in your post I accidentally discovered something about myself ;) You know what I mean! That was nice! ;) Thank you! But as the topic you raised is really interesting, I decided to record some of my thoughts.Hallo, Dear Steemians! Greetings, @jacor! Recently
You write a lot about the reputation system, which is really the basis of "digital life" (and life in general) and I would like to talk about the principles of social justice. Because I see how we are trying to establish here new economy and new society. Thus it's quite important topic, in my opinion.
I enjoy seeing complex things in simple images. This topic of social justice may seem very difficult and confusing, as so much has been written and said about it. However, this problem is solved very simply for me.
Human and animal nature.
First of all, I'm talking about the difference between human and animal in his nature. There are 4 general things, that are common for people and animals: we eat, sleep, mate and strive for self-preservation. However, animal consciousness means selfishness and consumption. Animal is committed to the force and power in order to eat the weaker. "Survival of the fittest" - this is the animal principle of life.
But the human principle of life is different. Human means love and compassion. He is committed to the strength and power in order to help the weaker. I believe that the man’s essence, his true nature and mission, is to help a less developed creatures.
If the person is strong, but doesn't care about the weak and undeveloped, then he is not a human. After all, his behavior is no different from animal’s.
When such people become majority, society segregates into elite and "the crowd", the strong and the weak. The elite does not care about the "crowd", and this is a manifestation of the animal's consciousness of these "leaders".
The equalization is the false path.
The elite will always be; it is the law of nature. Someone will always be more talented, stronger, successful. That's not the problem. There is no point in trying to equalize people from financial or any other point of view. The equalization is the false path to establishment of social justice.
The true way is to raise human consciousness.
The solution is to raise strong and successful people who care. If the elite takes care of the "crowd", just as a parent cares about the child, then it’s a true society of social justice.
Justice is when the strong cares about the weak. That is the essence of justice. After all, the principle of support and care is based on love. Justice cannot exist apart from the principle of love. So this simple formula "the strong helps the weak" is the real answer to the question: "How should function society, which implements the social justice?"
The problem of the current society is that it creates more and more people whose behavior increasingly resembles the behavior of the animal. The animal only cares about food, intercourse, relaxation and safety. And society suffers from such "leaders". There can be no social justice, if the leader is just a big animal.
But human is capable of love and compassion. And friendship is possible only between people. But what is the essence of friendship? It’s love and compassion, that should be a basis of social justice, as I understand it. A friend is someone who helps and supports you. If I care about the wellbeing of another person, then I am his friend. If I think about how to use him, means I'm his enemy.
Hostility is a phenomenon, which is specific to animal consciousness. In the animal world the strong eats the weak, who tries to survive in his turn, generating thereby the enmity.
When this occurs among people, it leads to strife and war. When one nation wants to exploit the other, a war breaks out. As a result, everyone suffers.
And for me there is no difference between online or digital friendship and the real one. Indeed, the basic principle remains the same. If I am willing to help, then I'm friendly. If I am only interested in my own welfare, then there is no friendship.
How can we help each other using Internet technology?
I think that every day brings more opportunities to collaborate and help each other. After all, more and more technologies from the "real" world are integrated with Internet technologies.
In addition, as I understand it, time and money is the most valuable resource we possess. Time is the most universal vital resource, which can be transformed in anything: knowledge, health, fame, physical strength, friendship or money at the end.
According to Vedic philosophy, being friends means doing 6 things:
- Give presents
- Accept gifts from a friend
- Share food
- Take food from a friend
- Share the secrets with each other
- Listen secrets from a friend
Nowadays we can send each other crypto currency as a gift. We can share secrets in chats, blogs and videos. Oh, and as for food, it would be great if we meet occasionally in the "real" world! ;)
Jaco, I remember how warmly you’ve been inviting me to South Africa! I want to tell you that, if fate throws you to Siberia, I'm ready to be your guide here and do everything in my power to make you feel at home! :)
Hi @omfedor, Thank you very much for this beautiful post. You won't believe it, but my family and I just went out for Pizza!!! Amazing how life works. Thank you for the digital pizza. Love your drawings and your work! Let me know when you are ready for another feature post. I see your posts are doing well lately!. All the best on that side of the world and my regards to @natichi
Hahaha! :) Yeah, it's amazing!
I've just finished reading last post by @stellabelle where she expressed her aspiration to forget about money and to stop thinking about the whales. And one part of me is saying, "Yes, let's write everything you think and feel in a raw form!" And the other half, more adult and mature, saying, "You need to take into account with whom you communicate. You have to speak in plain language." I hope they'll somehow agree :)
Thank you, @jacor for your friendly attitude, for featuring, and for all you've done here in Steemit in order to create a healthy atmosphere. I do appreciate it. And I believe many appreciate.
Love it!! As always, I couldn't stop reading. You're always original. Keep steeming digital friend.
Thanks a lot, @naomi-louise! Friendship is a great thing indeed.
True that!
What the hell? This is pure genius.
One little drop of Vedic wisdom and it completely cleared my sinuses of all the seasonal SJW/feminist/Marxism allergy. No more demented permanent revolution and strife... I can breathe freely the mountain air of freedom again and what's that... perhaps even feel God tickling in my nostril!
Way to make everybody look stupid, @omfedor.
You know, I must confess I believe in this too! ;) Hahaha!
Yeah, all these "isms" are just different designations of the same entity. Either we are animals and we just don't care, or we are humans and we care about those who are weaker. I believe that nature is simple for those who are simple. And simplicity is a real sign of genius :)
Thanks for the eloquent review, @cogliostro!
Now that is interesting. The same entity, you say? I know many wisemen brought up on the Ved have a certain ambivalence about them in that regard - they say "always pray to God, but don't get so arrogant that you piss on the Devil, either."
Do you share that line of thinking? And what insights have you to share on that "entity" that is here to oppose and accuse mankind?
Very nice post and nicely written. Love your art work on this post. Keep sharing @omfedor
I will, @funnyman! :) Thank you for your kind words!
Wow, we just talked about this, and I see post! Well this is great!