
Hehe. Very cute. Congrats. Rehived.

Family is everything

Filip looks kinda fuzzy, and who is the human?

awwwwwn he is so cute

Grandpa must be handsome to have such a cute grandson

Nice meeting your cute grandson

Cute Philip

Filip's cuteness is overpowered. that cute human fur friend is outpowered by him now.
sending some !LUV to him

Proud grandfather

Amazing.. I wish to be a grandfather too someday

What a cutie

Hello buddy Filip.
Howz life going? :P

Jedina, najveća sreća i bogatstvo, porodica.
Hej, da li ste pitali Filipa za saglasnost za objavljivanje njegove fotografije na ovoj platformi? 😊Da li znate onu pesmu "Ja vragolan i moj deda...", @oldtimer? 😉

I don't know that song. My family left Hive long time ago and I'm not sure if hive will be still alive when Filip will be old enough to join. Probably I'll be the last man posting here. And Zorica, of course.

He, he, duhovito i simpatično, kao i uvek @oldtimer. 🙂

Muy hermoso su nieto amigo ,de verdad estos son la alegría del hogar y nuestros segundos hijos,un beso.para el niño y lluvia de bendiciones ,muy tierno🙏🎁🎈🥰 saludos

Am I the only one that love cute babies like filip ?

Amazing filip

Buenas tardes amigo,espero este bien ,pase saludando ,gracias por contar con su apoyo,saludos y bendiciones desde Venezuela -Margarita 🥰🇻🇪🌟🙏

you must be so proud of young filip, I love this

awwwww so handsome