Well luckily you're alert... imagine if you'd set that stick off when the door opened😱
You would probably get a couple of nights in the garden if your lady is in a good mood heh heh!
However, although I'm not from Glasgow, I also keep some weapons at home... I prefer swords though, of course I have to admit that I have a few sticks and sticks, not a pickaxe handle though, mmm I'll have to update my arsenal💪💪💪
I would love a sword. I said to the Good LAdy that we should get one for decorative purposes that we could hang on the wall.
You can maybe guess her answer :OD
I also sense it because I imagine it's the same one my wife gave when I asked for further purchases of swords.
My luck is that I had a set of three swords that my brother had given me when I wasn't married yet....and I was able to keep it for decoration in the studio heh heh!
I should have acted earlier and got a hold of one or two before I got married! Aaagh, smart thinking! :O)
Eh Eh yes, consider that I got married quite late ... during my life I had the time to plan and make all the purchases that a wife would not let me do muhahahahah!
I did too! B/ut my planning was obviously wanting!
Oh well come on, as far as I'm concerned despite the lack of a few more swords, all in all, mine is a good life eh eh!
Even my planning had some shortcomings... but I can solve that by buying and bringing everything to the beach house... nobody will ever know anything muhahahah!
A very good life indeed!
You have it sorted by the sounds of it!
Stop it. Quit asking permission.. it's so much easier to ask forgiveness