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in #life6 years ago

Great writeup @crypto.piotr

My view on this is:
believe it or not, we all make resolutions and we keep to it, but must times we think we didn't or we never achieved it


John said "this year i will not make any resolution because i didnt achieve the last on, but goes back and counts the many success he made during the year, the new degree, new job with better pay, finding love, getting married, making mistakes and learning from them (i sure made more mistakes than ever last year, and i was angry at it, but i also made a resolution to learn, so i did learn hehe)

We sure achieve most of our resolution but sometimes not in the way we wanted

Here are a few examples

  1. Your resolution was to make more money 💰 💰 💰, but you ended up spending more money than ever befor you did made more, you also spent itso if you do a check you achieve success
  2. Your resolution was to improve on your life and education, you ended up knowing much about the cryptocurrency, blochchain madness
  3. Your resolution is to be a great singer, engineer, web developer etc you never took time to learn anything on how to
  4. Your resolution is to stay fit or slim down loss weight, so you walkout daily, you dont eat right, you eat everything

The Problem

The problem is not the resolution, the problem is you. You get what you want, most times what we write down as our resolutions aren't, our resolution are writen in our heart 💞

Happy new year from Benin City Edo State , Nigeria

Best wishes@crypto.piotr thanks for your concern, i appreciate.


Brilliant comment @ogt. thank you for taking the time to reply. LOVE IT.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?
