in #life6 years ago
111.jpgLet me just start this post by wishing all Steemit users and followers a LATE very Happy New Year! May 2019 be YOUR year! Your year to improve one’s self, to earn more, to achieve more and to love more too!



Why am I late with my New Year’s wish and post you may ask? New Year’s was about two weeks ago! Well, let’s just say “to procrastinate less” is MY new year’s resolution!

So, back to the topic at hand. We’ve all heard the same old mantra before that roughly goes “new year, new me” or something similar along the lines. A brand new year to “renew” oneself, to “reevaluate” one’s life choices, goals, and etc. With a simple Google search, you’ll find tons of online articles that offer solutions on how to achieve or rather, “maintain” your resolutions for the new year ahead.



With all those resources at one’s finger tips though, I’m curious to know if they actually do work? How many of us can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that “yes! I did keep my resolutions, and I did follow through on them”. Not many I think, myself included of course. Why is this however? Why aren’t we able to keep our resolutions, though we tell ourselves that we can and we will! Hell, even those online articles are telling you that “you can and you will!”

Maybe I’m missing something? Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong? If anyone has any positive experience on keeping their resolutions and following through on it, please do share in the comments below. Im curious to know!



In my humble opinion, I don’t think making and keeping new year’s resolution work mainly because it happens due to “extrinsic motivation” as oppose to it being an “intrinsic motivation” instead.

An extrinsic motivation is basically a motivation that is mainly driven by external rewards such as money, fame or one’s psychical appearance to name a few. Example: trying to achieve a certain goal based on the fact that the end goal would bring you more money or more fame.

Now, in the long run, we are bound to “burn out” as all these are not ‘real’ values that would bring us true happiness would it? And after awhile, you just stop doing it.

Now, maybe if we tried to achieve these resolutions or goals based on an “intrinsic motivation”, it might just work instead. Why? An intrinsic motivation is based on a motivation that derives from the individual itself. Doing something out of internal passion or desire for instance, without thinking of the “reward” at the very end of it. The reward is the fact that you are enjoying “reading that book for the storytelling part of it, or working out because you enjoy working out and you know that it is good for your overall mental and psychical health and not just to look good”.



I’m in no way an expert in psychology, I’m just trying to share my two cents worth regarding this topic as the new year just rolled around the corner. And I think intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are so fascinating as we can apply this type of “motivation” to almost everything we do in our daily life.

At the end of the day though, regardless of the type of motivation is used to achieve your goal, we can always try to better ourselves in on way or another. To achieve more, to do more, to love more. And in my personal opinion, I don’t think we need 365 days as an EXACT measure. Start with micro goals and resolutions, and slowly work your way up to macro goals. Another sure fire way to at least achieve something you’ve written on your list.



(pic source: I would like to ask each one of you one final question. What does work for you and how do you personally understand the meaning of those 3 words?

Based on my current life experience and observations I would say that the majority of people are sticking to resolutions and almost automatically they treat them as "wishes".

I strongly believe that setting up goals and targets is more efficient. What would be your opinion on that issue? I would seriously love to know how other people function, what motivates them and if they focus on following their resolutions or setting up goals and targets?

Please do share your thoughts with me. Would love to know what you think about this topic :)

I read and reply to ALL comments. Always.


There are 3 pages

I have one resolution that I renew each year. My resolution is: get through the year without murdering anybody. 100% success rate … so far.

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I've taken on my friends new years resolution to no longer have new years resolutions, thus granting me a 100% success rate moving forward. I'm glad that others are thinking up 100% success rate resolutions. This one is perfect.

Your Anti-Resolution resolution wins the paradox award.

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That's very unique resolution @bitfiend :)

Thx for dropping by buddy

@bitfriend.....🤣🤣🤣What more can I say? Great resolution and no waste of time as well!

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People must really perturb you if that is your resolution each year... lol, thanks for the laugh.

People I like, resolutions not so much ;)

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My resolution is: get through the year without murdering anybody. 100% success rate … so far.

Congratulations ... but how much have you really challenged yourself? Have you, for example, ever met a STEEM Whale or Witness in person. Your constraint in such circumstance would be indeed worthy of praise. :-)


Dear @quillfire

Have you, for example, ever met a STEEM Whale or Witness in person

What about you? I dont think most of those people would bother to even talk to someone with small SP. That's how I see "big players" here.



I have had a couple of superficial communications with a couple of Whales and a Hell of a dust-up with a Witness Group (4 members) regarding proposed reforms to the blockchain ... they DO NOT want Rules of Conduct that would prevent vote selling/buying.

The value of an idea is independent of the pedigree of its author ... and that is one of the huge dangers of the STEEM/Steemit model. The big players are big players (with perhaps a small number of exceptions) because they were miners or early adopters ... essentially, they were in the right place at the right time. Hence ... techies.

Being able to write Python is but a fraction of the knowledge required to effectively manage a cryptocurrency. The knowledge-base amongst Whales and Witnesses is EXTREMELY skewed towards IT and noticeably deficient in basic business management skills. I used to manage of couple of hedge funds (one a currency-trading fund) and am very familiar with the financial, economic and legal issues that will effect STEEM but which have nothing to do with 'coding.' These issues are every bit as important, if not more so, than DApps ... and yet they are being largely ignored.

For example, SMT's will ABSOLUTELY be considered securities by the SEC and other world securities agencies. And yet, people still think that they'll just pay a dollar, start a SMT and do an ICO. The utterly ignorant think that they won't be subject to SEC jurisdiction just because they don't want to be ... as if, somehow, it will be "their choice" (ignorant Anarchist ideological baloney). This is off-the-scale amateurishness. It costs tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to set up even the simplest of non-US offshore structures and once you involve securities, that amount increases exponentially.

The US government has a plethora of ways to "establish jurisdiction" and has an extremely long and successful history of doing so. All of the US-based Witnesses, nodes and users .... not to mention Steemit Inc.'s US residence ... will be more than enough to establish a nexus.

I'm not being mean for the sake of being mean. I love Steemit and desperately want it to succeed. But a level of professionalism (and realism), that is at present wholly absent, will be required if it is to survive.


You are exactly right. Basically the saving grace for Steem right now is that it is such a small bit player that it is under the radar of SEC / fed or at least is not any kind of priority in comparison to scam ICOs and exchanges playing fast and loose with the rules.


That's a good point @carlgnash

I also was wondering if this is not Blessing for Steemit that it's just so very small ((still)

@Quill Sir

Extensively covered all the problems that were being faced by Steemit.

"....a level of professionalism (and realism), that is at present wholly absent, will be required if it is to survive."

My opinion is if all the whales would have taken a New Year Resolution to become DOLPHINS, then the Steemit will become FAMEit!

LIVE AND LET LIVE sort of situation must come in Steemit or else anything may happen......

@Quill Sir, with this commanding comment, you've just went in for the Kill!

Hats off!


It's nice to see that there are some fellow travelers out there. Thank you for this most generous commentary.

Drop by my blog anytime ... it's a hotbed of smart folks ... and, we could always use one more. Steel sharpens steel.

Speaking of "could use one more" ... (time is short).

(And never mind about calling me, "Sir." My friends call me, "Quill.")


Dear @quillfire

I would like to thank you for another amazing comment. I appreciate all the time you invested into replying to me.


I've met worse. Why in particular the whales and witnesses though?

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85% of SP (limited upvoting capital) is owned by Whales & Orcas. Most of such SP is being delegated to bidbots and other game-rigging mechanisms in an effort to generate Passive Income (interest) instead of Curation Awards. This, of course, destroys the entire concept upon which Steemit is predicated ... that there will be a correlation between the production of Quality Content and Compensation.

And so, Steemit slowly dies. The people who could change this, the Whales and Witnesses, are, of course, the very people who own the bidbots. Ironically, they are also the ones who have the most to lose ... but as long as someone else is doing it, so too will they.

And hence, they all sit around watching the price of STEEM spiral downward, in direct correlation with the number of declining active users. As STEEM is an inflationary currency (the Reward Pool increases the Monetary Supply, thereby decreasing the price of STEEM), an increasing user-base is the fundamental condition upon which all else depends (new users are required to sop up the newly issued currency to negate the inflationary effect).

What is the only thing that sets Steemit apart from the multitude of other competing social media platforms ... and hence, the magnet that attracts new users? Compensation for Content. But such compensation is entirely dependent upon how the Whale/Orca SP (85% of the total) is deployed. Such massive SP diversion away from its intended purpose prevents authors (and professional curators) from earning anything substantial based up Quality Content creation/curation. Either cheat, work for next to nothing ... or leave.

This is not a winning formula.

And yet, instead of enacting the obvious remedy ... killing the vote-buying/selling mechanisms ... all we hear from Whales and Witnesses is stupid Anarchist ideological mantras: "No Rulers, No Rules;" "Decentralization;" "Everyone Gets To Vote Their Stake" ... as if mouthing such ideological pablum does anything to address the underlying problem.

STEEM/Steemit is a Killer App ... that is being killed off by the very people who have the most to gain from it living ... all in the service of short-term self-interest and 'ideological purity' ... Satoshi's Dream. Adoption of common sense "Rules of Conduct" ... to stop the flagrant cheating ... would be akin, it is argued, to communism, fascism and totalitarian control.


Hi @quillfire

And so, Steemit slowly dies.

Steemit only dies in eyes of those who are interested in monetary rewards. It's still the best platform to build influence within crypto space out there.

Plus communities here and high level of engagement are the reason why this platform will not die anytime soon. There is simply nothing better that could replace Steemit and push it into "shadows".

What is the only thing that sets Steemit apart from the multitude of other competing social media platforms ... and hence, the magnet that attracts new users? Compensation for Content.

Absolutely not.

Steemit allows me to target audience better than any platform out there. Mostly because I can scan STEEM blockchain and easily find content creators that are valuable for me.

More and more people and businesses seem to slowly realize that this is the only platform (currently) out there which still enjoys good traffic and is allowing people to engage with each other.

Those who are here because of "compensation" and rewards will never last very long.



I've written before that there is no objective measures of quality that a blockchain can enforce. That leaves judgement of quality to somebody's audience. A mutual co-audience is roughly what I'd call a community. It's the communities that need to gain in power.

That's mostly what I'm involved in. Can't say I'm innocent on the bidbot front myself - I do need to make an income until I can build my audience enough to earn from posting alone. So, I can somewhat sympathise with people who go that way. But, a big chunk of my steem networth is in community building because community is everything.
I might need some help too.@quillfire You might be interested in projects like @steembasicincome, curation efforts like @curie and the various communities that often include curation and mutual support as part of them. To that end, I support community builders via sponsorship to @msp-makeaminnow and I also am working on @we-are (see @we-are-one for the blog) to help communities get technical tools and access to SP. @we-are is in closed trial and currently supports around 1500 members.


Hi again @eturnerx

I've noticed that many people downvoted your comment. Strange. Are you having some flag war going on here on Steemit? Just curious


I seem to have disturbed an insect nest. Unless I'm told, no way to know for sure. On the plus side, it means I'm finally famous enough to have enemies.

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Hahaha @eturnerx

I'm not sure if you're for real or if it kind of joke, but you made me laugh quite bad :)

Hope you will keep 100% rate until end of your days,

You're self discipline is an inspiration to all!

Hi, i receive your internal message.
I believe that target and goals works better. Also i agree wirh you that inteinsec and extrinsec are fascibatibg, but i also believe that the social scenery have a strong influence too. That is conditionated.
Great post, i give you mt support

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @reinaldoverdu

I believe that target and goals works bette

Definetly we're on the same page my friend. Im very goal orientated person and I believe this is more efficient way of achieving anything.


Hey there! We’ve always thought that there’s no need for a new year to set new goals, resolutions, targets or anything in between. Each new day is a chance to change for better! ❤️

Posted using Partiko iOS

I dont think we ever had a chance to get to know each other. Great comment @travellit

We’ve always thought that there’s no need for a new year to set new goals, resolutions, targets or anything in between

So you never set goals and targets for new year? At all? :)


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Resolutions are worthless IMO. They have nothing behind them other then empty words with plan for action on how to achieve them. To achieve anything worth achieving in life you need written goals with a plan of action on how you will achieve the goals.

The plan of action should be broken down to what you will do daily, weekly, and monthly to achieve your goal.

The goal also needs to be realistic or you will easily justify why you give up..."oh I wasn't ever going to actually be able to loose 50 pounds, what was I thinking". But if you have a goal of loosing 24 pounds this year and 2 per month which is 1/2 pound a week you have something that is easily tracked and very realistic (assuming you need to loose that much weight). From there you need to know how many calories that means you need to remove from your diet or to burn each day that you currently aren't. 3500 calories is about 1 pound, or 1750 calories for 1/2 pound, or removing 250 calories per day from your current diet.

Wait, 250 calories a day isn't that bad right? A 12oz can of Coke is 150 calories and walking 1 mile for an 180 pound person and you have that. So skip 1 soda and walk 1 mile per day and in a year it's 24 pounds lost.

This is a real Goal with a Real Action Plan. It's also something that easily can become a habit. Once you see the changes to your body in a few weeks you will start walking a little further and likely make a few other good decisions each day for your diet.

This all applies to any part of your life, but since so many people think about their weight at this time of year I figured it was a good example.

Ok that turned into way to long of a comment, going to need to reuse some of that for a

BTW, I think below is a quick edit for you.

Based on my current life experience and observations I would say that the majority of people are sticking to resolutions and almost automatically they treat them as "wishes".

I'm guessing you meant aren't

Resolutions are worthless IMO.

It seem that we're on the same page.

The goal also needs to be realistic or you will easily justify why you give up

You nailed it!

BIG thx for your great comment thedarkhorse. I appreciate it a lot.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


Getting stressed about things isn't really my thing. Life is way to short to allow little things to stress me out and short of major events in life not much will put me in a stress mode. Pressure is something I work really well under as I don't get stressed about it, but rather get a laser like focus on the task at hand.

But most people can avoid these reactions just by understanding how an action plan to reach their goal is to work.

By having clear written goals with an action plan that what needs to be done daily, weekly, and monthly with checkpoints along the way for your goal you will know long before your goal date that you need to either adjust your goal or your effort.

Just using the weight loss goal above as an example if you are honest with yourself and realize 3 days into your week that you've missed your 250 calorie reduction goal each day by 75 calories then you know you need to make it up. You need to either adjust the next 4 days and spread that 75 calories out or find a way to add an extra workout into 1 day to burn those calories.

If after a few weeks you still are always coming in under the required calorie reduction you need to either adjust all of the future weeks higher which likely isn't realistic at this point in time, or figure out how many calories you are over and how many weeks that will take on the back end to make up then adjust your target date. If you aren't targeting a date for a specific reason this is easy, but if you are targeting a date for a wedding or something you need to then decide how important that exact weight is to you and actually step up your effort or accept you will be say 2 pounds short of your goal. Don't be stupid and starve yourself, stay on a healthy path and reach the goal that you can without doing harm to your body.

Business goals are the same, if you plan to have a project done by a set date you can break up the work over the period of time before your deadline. If you start falling behind you know that more effort is needed to catch up. If there just aren't enough hours in the day to achieve your goal then you need to be honest with yourself earlier then later and see if the date can be backed up or find some help with the project. Waiting until the last minute and missing a deadline that was set weeks or months ago just isn't acceptable. Personally business goals should be achieved early in the eyes of the boss or customer, that is if it's a 4 week deadline make your plans for 3 weeks and 3 days. This allows you to deliver early (under promise and over deliver) or if needed back up your planned goal date by a day if you aren't finding it possible to stick to the plan.

Wow. Thank you for this amazing comment @thedarkhorse


I don't think I've ever made a New Years resolution. I haven't needed to. I'm a very disciplined person so whatever I resolve to do on any day of the year I tend to stick to.
Perhaps there are people who need New Year as an excuse to set goals for themselves but I've never met one who actually managed to stick to one. I've been attending the gym continuously in several different countries since I was about 17 and every year come January there's a huge influx of new members most of whom last about 6 weeks. Seems human nature is the same the world over.

Hi @deirdyweirdy

Thx for your comment

I'm a very disciplined person so whatever I resolve to do on any day of the year I tend to stick to.

It seem to me that you're very self-awared. That's a great advantage.

I've been attending the gym continuously in several different countries since I was about 17

Wow. That's impressive. What sort of workout do you stick to? I'm crazy about muay thai and western boxing (Im actually coaching boxing as a passion).


I did try kickboxing and then karate many moons ago but it just wasn't for me. I train 5-6 days a week with a mixture of high-Intensity circuits and weight training using kettlebells, dumbbells, and TRX. I just love exercise!

Wow. That's fantastic. Do you mind sharing with me from which part of Holland are you @deirdyweirdy?


I'm actually Irish, living in Dublin at the moment but lived in Amsterdam for almost 15 years.

I loved Dublin. Used to live there in 2005 for some time :)

Are you still based in Amsterdam? I was actually thinking about visiting it sometime this year :)

Let's keep in touch and hopefully we can meet each other one day.


No, I'm in Dublin for the last 4 years. My father got sick and I had to leave Amsterdam and come home. I love Dublin too but it's changed so much in the last few years with the huge influx of foreigners that I hardly recognise it anymore.


I suppose the only reason many craft out their resolutions for the new year is with hopes of giving themselves another chance at whatever it is they are hoping for or battling against. There's a thing for a new leaf, a new chapter, a new beginning, hence beginning the year anew is kinda akin to giving ourselves a 'clean slate' so to speak. I know it's not easy following through with whatever that's set, but it's not impossible. I think we've somehow also have bought into the perception that if we fall through in the beginning or in the process, then we can't continue. Or, it doesn't feel right starting in September. Sometimes it's really is playing tricks in our mind. To be honest, I have not really had a 'resolution' for some years now. Can't even recall what I wanted the last few years, except for family planning 😂 I think my goal in general every year is to live happily and grow in every aspect of life. The specifics? We can work it out along the way. 😊

Hi @alimamasstory

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

ps. would you consider using enter sometimes to separate blocks of text? it would make reading much easier :)


I think the end of the year has a different meaning for everyone of us. For me for example the end of the year has quite a big meaning because my business is closing an economical cycle. On 1st of january a new cycle starts and it is quite important to start with some targets that we want to achieve in this cycle.Hi @crypto.piotr,

For my employees it is motivating when they feel that there is a plan for the new year. So I always try to come up with some "resolutions" but most of the time they are related to work and business.

On a personal level I tend to take new resolutions whenever I feel that it is necessary. I don't wait for a new year to do so. You don't have to wait for the end of the year to stop smoking or start to do some sport I believe ;-).

Best regards,

Hi @achim03

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


Thanks for your reply. I believe thatHi @crypto.piotr,

handling the stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets

Is an important part of a learning process. When you realize that you will not manage to reach your goals it is important not to question everything you do. It should however give you a hint about the goals that you set. It is often a good idea to revise the goals and maybe to bring them down a bit. When I set my goals I often listen to my instinct. When the goals I set scare me then they are too high. When I feel a good mix between anxiety and challenge then they are ok.

To follow resolutions should always be a work in progress. When you give up because you set the goals too high then your resolutions were for nothing and you have a negative experience. When you see that you cannot succeed, then it is worth to adapt the goals and not considering the whole project a failure but rather a process.

Best regards,


I love how mature each of your comment is @achim03

Always. Love lit.

Personally I don't take very seriously all this kind of new year's wishes, as you I consider them fake illusions that people often forgets in the first opportunity they have.

Is more like a tradition than real targets that the people want to archieve, or maybe they want but don't make it real because of the difficulty on our routines.

The goals that I oftenly want to archieve are at a long range of time, trying to get to them everyday as part of my routine, that way doesn't suppose an extra effort to me, is only another step in the direction I want to go.

I'm not a traditional person, as an example of this I don't even celebrate christmas or birthdays with presents, so I suppose that this isn't so valid for everyone.

Of course I respect the people that establishes this kind of new year's goals, as I said is in their traditions and way to be.

Nice article @crypto.piotr I like the way you write and the issues that you take into debate. Cheers.

Hi @palasatenea

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

Personally I don't take very seriously all this kind of new year's wishes, as you I consider them fake illusions that people often forgets in the first opportunity they have.

It seem that we're on the same page.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

I like the way you write and the issues that you take into debate. Cheers.

Thank you :)


Of course it feels sensible. Sometimes the goals are too indistinct. We should make them operational.

Also, any motivation that relies on a push start once a year... would work if we were exactly a push start away from reaching those goals.

The wisest thing I heard on setting goals up was...

Think of the smallest possible accomplishment that would make a difference and start with it.

A random guy on a random conference I had to cover by photos.

Thank you @manoldonchev for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

Thank you for your post. For some years I had been doing something about the new year resolutions. I hear about "The secret" or attraction law documentary. In that documentary someone talk about a dream board or wishes board or something like that... I really don't remember the name. The point is that if you want something and you want to attract it you could put it like an image over the board and then you will start to attract it.

It has work to me.I started cutting magazines, and recently for this year I made a digital image that you can see here

I think that is a trick, to make the intrinsical motivation become extrinsical, is like do your own publicity.

And why in new year? Well, why not? It is fun. I hope this trick will be useful to you.


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I would like to thank you @yacobh for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

And I'm sorry for such a late reply. Just noticed that I've missed your comment somehow.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


When I started to do the boards I put big things into it. Now this year I put very achievable things. This allow me more focus over it.

To manage frustration and stress I make an exercise. I think what would be passed if I didn't make the dashboard. And I see what I did with the dashboard.

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Thank you for your kind comment @yacobh and for being so responsive.

To manage frustration and stress I make an exercise. I think what would be passed if I didn't make the dashboard. And I see what I did with the dashboard.

And does it help?

I really appreciate it a lot.
Yours, Piotr

I myself do not really believe in New Years resolutions, I always try to make the upcoming year a better year than the previous year. I grew so weary of people at work asking me what my new years resolution was that I actually finally made one while working and it was a simple one to keep. Of course no one thought that I would really keep it, but for two years in a row I kept it. No one else at work had kept any of their "resolutions". They were more of like you said wishes and dreams on their part.

Going into the third year of their constant triad of new years resolutions and pointing out to them their failures to keep their own I made two resolutions one so that I would never have to make another work new years resolution again, and that was easy to keep, one of the two was not to make any more new years resolutions at work. I stuck with that until I retired, so for 5 years no work new years resolutions.

I think people do not take new years resolutions serious, it is simply a herd mentality, everyone else is making them maybe I should too thing.

I would like to thank you @bashadow for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

And I'm sorry for such a late reply. Just noticed that I've missed your comment somehow.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


If you do not set unrealistic goals and targets, they can almost always be achieved. No stress that way, but if your goal or target is not reached, and it was a reasonable goal, then you look at why, what caused the failure, was it internal or external or something you had no control over. Not reaching a goal or a target should not be a stressful thing, it should be a learning thing. I do not understand why people stress over not reaching a goal or target, if a person is stressing out over not reaching a goal perhaps it is because they can not look objectively anymore as to why they set the goal in the first place.

So I do not stress over missing a goal or a target, just how I am I guess.

Thank you for your kind comment @bashadow and for being so responsive.

I really appreciate it a lot.
Yours, Piotr

I wonder who started this tradition. Was it their New year resolution? I don't really see the point in waiting till January the first each year to make an advancement in your life. If you want something just go for it there and then.
To procrastinate is to aim to fail. Tomorrow never comes. The Spanish are great at it. "Mañana" they cry and then go and sit under a tree in the shade.

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Thank you andyjem for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

And I'm sorry for such a late reply. Just noticed that I've missed your comment somehow.


That's perfectly OK. @crypto.piotr Just looking at the volume of replys it doesn't surprise me at all. Keep up the good work 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Dream on... never made new years resolutions in my life, set some goals, never too far ahead, get to the first quickly then able to make the next.

Achieving small bites of life, on day at a time is easier to cope with and enjoy the results, then move on.

Resolutions are like putting yourself in jail, then having to work out how long you want to stay there.

Life is too short, plan ahead, never too far ahead! Enjoy accomplishing in small steps they soon become bigger, growing in confidence to accomplish more.

Thank you @joanstewart for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

And I'm sorry for such a late reply. Just noticed that I've missed your comment somehow.


Happy New Year and Very Prosperous 2019.
My new year resolution is always the same. To look after my family, help them in everyway and to strive to be positive and happy always.@crypto.piotr

Thank you for your comment @cosmophobia :)

No worries I am glad to help.

Omg I just saw your memo now! lol...I am sorry!!!

I rarely even make them to be honest as I always fall short. Ha!

I am going to kick ass this year and make strides financially. I guess if I were to have a resolution, it would be that.

Dear @blewitt

Omg I just saw your memo now! lol...I am sorry!!!

Don't be sorry. Im glad you decided to drop by :)

I am going to kick ass this year and make strides financially.

Fingers crossed :)


For me this is year #7 without dating, companionship or the touch of a woman - it's been brutal but one more year my heart won't be crushed-to-dust again by a H.O.T. lady!
♥¸.•°”˜˜”°•.✫ B★E★A★U★T★I★F★U★L ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•.♥

Congratulations @crypto.piotr! for your @steemitboard success and thank you for your kind courtesy always - a true asset to tha Steemit!

I think I am part of that majority that treat their resolutions as wishes.

I am terrible at setting up realistic goals for me, and I think that is why I usually have lack of motivation and I do my work just before the deadline.

Dear @ropaga

Thank you for your kind comment.

I think I am part of that majority that treat their resolutions as wishes.

So we're clearly on the same page here :)

I am terrible at setting up realistic goals for me, and I think that is why I usually have lack of motivation and I do my work just before the deadline.

OMG. That's awful hahaha :) How does it work for you?


Friend. @crypto.piotr

I particularly think that there are goals, what one proposes, however, those goals are maintained but in the course of achieving those goals many times the plans change. But not the goal. I believe in opportunities, but those opportunities must be accompanied with the tools you need to be able to face those plans that change and continue with your proposed goal.

Dear @lanzjoseg

Thank you for your kind comment.

I believe in opportunities, but those opportunities must be accompanied with the tools you need to be able to face those plans that change and continue with your proposed goal.

I absolutely love your approach buddy. So great to have a chance to get to know you closer.


I don't really have new year resolution, but I have things I want to accomplish.

Thank you for your comment @putu300

And how o you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot accomplish your goals and targets?


Awesome @crypto.piotr bro.

Hope my 2019 resolution will work out at least 80%, if not 100% :)

All the best to you :D

What was your resolution @wilhb81? :) Was it a long list?


Hi @crypto.piotr bro :)

There are 6 of them:

  1. Wishing my parents in good health condition
  2. Seeking for a double storey house at Kuala Lumpur/Selangor area
  3. Finish my 2nd magical storybook in this year
  4. Looking for the local publishing company to publish my magical storybook
  5. Try to make the platform as good as possible
  6. Create a new CN based website for Steemmonsters

That is some serious list @wilhb81

ps. what is about? I checked it out but it's all in chinese.


Ah, glad that you asked @crypto.piotr :D is a CN website of the main - it's mainly about the Steemmonsters cards trading platform :)

PS: If you haven't join Steemmonsters yet, you might want to have a look here:

Thx @wilhb81 for your explanation.

I tried steemmonsters and I figured that I may not have time for it :(


No problem, just wanted to let you know about it @crypto.piotr 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Great topic, and it's not too late to consider these topics! I set goals all year round, but New Year's Resolutions seem special.

But not because I am especially good at sticking to them! No, my experience has shown that one's life must be changed starting at the habit level, and working upward, not starting superficially. I have gotten some good deals on online courses at New Years time, but I have to put in the self discipline to study all year round.

Putting in effort is a prerequisite to just about everything in this life - no matter what time of year we decide to make the changes! I try to consciously analyze where my efforts are being used, and how I can improve, every day!

New Years for me has always been a good time to take introspection and see the growth over the last year!

Thank you for being such an interesting steemian Piotr!

Hi. I would like to thank you @ecoinstant for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

Also I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I just noticed that somehow I've missed your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

Thank you for being such an interesting steemian Piotr!

hahahaha you're welcome. We're all rock and roll buddy ;)


I've never really kept up on a new years resolution. If/when I started one, by June I surely had already forgotten about it, so whether or not I succeeded is beyond me. Other times, clearly I failed. Last year I had a resolution to quit smoking. It worked for 2 months, but I started up again.

A friend of mine once said "I have fulfilled my new years resolution for 10 years now" and when I questioned how he managed that, he said his new years resolution 10 years ago was to no longer have new years resolutions, thus, fulfilling his original new years resolution to no longer have them, every year.

I like this approach, so I'm going to run with it this year. That way I never "fail" at fulfilling a new years resolution again.

On a more serious note, I've chosen to just be more goal oriented and my goals and deadlines have nothing to do with the new year. Goals tend to change for me quite often. There's not enough time in the day for me to do everything that I would like to do in a day, so it's hard to stick to any specific set of goals throughout the entire year.

Hi @bitfiend

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I like this approach, so I'm going to run with it this year. That way I never "fail" at fulfilling a new years resolution again.

I hope it will work well for you.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


Every intelligent person will set goals and start immediately rather than wait until a certain date is reached.
These people are called achievers.
And then, there are the others that need excuses to delay tasks that might be inconvenient and not effortless. Many of those will not follow through with their New Year resolutions.

Dear @brokernaples

Thank you for your mature and kind comment. Appreciate.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


What are you new year's resolutions?

That's the question I have recently been asked on my English lesson. I have noticed with amazement that almost no one had any resolution! It seems this practice is not very popular among younger generations.

If it comes to my personal point of view, I think that they just don't make any sense. First of all they usually don't work, but also I don't see any reason to change your life on the first January instead of any other day.

When I see an area in my life that I want to improve, I am trying to do immediately. Motivation that is given by the phrase 'new year, new me' is often fictional and doesn't have an impact on my life in a long term.

Thank you for inviting me to this interesting post @crypto.piotr :)

Amazing comment @neavvy. thank you for taking the time to reply. LOVE IT!

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


Hi @neavvy

I'll consider your approach. It sounds good to go for something whenever there is an opportunity, specially something you enjoy.

I think we should avoid making new year resolutions because we should start the thing when we realize to do it. Some people think that they will learn a thing from the first day of next year or start doing exercise from that day but they should do it right from the day when they realize that they should do it. Every day of our life is precious. We should not waste it.

Hi @akdx

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


I have developed a carefree attitude. Stress and frustrations are part of life. I handle them accordingly.

Dear @akdx

Thank you for your kind comment and never ending support :)

Appreciate it a lot.

Friend of mine is looking for crypto writers and social media marketers. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested in such a position (check out my latest post).

Yours, Piotr

I just muted that ignorant woman, I can feel her bad energy here.. I do support you 💯 and not because of the help but because I know you are an unique human beign

Posted using Partiko Android

I use to be a "list " girl forever, and on occasion use one, so the resolution would be a list long of various stuffs. Now, I meditate and attempt to empty all that out of the mind and enter the quantum energy field, there lies the motivation, calmness of mind and focus on the future journey, that might include resolutions more like intentions of future me.... I think the main issue at hand, why resolutions fail is folks speak, I want to lose weight, or I want to be more active, and the frequency of want, attracts "want" instead of I AM Active, I Move my body, it's 2 completely different frequencies... Intention is a call to action, while want, or need is a frequency of lack.... how about them apples.?

Dear @kimmysomelove42

Thank you for your kind comment and never ending support :)

Appreciate it a lot.

Friend of mine is looking for crypto writers and social media marketers. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested in such a position (check out my latest post).

Yours, Piotr

In more recent years, I have begun to use the word "goals" instead of "resolutions". Whether one considers it the same thing or not, is not of much importance to me. The only reason why I have made that small change in name is because of the stereotypes of my, and others, attempts at starting something new, only to stop relatively quickly afterward.

I love the new year in that it provides me something to look forward to beginning - a hard date to look towards and start it strongly in mind. All of my focus and energy waits like a bull getting ready to be released at a rodeo from his gate. This helps me launch out strong. Here is where most get tripped up. They start strong, but do not have a plan to sustain the new goal they have stepped out towards. A plan is needed. Not just a plan, but something in writing and with a gathered circle of accountability to help stay the course.

Ultimately, the motivation, desire, and actual work must come from within - the new goal cannot merely be a wish, but a genuine heart that aches to see change and the willingness to do whatever and go through whatever to see that new goal come to fruition.

Hi @gabemunozoc

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


I handle stress by working out everyday. That is becoming my time alone to focus on me. While I workout, I am able to let my mind wonder and sort of get lost. One challenge however, is sometimes, if being honest, I can also drift my thoughts into thinking about problems. So I have to put focused energy into allowing my mind to drift positively. I think about where I'm at in life, what maybe I've fallen short on, how to rebound, and how can I improve.

If I begin to realize I am falling short on my goals and targets, I regroup my mind, cast out negativity, and figure out a game plan to get back on track. If I simply don't meet my goals, I always try and figure out why. Once I pinpoint the why, I can figure out how to reconfigure my plan.

Hi @gabemunozoc

I handle stress by working out everyday. That is becoming my time alone to focus on me.

Excellent solution. Is there any particular sport you do? I love western boxing.

Thanks for replying to my previous comment. I always appreciate people who engage back.

Friend of mine is looking for crypto writers and social media marketers. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested in such a position (check out my latest post).


And I would like to ask each one a final question. What works for you and how do you personally understand the meaning of those 3 words?

Woo my dear friend, I believe that the vast majority of us function in that way, make resolutions, set goals or set goals to achieve every year that begins, but I fear that most of us end up "recycling" the same resolutions or goals because we can not fulfill them fully.

Personally I think similar to you, in that we must set goals that have more to do with the personal, the family, try to improve as a person etc.

This does not mean that considering material objectives to achieve is bad, but I think that is part of your daily obligation for your sustenance and economic growth.

My personal opinion, I do not pretend to be right but that is what I think.

Blessings dear @crypto.piotr

Pr Euclides Villegas

BIG thx for your great comment @fucho80. I appreciate it a lot.

Thanks, I really like to read what you write, I've really learned a lot from you.

I believe that God allowed us to relate to help me grow and it is happening.

Hi sorry for the inconvenience, do you think that you can please share this information? is a gofundme campaign to help a child with hydrocephalus and epilepsy from venezuela, I made two post in both English and Spanish to spread the information also all the money that manages to raise in both post will be donated apologize for the inconvenience caused

Dear @diego01798

I'm sorry but I've been involved in few charities lately and I cannot afford (moneywise and timewise) to get involved in another one.


Great writeup @crypto.piotr

My view on this is:
believe it or not, we all make resolutions and we keep to it, but must times we think we didn't or we never achieved it


John said "this year i will not make any resolution because i didnt achieve the last on, but goes back and counts the many success he made during the year, the new degree, new job with better pay, finding love, getting married, making mistakes and learning from them (i sure made more mistakes than ever last year, and i was angry at it, but i also made a resolution to learn, so i did learn hehe)

We sure achieve most of our resolution but sometimes not in the way we wanted

Here are a few examples

  1. Your resolution was to make more money 💰 💰 💰, but you ended up spending more money than ever befor you did made more, you also spent itso if you do a check you achieve success
  2. Your resolution was to improve on your life and education, you ended up knowing much about the cryptocurrency, blochchain madness
  3. Your resolution is to be a great singer, engineer, web developer etc you never took time to learn anything on how to
  4. Your resolution is to stay fit or slim down loss weight, so you walkout daily, you dont eat right, you eat everything

The Problem

The problem is not the resolution, the problem is you. You get what you want, most times what we write down as our resolutions aren't, our resolution are writen in our heart 💞

Happy new year from Benin City Edo State , Nigeria

Best wishes@crypto.piotr thanks for your concern, i appreciate.

Brilliant comment @ogt. thank you for taking the time to reply. LOVE IT.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


No, they don’t work. The reason is simple because we don’t work. If you work for something then you will surely get something.
We make high resolutions which are difficult to achieve so we give up. Instead we should make little resolutions which can be completed easily and then they make a bigger resolution.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi, I just found this Post of a new Steemian very interesting. I would like ti know your opinion? And probably you could help to bring more attention into the discussion. Thank you @masterthematrix

Posted using Partiko Messaging

Dear @masterthematrix

Thank you for sharing this link with me. I will read it right before bedtime.

And probably you could help to bring more attention into the discussion

Each weekend I'm trying to help and promote 1-2 posts I found interesting (related to my interests: blockchain technology, crypto, AI, psychology, economy etc).

This way Im supporting people I consider valuable, supportive and active here on Steemit. I'm also trying to resteem one post a week.

Whenever you publish something around thursday/friday then send me memo with link. I will read it, drop some comment and upvote and if I will have a chance then I will bring some traffic to your publication or resteem it.

The thing is that this weekend I already schedulled some work and I will promote 2 other people content.

ps. would you mind sharing with me where're you from? just curious. I noticed that I don't know pretty much anything about you :)

Also perhaps you could consider dropping me an email: [email protected] -> that would allow us to keep in touch closer. I will surely be happy to support you in the future.


Hi @crypto.piotr I am Partiko mentor for 2 week and working to on-board Steemian to partiko app. Hope you know about it. I would invite you to start using this app. Please confirm if you're interested and i will share android or ios link to download. This is superfast app with clean UI. Waiting for your reply dear friend. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for thinking of me @alokkumar121 but I do not really use mobile devices at all :P

I got rid of my cellphone over 3 years ago and I love it. Once I close my laptop - Im 100% offline. Noone, including my own wife can reach me hehehe :P


Haha. It's funny but hats off to you because leaving mobile phone is too difficult though I can't do it. Thanks for response bro.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've seen it postulated that process oriented benchmarks are more effective than quantitative goals. For instance, if you're a writer, instead of "my goal is to finish one chapter every week", "my goal is to spend 3 hours every day writing". This sounds to me like a more human approach

Posted using Partiko Android

BIG thx for your great comment @bennettitalia. I appreciate it a lot.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

I honestly don't believe in New Year resolutions but I do believe immediate resolutions when my performances and health go down not specifically new year or so. For example I had exams on Jan 5 but I started studying way back and I started exercising in my local ground when I realised my weight had gone up. I believe in immediate response to sudden stimulus

Dear @n1hal

I honestly don't believe in New Year resolutions but I do believe immediate resolutions when my performances and health go down not specifically new year or so.

That is such an interesting point of view. So immediate resoultions works fine for you? Is that because they are instant and have a short life-span?

And what do you think about setting up targets and goals? I believe mostly in setting up targets, as Im very goal orientated person and I believe this is more efficient way of achieving anything.


It has worked fine for me till now and I have achieved the short term goals. However there are some long term goals like planning to take what course, how and when to start studying for JEE and stuff but these resolutions are not necessarily made during new year. One thing I do is talk with a bunch of friends when I am not able accomplish these goals. In all of them there will be atleast one geek who is going to act like he is giving me enlightenment and actually it works. Second thing that works well with keeping up resolutions is competitiveness. Find people who have similar goals to yours and tease them when they give up and you get teased when you give up. Don't go enemies just competitiveness. These are the principles I believe in. Hope it helps.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your kind comment @n1hal and for being so responsive.

I really appreciate it a lot.
Yours, Piotr

ps. would you consider using enter sometimes to separate blocks of text? it would make reading much easier :)

Great post @crypto.piotr. It certainly is all about setting goals, planning, working at it every day, and having the willpower to consistently keep at it. Best of luck in the New Year!

Thank you for your kind comment @ebargains :)

It's great to see that you're still around,

You've already said what I wanted to say. We really should not be caught up with the hype of this new year's resolution. If we want to start something new, no better time than now. Start with small goals and stick to it and then do more. Yes we can shoot for the stars and hit the moon but sometimes that might be a negative thing for it would end up disappointing ourselves. Do more and be better at our own pace. Don't give in to the pressure of what you see blasted by the media especially social media.

Hi @leeart

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


I am more of an accepting kind of guy of what is. I have learned not to stress myself from things that can't be. If it is meant to be, then so be it. For things I really want, I take a break sort of try to do things in a different way or find ways to do things to achieve a goal. If I cannot do it now, then I try again and do it better next time.

Hi @crypto,piotr thanks for the invitation. On this subject could debate but it saddens me not to have a decent English, is within my goals and objectives, achieve it. On the approach I would say roughly that I totally agree with you. Do not achieve all the goals and objectives indicates that we depend on extraneous, imagine our situation in Venezuela, where every day we change the plan.

It may be an advantage to work short term goals although even that is effective today. Of the three concepts, for me, they function as a cycle.
Resolution: involves handle tools to solve problems of the day-to-day basis therefore it is essential. Goals refers to the arrival, the final point, to achievement. Objective Path to carry out a project.
When we solve a problem, we have reached the goal and we return to the objectives. So we took the cycle of life. In conclusion the three concepts are important. Thanks

Hi @belkisa758

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply. And thank you for your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


I think it was Solon who said that better than any pact or oath is good habits. Personally I don't make New Year's resolutions or anything like that. Why should we wait until the end of the year (or to the start) to make changes? I've noticed that we usually put these dates to postpone doing what we know we should do, and we just push it away. The best time to start is always now, at least I think so.

The only thing that has worked for me is what you say about "intrinsic motivation", working out for the tiredness sake? Damn no, I would prefer every time to be sleeping or doing many other things. However, I know I need to do it and I mentally force myself to do it, because the only thing that matters to create a habit is perseverance. After a while doing it, it is simply natural.

Start with micro goals and resolutions, and slowly work your way up to macro goals.


But that's what works for me. Does something else work for you?

Greetings and Happy New Year!

BIG thx for your great comment @vieira. I appreciate it a lot.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

I would like to know how to answer that question but I don't know. Especially because I don't have goals or targets, I have only one, and it is life in itself, everything else I do in relation to improving myself, as if I prepared all the time just to live.

Thank you for your comment @vieira

Super post @crypto.piotr, I have upvoted and resteemed! I like to adopt the SMART method for new years resolutions. Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time, failing one of these usually indicates you won't maintain your new years resolution. Thank you for the motivation! Question for you: How do you stay motivated? Do you track your progress with a new year's resolution?

Hi @blockshine

Question for you: How do you stay motivated? Do you track your progress with a new year's resolution?

Most of all: I'm sorry for such a late reply.

That's a good question. I've been doing martial arts for half of my life so I've learned to be very well organized and disciplined.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


P.S. please feel free to drop me a comment when you post something new to remind me to check it out. Thanks a lot.

Posted using Partiko Android

greetings, in my opinion I believe that everything is in the mentality in terms of achieving motivations or year goals, simply adapting the mentality allows to achieve what one is mostly motivated to do

thx for your great comment @ljmm. I appreciate it a lot.

Regarding the focus of the post, I can say that this is true of the motivations to undertake, above all, new things. It takes a lot more than just thinking about money to be determined to act. With respect to me, the truth is that I've never been as excited to follow the traditions of the letter as others do, I really like Christmas and everything it means, but I do not like all that work to make unrealizable resolutions for the new Year. I prefer to be aware that I have to do things differently every year and keep up with world events so I do not get left behind.


Hello @crypto.piotr! I'm running late for this post because only today I was able to retrieve the computer from my house. But I've done well all these days.

Thx for your kind reply @juanmanuellopez1. I appreciate it a lot. Always.

Saludos @crypto.piotr! Vivimos en sociedades que imponen estereotipos, los cuales de muchas maneras dan la pauta a resoluciones que terminamos adoptando, pero al tiempo abandonando, porque en realidad no nacen de nuestras necesidades personales.

Lo anterior puede suceder por la gran cantidad de informacion propagandística que recibimos, algo necesario en "economía de consumo", pero y en base a, ser eficientes con recursos de dinero y de tiempo, debemos tener claro cuales son nuestras necesidades.

Para ser efectivos con nuestros alcances, primero necesitamos tener claro nuestros objetivos, como vamos a cumplir ellos, desarrollando y aplicando las estrategias previamente diseñadas para nuestro proyecto, debemos ser estrategas en estos aspectos, lo cual nos permitirá cumplir con nuestras metas, consumiendo los recursos necesarios y por ende eficientes, pudiendo así generar el menor impacto ambiental posible.

Todo lo anterior, es una cuestión de perspectiva, planteada desde mi humilde criterio.

Feliz día.

Hola @tramelibre

Gracias por este punto de vista. A veces pienso que otra pregunta importante es saber que objetivos valen la pena. Incluso puede salir oportunidades no previstas que requieren algo de improvisación para tomarlas. A la final, es todo un arte hacer que las cosas sucedan


Posted using Partiko Android

Saludos @caribehub! preguntas cuales serán los objetivos que valgan la pena? serán los que te indiquen tu esencia espiritual y que ademas estén alineados con tus expectativas profesionales y económicas.

La vida y como lo indicas es un arte, el cual con las técnicas que aprendemos, la visión de las cosas que mejoramos, y el respeto a la vida que desarrollamos, hacemos que la obra resultante desde la humildad del individuo sea majestuosa para el colectivo.

Feliz día!

Personally if new years resolutions work for people then yes go for it but for if I want to do something or change for the better I do my best to do it asap not once a year lol. Another great post mate keep up the great work @crypto.piotr thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

BIG thx for your great comment @steemingmark. I appreciate it a lot.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?

No problem I try an set suitable achievable goals. If it's out of my hands no point to worry about not being able to change it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @crypto.piotr, a happy late new year to you too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on a topic very dear to me. You have touched on something very interesting and unconventional by mentioning extrinsic motivation” and “intrinsic motivation.

A few times a year or less I sit down and go over the areas of my life and makes goals and plans, but rarely with a calendar

My goal is a free Venezuela, health to see it and enjoy a healthy and happy energetic life. On the other hand raise my voting power in Steemit. It's one of my big dreams.
Thank you for sharing a good article.

Nice goals you have. Hope you manage the part about Venezuela ;-)

Hi. I would like to thank you @surika for your comment. Appreciate it a lot.

My goal is a free Venezuela

Good bless Venezuela. There is so much happening there lately again. I wonder in Maduro will stay in power through entire 2019.

Also I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I just noticed that somehow I've missed your comment.

I was also wondering how do you handle stress and frustration once you realize that you cannot reach your goals and targets?


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