A White Peacock

in #life3 years ago


The weather looks a bit better outside, shall we go to Crostanachan Park today?

The Good Lady looked up from the big foldy paper map she had sequestered from the eighties and had been examining gleefully for the past hour.

And what is Crostanachan Park?

I replied more than a little sulkily having been thoroughly rained, hailed and snowed on for most of the last few days.

It's a wildlife park. Up in the hills. Quite high up in fact. Ooh, maybe we will get some proper snow!

The Good Lady clucked a little and shuffled her bottom as if trying to turn an egg she was warming.

No fucking thank you. I don't want to be driving up the side of a snowy mountain.

I pulled my phone out and pretended I had some kind of internet connection which allowed me to claim POLYCUB tokens.

Alas, I didn't.

Oh come on Daddy-Bear? It's a wildlife park. The kids will love it!

She yawped indignantly, the thought of the kids being put out in any way being grossly offensive to her.

I am sure the kids will much prefer being alive and not buried under a drift of snow in an upturned car in a ditch by the side of the road whilst I bleed out futilely trying to explain to them how to claim the Polycub airdrop.

I harrumphed with frustration like a Bison scratching at his fifth lottery scratchcard in a row without a win.

Polycub? That weird lion-king coin? Oh god, you are not still whining about that are you?

The Good Lady shook her head at the ways of those who do DeFi.

No. I am not bothered about that at all. I am bothered about coming off a mountain road in the snow and plummeting to a frozen crumpled death.

I made a face like a little Italian Pensioner lady peering at her knitting.

But didn't you say you were the King of the Drivers?

The Good Lady sniffed innocently as if she hadn't just dropped a mic in a rap battle.

Yes, I am. I just can't be bothered driving up a mountain. It sounds rubbish, it will be freezing. Why don't we go to that Distillery nearby? You can buy whisky that no human has ever seen before!

I fluttered my eyelashes like a British drama school graduate.

We are not going to a distillery. How would that be fun for the kids?

She gave me the iron eye.

I sighed. Not going to the Distillery, what was the point of being Scottish if you didn't go to a Distillery?

Give me one good reason why this place is so good.

I smirked. There was nothing she could say to that. Absolutely nothing.

It's got a white peacock.

The Good Lady smiled back smugly.

A what?

A white peacock. Quite magnificent so they say.

She flapped her old fashioned map around like a shit bird with one wing trying to fly.

There is no such thing as a white peacock. Peacocks are a lovely sort of blue with lots of long feathers that look like eyes which are also sort of blue.

I said this with the certainty of a Scotsman who had never been to the Americas where they say that anything is possible.

I mean, there are many things in the world that are white. White paper, white powder, white appliances, white supremacists... But a white peacock? Utter nonsense.

Come on, it might have those goats with the big horns that you like?

The Good Lady started trying to fold the map but only succeeded in making it bigger with more sides than was physically possible.

Oh alright then.

I huffed and stood up to get the car keys.

A little later we were walking around the famed Crostanachan Park.

We rounded a corner and our two children pointed straight ahead and squealed with astonishment.


See, a white peacock.

The Good Lady purred with an obvious sense of victory.

I rumpled my brow and squinted at the bird before us before shaking my head.

That my dear, is an Ostrich.


So much I can relate to here, haha!

I actually have been to a whiskey distillery once - and I think it was in Scotland - with my parents and siblings on a Summer holiday outing.

I remember that us kids couldn't stand the smell. I'm pretty sure only my dad enjoyed it, as the smell of beer already triggers a trauma in my mom's mind.

I also have seen a white peacock, at least once ( I believe it was in Portugal, 4 years ago ) and I definitely prefer the blue ones.

A white one would have better chances of survival in the snowy mountains though ;<)

Those Polycub references made me laugh!

I actually struggle with something else than the airdrop claiming.
I can claim it - if Matic works - and I am able to add to lps and stake in farms, kingdoms and xPolycub, but whenever I harvest from a farm or a kingdom, the Polycub doesn't seem to end up in my wallet. It's frustrating. DeFi is still pretty much the Wild West - even LeoFinance - and I already tried multiple platforms in the last year or so.

Have a good one!

Oh! Have you unlocked the claimed polycub on the main page? You have to unlock the funkers and then lose half of them before they land in your wallet. It is defo not the most user friendly of DeFi sites. I set all my claims to aggressive in the wallet to force them through and occasionally still get errors. It ain't playing up here in the north though. The signal is terrible!

I can imagine the smell and the whole whiskyness of a tour round one driving the kids nuts. I would probably go mad trying to keep them in line so I could enjoy it! I have been on a couple of tours, In one we visited for my 40th you could actually cask up and age your own one in a little mini cask but it was eye-wwateringly expensive so decided not to!

White peacocks. Whats the world coming to, we demand colour! :OD

We had something similar with a Belgian brewery that the kids didn't like the smell of. I still got to do the tour.

To be fair the smell can be quite off-putting. I stayed in a flat near one in Glasgow years ago and the smell was rather ripe. I don't mind so much but I can imagine the high drama from the kids.

I will get to do this distillery tour before I leave!

Local Distillery??? Which Distillery? Worth the flight to Scotland?

Oh yeah, your white pee cock is impressive too. That looks like a lot of liquid paper. Poor bugger. My aunt used to raise peacocks. The real ones ... with blues and greens.

But, good whiskey!?!?!


It's the Glenturret!! Apparently the oldest working distillery in Scotland. I don't know if I will be able to afford anything they sell but it looks rather funky. And you know what they say, sometimes you have to just go for it!

And yeah, I much prefer the blue ones. White peacocks are just plain daft!!

£60 and up ... Seems reasonable for a nice, special occasion, Whiskey.

At the Distillery, I'm sure I could have a few tastes before I buy too!!!

A few tastes shall be key, not too bad actually. I see a Glenturret in my future!! :OD

Hehehe, like can't visit your article without laughing out my ass! I guess the good lady did not understand the term polycub, so she took it for another thing ..lol

I mean, there are many things in the world that are white. White paper, white powder, white appliances, white supremacists... But a white peacock? Utter nonsense.

This made me to laugh so hard, it's true that the most common peacock is blue, and the white she made mentioned might look strange, apparently, even when you have not seen a particular thing before , if one should describe it with white, you'll definitely believe it.. hehehehe, oops! I guess you're using a white bed sheet cover..... Don't mind the silly me

At the end of it all, a white peacock was sighted, but you're trying to twist it... hehehehe

A white bed sheet cover!! I gave even seen them with my own eyes!! 🤣

One day she will understand the polycub.. She might not want to but she will!! :0D

Errrr, that seems impossible??? 😂

Anyway, if you did not tell her, she will not understand it, just like someone who is ignorant about a snowball , then you said " i want to get a snowball" the person will be thinking it's a football with snow... hehehehe oh my !
So same thing applies to the issue of polycub..

You are right, there is no such thing as a white bed sheet cover. Such high concepts are doomed to fail.

I have told her. Over and over but she refuses to understand, to the point when I offered her money to understand and she thought I was the fool!! Lol

Lol😂😂, Maybe later or sooner , she will understand

One day perhaps, lol!!

You win!!! To the distillery today! You sure know how to strike a good bargain and even got to enjoy the park, and the beauty of the white peacock.

My brother raises peacocks, although his group is only 8. All are blue and so beautiful. I didn't know that they really do fly, sort of anyway. To keep away from predators, they will jump/fly up into tree branches of his trees. I was amazed. I had no idea. I will say that the noise that comes out of their little beaks is like a shriek, it scares the bejesus out of the neighbors... they hate them. I can't say I blame them. Every time I go there, I hope they are sleeping.

I have seen the white one a few times, although only one each time. They are absolutely stunning, mostly because- WHITE PEACOCK! How could you not?

BTW... I had visions of you following them around, trying to get them to open up. I'm still giggling about it. I have done the same in South America and I heard one of the farmers there call me LOCO.... "my name is Denise", I shouted. Pffft.

Lol. I did!! When I got my phone out for a pic it had fucked it's big feather display back in so I had to follow it making cawwrk noises hoping it would get all amorous for it's lady again. It worked, eventually!

I didn't know they could fly either, even short hop flying. They are quite ungainly looking!

It is a nice surprise but not as nice as the distillery tour will be!! :0D

You are honestly lucky it spread its feathers, but sometimes it is to scare predators. Lol That would be you. It's a mating dance too and if they don't see/hear any girls. they shake their feathers!

I hope that is the next post! I think distilleries are an interesting visitation! I love them! I go often! :)


Crikey. I hope that it didn't mistake my honking and clicking and think it was impressing me for a potentially goosing!! Lolol.

I go when I can buy that's not often with the two little terrors pulling me this way and that. And COVID didn't help much either!

It's possible! Did he wink at you?

I was kidding. Don't get there often, but when you share a name with the distillery, there is bound to be a few bonus rounds. I didnt take the kids until they got a little older for that exact reason.

And Covid. I blame them for everything.

He might have winked, it was hard to tell what with me waggling my bum at him and looking coquettish 😉

Hehe, I can imagine taking the kids when they were older would be easier.

One day the COVIDs will be just a bad memory!

OMG! Tries not to look!!


One day the COVIDs will be just a bad memory!

From your lips to God's ears.

Is it not true that there are more distilleries than actual Scots?

I've been to dozens over the years but I can never work out where the small independents actually sell their Whisky other than in their on site shops or those god awful Scottish equivalents of the tourist shops that just sell flags, stickers, kilts, shortbread and miniatures.

Do your local off licenses carry a much bigger range than their southern counterparts?

In 55 years, I've also never seen or heard of a white peacock. Are you sure it wasn't a turkey with some dyed feathers stuck in its arse? I have a feeling your missus has knobbed you off there mate!

Is it not true that there are more distilleries than actual Scots?

This is indeed one of the ancient truths.

It is a strange one, they have single malts that I have never seen for sale in real shops anywhere else so I am not sure where they market their stuff unless they send it all overseas.

I fucking hate those tartan tat shops. I mean they are the twee'est things ever. I think that if you have been bad and die that is where you end up, serving tourists in a tartan tat shop. Lol!!

I had never heard of such a thing either. Maybe they are new? Genetically modified or something!!

This white bird looks different. Chicken birds open their wings for refreshment. I guess this bird looks like it's open to flirt with the other person.

I think the bird is hot to trot with a mama bird. But of a pain having to do all that fluffing for a shag! :0D

Knowing that she's furry maybe puts her on fire even more :)) he he

I could admit I'm wrong or dig myself deeper, hm which one XD

White peacocks really GLOW don't they x_x

Looks like it wasn't too snowy up there after all?

The snow has fortunately been light and not lain on the ground. It is still damn cold though. You should have seen my arctic get up yesterday!!

It did glow, in fact it shone when all extended. When it put its feathers back in it just looked like a drab large chicken, lol

You should come to the northwestern US. We have our own Stonehenge on the Columbia River, and the nearby Maryhill museum has a garden with plenty of proper colorful peacocks.

Hehe, that's quite awesome looking.

I did have a chuckle about the Maryhill museum, Maryhill in Glasgow is a run down danger area. I lived there for a time, it wasn't all bad although telling a taxi driver you were going to 'hairymill' tended to set them on edge :0)

Like a firework! Not a distillery, but not too shabby!

The distillery is today, hurrah!! I have used the bargaining is the white peacock to my advantage! :0F

They really are a neat bird - both varieties. I only learned recently that they come in white as well. I saw one once but the thing wouldn't open its feathers up for me. Your's is looking all majestic and shit while mine was just a giant white bird. Lol

Hehe, it looks majestic there but that was after me following it for a bit trying to get it to pose again. I was rather impressed, I had never known there was such a thing. It had a mate too, fortunately she was acting disinterested so he was going mad trying to impress. They make the most godawful honking!

she was acting disinterested so he was going mad trying to impress.

That's always the case. For humans as well 😂

That worked out for you to see it and get a photo of it. I've never heard their call but I could see it being ridiculous.

It is most definitely the case for humans. I'm fact a tried and tested dating technique I think.

Their call us ridiculously loud, like a cross between a honk and a screech. I tried to record it but they stayed schtum whilst I filmed and started everytime I stopped!

Lol... She might have won this battle, but you'll win the (polycub) war

Heh heh, why yes indeed. That is exactly how I see it! :0D

I've never seen a white peacock before! If it wasn't for that story with the long and funny eyeliner, I would have thought it was a photoshop job))

Hehe, I am certainly not above a bit of photoshopping!! But aye, I was quite astonished to see such as thing myself! :0D

I wonder what's next, a white hummingbird? lol

I would believe it now!


We have recently been seeing a white turkey roaming through the neighborhood with the rest of the wild turkey flock. That peacock is gorgeous. The same cannot be said for turkeys, no matter what color they are!

He was a beauty, I was quite dazzled by him.

Urgh, I cant even begin to imagine a white turkey, they are not the most attractive of birds to begin with! Quite the eye-catcher I can imagine though. Are the red wattle bits still red? I can imagine the weird contrast, yuk!

I believe it is albino and everything is white but I have only seen it once, from a distance. A couple of the neighbors have spotted it, too, but no one has seen it close or got a picture. Now that the snow has melted it should be easier to spot!

Yeah, it is probable doomed with the snow gone. White creatures should hide in the mountains where it is safe and never leave!!

Line of the day:

what was the point of being Scottish if you didn't go to a Distillery?

You obviously don't see many ostriches up your way if you think that's one.

I have mixed feelings about wildlife parks, but at least the animals tend to get more space than zoos. We have Woburn and Whipsnade parks fairly near here, but I've not been in years. My kids are too old to care about them now.

I think my wife is taking advantage of their young ages to squeeze as many in as possible.

I find them quite forlorn places mostly and this one was no exception, goats, pigs, white peacock and some sorry looking meerkats. It was literally like a farmer decided to make a few bob on the side by buying some random animals!

Still, the cafe was nice but it was no distillery :O)

I've seen some sad zoos. These places need serious control. There's a farm you can visit up the road too. They ought to do the full experience of field to plate to inject some realism, and I speak as a mostly veggie. People seem able to reconcile that the same animal can be cute and tasty.

I've not actually toured a distillery. I need to fix that when I'm next in Scotland.

Distillery tours are rather good and quite interesting in a geeky distilling and whisky way.

I agree, there is so much more they could do if they thought out of the box but they don't. They just stick some sad-looking animals in some enclosures then expect people to pony up and walk about them. This one didn't even have a petting bit, although the rona seems to have put paid to that even now

The missus doesn't drink it, so she wouldn't be up for a tasting. I do like to see how things are made.

When I lived in Germany I went on a work outing to a sekt (fizzy wine) place. I'm not a bubbly drinker and didn't enjoy the tasting we had there. I didn't want to seem rude by turning it down.

I don't think mine would be up for a tasting but she has surprised me before. I think she could again and possibly for the not looking rude part of it!

The Good Lady was right to insist on seeing the white peacock and she got the victory, and you tell her something irrelevant, Polycub :)

She will probably value the polycub more... If I fail off the edge of a mountain!! ;0)


Got a neighbor with some peafowl... contemplating some myself. Real ones though, not like that ostrich... smh

Some people ones will do the trick!! :0D

I wish you a happy weekendHi @meesterboom ,You are very dramatic, I imagined the scene in which you were left dying in the snow haaaaaaa, but the good lady did not give up, she insisted and managed to get you to take her, and if it is a white peacock, it was worth the trip, well I guess you entered the distillery too, obviously without the kids noticing, you can't complain, it was a good walk and the animal is beautiful.

Hola Lupega! Oh yes, it was a fine trip and I got the distillery the nextday so all was well! Sometimes things work out for the best! :OD

Recently I got into PolyDoge as them PolyCub seem to need some twisted way of doing stuff. Or I'm just not fit for the job. Either way, in the meantime I make about 4000% ARP with them PD.

That park seems nice by the way.

That sounds alright to me! I will have a look say this polydoge. Although to be honest I am deeply untrusting of all that is poly!!

The whole farming, LP and staking thing is somewhat odd. In a way all things Crypto are, but I like it. Did only invest a little to try it. So far it is growing. Have to yield again now, busy farming times. 😄

Have made wrong financial choices in the past, not only Cryptos related, and this poly thing might also be known as one on the list.

In the back of my head there's a little nagging voice stating: "When something seems to be too good to be true..." Also I know myself as being able to act as a stubborn arse. So I guess I will be poly yielding for a while longer. 😅

Have a great day!

I agree on the too good to be true but. I have the same feeling. I have done well but and large with the crypto but do have an antsy feeling with the DeFis. Time will tell!!

It is relatively cheap so as long as them returns keep coming! To the moon! :0D

Value coming from publishing on a Blockchain seems logical. Selling creative stuff, like photos and music, NFT style, makes sense. Where DeFi seems to be just as weird as derivatives in the traditional financial realm. But, like you stated, it is still kind of for grabs. And I really did get about 12 percent per day so far. That is just nuts. Where I remember how I got nervous buying one Bitcoin {BTC} in 2016 for about 600 €uro. Because it could go down, badly. Well, 6 years later... 😂

Guess Polygon Matic aint that popular yet, so I'll get me just a little bit more, just in case. 😁

I remember when joining steemit about five odd years ago having several bitcoin. Editor's have held on to them! They were so cheap!!

It's always worth having a few of each chains token I think. Matic isn't the best network, always bloody congested. Still, the fees are cheap cheap cheap!!

At first when I started using the Polygon blockchain it seemed to have some issues indeed. Sometimes lagging behind a lot.

Recently I have not noticed this. Having to wait very long for a transaction to get through, or it keeps failing, is bad. And when that becomes standard then such a Blockchain is finished before it even gets off the ground.

So far so good, fingers crossed.🤞

And true, the transactions are extremely cheap. Being from the Netherlands, that is of course important to me. Us Nederish like anything as long as it is cheap, or even better: GRATIS! 😂

Your storytelling is amazing. it was the first time i read your posts so deeply and i was completely immersed in your story🙋👏👌

Hehe, cheers man!!

What a creature! Was it tame or wild?

I hope you get your Polycub!!!

This post has been curated by the VYB Curation Project - keep up the great work!

I think it was wild, it was roaming free at least!! It was the highlight of the park!!

Sometimes the best things about a place are the unexpected :) ... Maybe next week it'll be the distillery!

I do like the unexpected.. May there always be some!

Oh wow, that is quite a magnificent looking bird! I have seen many of the blue and green variety, but never white. Huh, I even went to Busch gardens in Florida where they boast white and albino animals, saw a white tiger and rhino, but no white peacock.

I have to say, I probably would have caved on the distillery idea, but seeing something rare definitely trumps even that, good on the good lady!

Having now been to the distillery I think I would have still taken the park and the white Peacock. It was not so enjoyable with the kids running amok and me having to herd them!!!

Impressive stuff. It looks like a giant dandelion. Bet it scoffs at all the other animals in the a park. A Lizza Minelli of the peacocks.

A bastard king of peacocks! I have a feeling he is not well liked in the peacock community!

🤣🤣 Jon Snowcock . Waltzing around with his white tail like he owns the place.

Hahah, wait till he realises ... winter is coming!...

It sounds like not having any PolyCub is a good thing for me.. I would get so frustrated so fast.. I was surprised the LARYNX were so easy

The larynx are ready now with that auto claim thing!!

Clearly an ostrich - I'm quite concerned about your good lady's eyesight truth be told. I have a good friend who is a chiropodist who can take a look at that for her if you're interested..

That would be good, they could probably use that jabby tool to peel the callouses from her eyes! :OD

Going to the distillery, always was the very essence of a good day out as it always ends with a free taste. I was once at the Talisker distillery on the Isle of Skye, and my brother who accompanied me, was very impressed with the young lad who guided us tourists around. "It is better than watching the border collies!" was his takeaway.

Hahah, yes, significantly better!

I havent been to that one but intend to go to Skye in the next year or so so shall be there at some point!

Yeah, i loike so much this pic. Is amazin the nature

I was quite impressed I got it at full fan!!

I read the article from beginning to end. The beauty of the peacock dazzled me. It's my first time seeing a white peacock

It was my first time too, a beautiful if slightly odd looking creature!

Wow😳. that was stunning and amazing..this is a first time of seeing a white peacock....I have only seen different colours but an all white one...nah💯💯💯...

It is a lovely site to be sure!


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