, and congrats on the 72!
Thank you very much. It's always good to know how you folks are feeling out there. Don't be a stranger!
well deserved... I don't come by here much... but I always enjoy stumbling over your well crafted shitposts... seriously though... i like your shit!
Here's the part where I snap and say, "It's not shit! The art took hours upon hours to produce and you're wiping your ass with it?!" Ha! Just messing around. I'm used to it.
"shitpost" might be a rather weird term of endearment... and I agree it can be used as a derogative just as much...
I have spent hours upon hours crafting my most elaborate shitposts myself, it's the beauty of the circle of life, one man's shit will be another man's feast... ummm... no... I guess that only applies on a more global scale for life than "man"... but metaphysically in terms of ideas and inspiration, it absolutely holds true.
Don't worry, I get it. Unfortunately, some do not. It can be annoying. Not long ago an actual shitposter said if I'm sharing jokes and humor, I should be declining rewards. I've taken flak like that for over two years. It gets old but certainly won't be enough to force me to live within the confines of their depressing world.
Congrats. 72 is a ton of work. I'm a little peasant down here, getting excited about pushing past my 58.8 into 59 territory :)
I see a feisty looking horse face in that art up there.
I think earlier in the year I said I'd be at 72 by August. I wasn't here all of August though, so that time off didn't help much. I set a new goal to get this by the end of the year. Mission accomplished, with time to spare. Another 250 SP, my other goal will be complete, then I guess my life is finished.
I didn't see the horse there until you and @brandt pointed it out. It's something totally different to me, but of course I'll stay quiet.
To me goal setting is kind of useless here. I can only post so much, I can only socialize so much, both of which are minimal since I have a ton of other things going on in my life. I follow my schedule, and time ticks away as planned. Anything extra is luck. I put in whatever I've got in me at the moment in every post, and I think you do the same, so it isn't like effort is lacking half the time. Maybe there are other factors I haven't considered. But I do the useless goal setting anyway, because everybody needs a dream I guess. You are living the dream :)
I might see something else in that too, I felt like I stopped short at the horse, but I don't have the eyes tonight. So tired. Goodnight.
I might be living the dream, but I still hear the alarm clocks.
this wasn't a waste, this wasn't a waste Let's chant and tap our shoes three times..
I don't feel like I'm wasting my time here, I was simply staring at that image, telling myself it wasn't a waste of time; then the name just popped up into my mind like magic!!!!
On a whim I spent a couple hours searching for the number 72 in I'll Just Keep Telling Myself This Wasn't A Waste Of Time, but all I found was a demon horse head. Close enough I guess.
Congrats on hitting rep72 !!!
You were looking in the wrong place. I put 27 sentences/lines in the post.
Evil laughThanks!!!
omg it's perfect !!! stupid dog !!! shut up !!!
I visualize everyone with a 70+ REP as having white hair. Representing wisdom and dedication and a person I can go to for advise or a bit of Steem History Lessons. It looks good on you.
A lot of the 70+ club could be just that. I know I could probably bore you folks to death with my rambling stories of days gone by. Some folks just dye their hair and bought the t-shirt. Oh well.
Thank you! Thank you! Should I take a bow? Maybe I'll save the bow, for now.
I can appreciate how much time and effort a 72 takes. Congratulations!
I sat and watched votes flow in yesterday. On steemworld, my rep said 72.000, but here it still said 71. It felt like an eternity just waiting for the one vote to come in to make steemworld say 72.001, to give me the 72 here. Yes, plenty of time and effort.
I passed 56 last week. I was doing the same, and the best feeling ever is to be watching Steemworld when a curation bot passes through.
Conked out on the couch after dinner and the bot passed through. Whoo-hoo!
Ah, the river of blood. Just what I needed to improve my mood.
So... Shalt we go out and slaughter?
You may be noticing a pattern in my comments
the randomly inserted old/mid-english words!
You're going to get yourself busted. You're supposed to be acting like you'd be the last person who does the things you do. Jeez.
And the original art keeps coming. I would expect at Rep 72, you would now be re-hashing old work 3/4 times a day. Never!
Always, always, always; something new. 688 published posts. Three of those were reposted, always with something new included, most likely art. I should have kept track of my hours.
Look on the bright side, time is only an illusion, so you really haven't wasted any....

I tried to respond to this just now, but now happened so fast, it's a new now, now, and I'm not sure what to say.
the future is an unknown, no matter how much our society denies it
I can predict the future will become the past, right - about - now.
I don’t think its a waste of time..... in fact something to be proud of..... I’m pretty new here myself.... and I’m proud of my reputation score of 43.... but even more proud that i have achieved that without buying upvote bots or promoting my posts..... I don’t think i will ever be able to match your 72.... but you know what.... i would be happy to get a 69 ;p
Here you go:

I made that when I hit 69.
What would you have done with that time if you weren't doing this?
I honestly can't say. I have no idea. Probably putting more time in to something else that pays off from time to time, but that stuff isn't as much fun.
Well you do name your art pieces instead of provided each a number or serial no. That is good as it personalizes it. Congrats on the earned reputation 72. I completely understand. They do not hand them out. Enjoy.
It's not much fun giving things a number. I do that but it's for behind the scenes organizational purposes only.
congrats on 72! and i think its cool
I think it's kinda cool as well. It feels like I accomplished something; I'm just unsure of what that is.
Never a waste of time as it is an experience that contributes to your personal growth bo matter the outcome! Congrats on 72!
Posted using Partiko iOS
You're probably right. You folks usually are. Thanks a lot.
woohoo...seventy-two!! Congratulations!
Next up: 72.1! Maybe by January... LOL! If I'm lucky.
hahaaa...it was a long, slow slog to get to 61, so I can only imagine how long it will take to get to 72.1!!
72.007 now. Almost there!