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RE: A White Peacock

in #life3 years ago

Value coming from publishing on a Blockchain seems logical. Selling creative stuff, like photos and music, NFT style, makes sense. Where DeFi seems to be just as weird as derivatives in the traditional financial realm. But, like you stated, it is still kind of for grabs. And I really did get about 12 percent per day so far. That is just nuts. Where I remember how I got nervous buying one Bitcoin {BTC} in 2016 for about 600 €uro. Because it could go down, badly. Well, 6 years later... 😂

Guess Polygon Matic aint that popular yet, so I'll get me just a little bit more, just in case. 😁


I remember when joining steemit about five odd years ago having several bitcoin. Editor's have held on to them! They were so cheap!!

It's always worth having a few of each chains token I think. Matic isn't the best network, always bloody congested. Still, the fees are cheap cheap cheap!!

At first when I started using the Polygon blockchain it seemed to have some issues indeed. Sometimes lagging behind a lot.

Recently I have not noticed this. Having to wait very long for a transaction to get through, or it keeps failing, is bad. And when that becomes standard then such a Blockchain is finished before it even gets off the ground.

So far so good, fingers crossed.🤞

And true, the transactions are extremely cheap. Being from the Netherlands, that is of course important to me. Us Nederish like anything as long as it is cheap, or even better: GRATIS! 😂

Haha, in that the Nederish agree very similar to the Scots!! Cheap is good, free is better!!

I set all my transactions to aggressive in meta mask for it and rarely have problems now. It's not as polished as BSC that's f9r sure but BSC is BSC and the least said about that the better!!

Using the TokenPocket app made things a lot easier for me. And I've dropped BSC all together. On Poly I use default transaction fees. But when I took the cheapest it wend through just as fast. At least it seemed so to me.

Cheers to cheap and free! 😁👍

I will have to check out that app. Perhaps it is metamask that is playing up with me half the time!

From my own experience TokenPocket works like a charm. Adding dApps is pretty straight forward. Just by adding a url, if it not in the list already. It supports a huge list of different Blockchain wallets. And a lot of dApps are build in.

Posted via D.Buzz

Sounds good to me!!

Love that gif!! :0D