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RE: Why I left my family, friends, security and country to live in the jungle,Free. The Arcane Bear

in #life8 years ago

I moved to the jungle in 1993 to escape the "real cruel world." I have spent more than half my life here. I resonate with what you are saying. Within the past 10 years I have met my teachers who have helped to put it into perspective. One is Jeffrey Wolf Green, who wrote the books Pluto Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. He explains Evolutionary States of human beings. He says that 70% of the world population is in the Consensus or "Herd" State. These people need the status quo and do not like people who do not fit in the Consensus state.
20% of the population are in the "Individuated" state and they do not fit into the Consensus state. These beings can range from the homeless guy on the street to the eccentric or different.
5% of the population are in the Spirituated State.
And the last 5% are the Dimly Evolved.
I am giving a very brief synopsis of a deep topic. I plan to write about this in a future blog. The post being here in my comment, is to understand where it is we are and where it is we are not. And to own your Evolutionary State.
It's the fierce Individuated state of Evolution that rocks the status quo and allows for a transformation.


Yeah, we feel a big shift comming, we have been studying economics and business for the last 7 years which was one of the main highlights that led us to some of these conclusions!