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RE: Caribou

in #life5 months ago

Enjoy this vacation, you will have a great time I'm sure!

Reading you I thought of a funny thing regarding Your Lady's Spanish lessons; here in Italy to communicate with the Spanish people, the not so smart Italians add an "s" at the end of the words.... by doing so they are convinced they are speaking Spanish, lol!

Of course Italian and Spanish have many assonances in reality.


My missus is quite fluent in Italian!! Or at least so she claimed until we went there and her younger years of learning and even living there for a while so deserted her!!

Well, I also speak French correctly and I can get by with English... until I actually have to speak to someone in these languages ​​eh eh!

I confess that if I'm only in French I start making long speeches, but then when I find myself in some conversation my French always sounds different from how I hear it, lol!

I used to be able to speak Spanish. Not very well but enough to get by in a conversation but now I look confused and ask people to speak more slowly all the time, lol!

Other languages are fun. Its funny how you have so much time before kids for all that stuff!

Yes and it's also funny that with the arrival of the children it seems like there's not enough time for anything, lol!

I just published a post that I started writing 4 hours ago :-)

But honestly I'm having a lot of fun and above all Samuele is making me get back in shape by chasing him, rocking him and keeping up with him... this is one of the two healthiest exercises and the one I prefer!

I know, lordy I know.

I feel like I wouldn't have enough time even if I had extra days in the week!