You made my fat angry when you called me a Jessie!! How dare you! Also, wtf is a Jessie?!
I find with anger, it gets the better of us no matter how often or little we let it. I also find that anger comes across as targeted to a person or situation, or just generally in that moment of time.
There are far too many triggers and to put yourself in someone's shoes to figure out why they're acting the way they are is just too much work lol
As long as it doesn't escalate to the point of physical violence or mental abuse, it's probably just a blip in time for that individual.
When in doubt, grab a Tex! Lol
Posted using Partiko Android
Jessies do not ask wtf they are, they just are! Once you accept your jessification it will be a lot easier for you!
I agree with what you saying and I’m fine with the occasional blow out but if you’re always sour and seething I really just want to avoid that!
Lol I’d love a Tex, I’m so having 2 once lent is over
Posted using Partiko iOS