Trust me, for the right person, rocks can be the perfect gift!
Of course diamonds were once called "rocks" before people started calling them "ice" or "bling," so back in the day, a pretty lady might like some "rocks," but I am NOT a pretty lady. And then, on the street, "rocks" often means crack cocaine, so a crackhead might like some "rocks," but I am NOT a crackhead (really, I'm NOT)....
Yup, these are "just" plain, old rocks, and I think that they are a great gift. Perhaps not for everyone, but certainly for @papa-pepper! Thankfully, people know what I like in these parts, so a neighbor had his son stop by the other day with an offer that I couldn't refuse.
They had just "picked their hayfield," which means that the family walked back and forth across their hayfield picking up every rock that they could find. These days, most of them were smaller rocks since the family has done this before as well. For a hayfield, rocks aren't all that useful. Hay doesn't grow in rocks, and they can damage the equipment used to make hay. For them, they needed to get rid of them and thankfully they knew just the place.
I just let the boy dump them in a pile on my land, since giving the gift and thinking of me was enough. Soon, I had them loaded into manageable and movable amounts by filling up eight five gallon buckets with them. This not only allows me to transport them easily, I get a free workout every time I carry one of these around the homestead. So, why would I even want rocks in the first place?
If you saw the way that we are building raised beds on our homestead then you'd already know one use. By building the raised beds this way, it's cheaper than cinder blocks and longer lasting than railroad ties. I like to use what we've got available and whatever is free, so rock beds it is!
Actually though, these smaller rocks will be ideal for my rock columns on the perimeter fence. In fact, I've still got a ways to go before that project is finished, so perhaps this was just the neighbor's way of telling me that he's tired of looking at a half-finished fence... Hmm, I'm not sure.
In this video from last year, I talk about rocks as a resource, and some ideas that we had for them. It was part of a four part series where I talked about being B.L.U.E.R. (Building Legacies Utilizing Earth's Resources.) If you watch the video, you should know ahead of time that there is a lot of insect noise in the background.
Anyway, I'm not sure what you think, but I think this was a great gift, and I'll certainly put them to use!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
@papa-pepper - Such a badass way of showing everyday people - especially non-homesteaders how to make multiple uses and more importantly very practical uses out of earth derived assets that most would just think are "trash"or "useless" - YOU ROCK!!
Thanks so much for or putting a smile on my face brother!!
LOL - Thanks much for that comment!
Anytime Brother... I love reading your blog as many others do as well.. I'm just coming back from a month long Steemit hiatus so I have much reading to catch up on from my favorite Steemut bloggers!!
This suggest that every thing which is there in nature can be used it has to reach the right person example for the chemist diamond and coal only emits carbon when burnt but for jeweler diamond is more valuable.
Good point.
Hi @papa-pepper
I really like what you're doing with this rocks. Other may not think of its value but there is value in it.
By the time you'd had finished your fence, people will come to realize that you were wise by getting those rocks.
You're a man with a vision. God bless your efforts @papa-pepper
Waao that's a nice use of Rocks and iam agree with you that before knowing the value of diamonds people used to call them rocks or something that shines and using them for building the raised beds is a great option and also save time and money,
I always wonder that how many animals you have in your farm.😅
I found this out the hard way when putting together a small pond on my allotment. I never planned for needing so many rocks for the shelves/ borders.
Not having a car at the time made acquiring them challenging to say the least. (Not to mention the gravel for the bottom). Still, I left no stone unturned and eventually ended up repurposing some of the local stones used for landscaping (which now have purpose!)
I think acquiring the damn rocks took up about 90% of the build time!
Your neighbour did you a real favour.
Sure did!
lot to learn friend.
you've showed some ways which peoples can use even with unused things.
thanks for sharing your ideas.
At the beginning of the post, i felt you are high on some rocks to liken rocks to diamonds, but hey, you just showed us how useful those loads of rocks can be....Hilarious but quite informative!
LOL - Glad that you liked that!
thanks a lot papa-pepper yes.
i love rocks and stones. I prefer them to most household decor.
The creativity with the tick was dope.
so papa-pepper can put a stone for the fence yes, I can but not yet proficient.
Wow, that look interesting too!
yes thanks papa -pepper
Wow..very innovative idea..
What an ingenious way to use this natural resource I congratulate you, @papa-pepper, the stones have some appeal, you can even use them as ornaments as my friend does @petronila
I love farming:)
wooowww ... you are very creative @papa-pepper... thank you for sharing your experience...
could be a stone would be rare like a diamond ,,, or we would use crypto money for import-export stone ,,,,
the same atmosphere as here, a lot of insect sounds ,,, you know ,, I am very happy with this ,,, it turns out the atmosphere is there just like here, there is still a disturbing insect sound ,,, thanks papa ,,, :) :D
You are very creative, I love farming
Yes, you are perfwctly right with your write up about rocks. Rock have varieties of benefit.
Rock can be used for buiding, jwellerys, ornamental materials and some other benefit to be mentioned about.
Rock is one of the material that shows the beauty and the uniqueness of nature. It really shows the beauty of nature, and the uniqueness of nature.
Thank you for sharing this great write up and i hope i have made a meaningful contribution to your post. I must commend you for this great write up.👍👍👍👍👍👍
For the man who has everything you can’t go wrong with rocks!
Hahahaha you are not a lady and you don't do crack. I like that part.
They are definitely a great gift, seeing you have need of them and you could put them to proper use. What comes from the heart, touches the heart. Once it is important to you, it becomes useful. They just made things a little easier for you Papa. Really admire the kind of neighbours you are blessed with.
I am truly blessed with my neighbors! I cannot argue against that!
Also, glad that you liked that first part. Hopefully people do not give crack as a gift.
Delegated Proof of Rock.............Awesome PAPA !
LOL - Good point!
Pity you weren't closer. You could load truck loads of rocks! After 6 years we are still collecting rocks from our fields. Built a bathroom from rock. Pretty but so much hard work. Love your raised rock gardens. No waste on farms
Nope, can't afford to be wasteful! Thanks @buckaroo!
good post brother, the rocks serve as moisture agent for the bushes, in some cases protection, they serve to filter the water in a certain case, and many more things, anyway the issue is that we need that positive attitude that recognizes so many things good we have and we know. regards
Oh yes, lots of options for how to use such useful things! Thank you!
I know someone else who also likes rocks... @therockman will most certainly like what you're doing there!
I will always follow your footsteps, and will learn from all your posts, because I get so much knowledge from all your posts.this is very good work, and success for you @papa-pepper,
Awesome, I have and endless supply if you ever need any more. I have a magic garden that grows rocks every year. I know it's hard to believe but trust me. We take a the rocks from the garden every year and each year it regrows more.
And you don't get the oil, tar and creosote leaching into the soil either. I love when people give me free rocks, especially volcanic rock which I use in the wild beds down by my pond.
As a kid I spent so much time picking rocks out of our huge garden I don't think I'll ever see them quite as positively....but they are useful. That rototiller used to kick them up all over the place.
It's so cool how you are able to make use of things around you that most people wouldn't. The rock fence actually looks nice. I just wonder if it would stay on place if there's really bad weather. Like heavy snow and rain.
Upvoted and following.

I'm a rock hound myself.
Thank you for sharing this...