So much I can relate to here, haha!
I actually have been to a whiskey distillery once - and I think it was in Scotland - with my parents and siblings on a Summer holiday outing.
I remember that us kids couldn't stand the smell. I'm pretty sure only my dad enjoyed it, as the smell of beer already triggers a trauma in my mom's mind.
I also have seen a white peacock, at least once ( I believe it was in Portugal, 4 years ago ) and I definitely prefer the blue ones.
A white one would have better chances of survival in the snowy mountains though ;<)
Those Polycub references made me laugh!
I actually struggle with something else than the airdrop claiming.
I can claim it - if Matic works - and I am able to add to lps and stake in farms, kingdoms and xPolycub, but whenever I harvest from a farm or a kingdom, the Polycub doesn't seem to end up in my wallet. It's frustrating. DeFi is still pretty much the Wild West - even LeoFinance - and I already tried multiple platforms in the last year or so.
Have a good one!
Oh! Have you unlocked the claimed polycub on the main page? You have to unlock the funkers and then lose half of them before they land in your wallet. It is defo not the most user friendly of DeFi sites. I set all my claims to aggressive in the wallet to force them through and occasionally still get errors. It ain't playing up here in the north though. The signal is terrible!
I can imagine the smell and the whole whiskyness of a tour round one driving the kids nuts. I would probably go mad trying to keep them in line so I could enjoy it! I have been on a couple of tours, In one we visited for my 40th you could actually cask up and age your own one in a little mini cask but it was eye-wwateringly expensive so decided not to!
White peacocks. Whats the world coming to, we demand colour! :OD
We had something similar with a Belgian brewery that the kids didn't like the smell of. I still got to do the tour.
To be fair the smell can be quite off-putting. I stayed in a flat near one in Glasgow years ago and the smell was rather ripe. I don't mind so much but I can imagine the high drama from the kids.
I will get to do this distillery tour before I leave!