Yes, yesterday was a good day!
My life always seems to wildly vary, and it's worth it to me to be able to enjoy the "smaller things" in life and celebrate each moment. I like interacting online because it allows others to celebrate with me, and that can make things all the more special. Yesterday had a lot of variety and some wonderful experiences, so here's a few experiences that stuck out.

As many of you may already be aware of, last week I spent some time in Mississippi. While I was there, I found a number of Green Anoles, and had quite the fun time checking them out. I had already found them in FL, LA, and TX, so it was nice to find them in an additional state. Interestingly enough, yesterday we located one is AR too! We were on a job assignment in Little Rock, and my workmates spotted on in a small service room. It was a cold and rainy day, so it must have been hiding. Thankfully, my workmates understand my interest in creatures, so they pointed it out to me, and soon we were checking it out up close and personal.
By the time I returned home from work, I only had about a half hour until sundown or so. Since the deer hunting season is closing in on its end, I wanted to try to make the most of it and after a couple of hugs and kisses as my family greeted my upon my return, I was out in the wild, in search of prey. I came upon four whitetail deer rather quickly, and decided to take the easiest shot. While my aim had some room for improvement, my shot was successful and we thankfully were able to harvest another deer. While there are a lot of them out there and we can certainly use the meat, it's still a solemn experience and an act that I do not take lightly. Not wanting to show "too much" I shared a photo similar to the one above on Instagram, and soon a comment rolled in.

It's that second comment that caught my attention, and made me appreciate the respect that we can show strangers. I was honestly touched by the comment from "Hillcountrybassin" and reminded once again that despite the differences people may have, a respect and appreciation that is becoming rarer these days can exist. Props to the man for taking the time to leave such a comment. It goes a long way.

Another comment worth mentioning was this one that also showed up yesterday, beneath one of our YouTube videos. I'm not trying to gloat, and many more comments and replies could be shared, but I wanted to point this one out as an example of something that really made my day, and helped encourage our family. A lot of the decisions that we've made as a family have come with sacrifices, and it's not easy to do some of the things we do. Every bit of encouragement and sound observation helps us continue to press on when things get rough, and they can make a world of difference some days.
Anyways, thanks to everyone out there who loves, shares, cares, and appreciates. Let's bless and encourage one another, and also respect others despite some of the differences that we may have. Be blessed, and thanks for taking the time to read this.
Until next time…
Make today special!

Great People out there just like You Papa and a lot of Us Enjoy what you Have to Share with us. Life is more than just going to a Job and not enjoying what you do. You teach that to many people and to your Family. Thanks for Sharing.......@papa-pepper
Amen to that. One of the most important things to teach others! Thanks for everything @stokjockey!
Nice to see those positive comments...I'm sure there are negatives out there too, but stay the course! Shalom!
How goes the book editing? Did the copy I returned arrive?
I'm currently editing "Love Like His" while I wait for the other ones to roll in. Right now, yours is one of three, and I really like what I see. Thanks for all of the hard work!