Social media that pays to the rescue!
This one had me wondering. When I came down to the land the other day, I began to notice something strange. Every so often, a little pile of hay was on the ground.
"What in the world?" I thought to myself. Hay doesn't just show up, especially not a little here, a little there, spread out in sporadic piles along my landscape. I decided to follow the trail to see where it lead.
Soon, I had come upon another pile. This was getting peculiar. I thought that I should investigate more thoroughly.
Sure enough, it smelled just like hay. But how? From where? Why? I was soon piling up many more questions than answers, but I still needed the answers.
Soon I saw a pile on the other side of one of my fences. Hmm.... someone tossed some hay over the fence. Interesting.
On the other side of the fence were our sheep, so someone obviously decided to give them a treat. We feed them every day anyway and make sure that they have enough to eat, but apparently someone helped out a bit.

I had no idea of where to begin to find an answer to this question. Interestingly enough, I soon happened to look on SOLA and came across a post from @bluerthangreen. Apparently he had wanted to purchase some hay for his goats from one of our neighbors. The neighbor, incredibly generous and caring that he is, just gave the hay to @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood without charging.
On the way down to their homestead, the man also stopped by on our land, and treated our sheep and goats to a bit of a treat! What an unexpected blessing.

Even more interesting is that @bluerthangreen posted on sola about the event, which means that he may actually get paid to receive free hay. For those of you who don't know, sola is a new online platform that kind of combines instagram, twitter and steemit, in that you can post videos, gifs, photos, or text and earn their own crypto SOL for doing so.
Unlike steemit, I can't vouch for cashing it out into USD, but it looks promising so far and quite a few steemians have made their way over to sola to check it out. If you haven't yet, you may want to give it a try and see what you think. You can click here to follow an invite code to sola if you want to check it out. So far I've earned almost 600 SOL in the past weeks, which, last I knew, were supposedly worth about 10 cents each. If so, that's about $60 that I didn't have before.
To check out the full post about it from @bluerthangreen on sola, follow this link:
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

Life should always be welcomed
Merry Christmas @papa-pepper
I love this, looks just like a card from Blizzard's game Hearthstone! :D
Good neighbors are indeed a blessing. One of ours also treats our ponies across the fence!
Yes they are! Very nice!
My favorite friend Onek is a beautiful post
Merry Christmas @papa-pepper. And here is my Christmas present for everyone that see this post
I really like the humor! Merry Christmas!
Thanks, I like the humor in your name!
Now that is a great neighbor!
Yes it is!
Enjoy the hay!
Merry Christmas to you and your family papa pepper!!!
Thank you @xabi!
My pleasure!
Hey! I'm going to check out Sola now - thanks for the tip
See what you think. I like it so far.
Wow. This is awesome. Happy Christmas
Even the goats and sheep gets a holiday treat. What good neighbors you have giving without asking anything in return. The true holiday spirit. Happy holidays.
Nice username! Where did it come from?
It's my animal elemental birth year from the Chinese Zodiac. Added 101 at the end which reminds me how I almost got bitten by a water snake and reminds to always be careful in my every move.
I love hearing stories about those beautiful souls who still exist out there...Merry Christmas👋🏼
Thanks! It is a blessing to know so many of them.
Sola is a great platform. Those who don't feel they can write entire blogs or get mass followings will do well there.
Many have expressed that. Thank @erodedthoughts!
You can probably use it to solve many more mysteries that you have unsolved as well. Merry Christmas @papa-pepper
Did you follow the hay to answer more mysteries @papa-pepper, I hear Sola holds the answer's to life's mysteries.......
It seems a generous soul has treated some of your animals to some hay. Never forget blessing comes in many ways and forms.
That is so nice of the fellow to share a bit on the way by. :D Before I got to the end of your post I thought I knew how you ended up with little piles here and there, I was going to say we have a couple of cows that do the exact same thing, toss hay into the air and let it fall where it may, then they go and eat it from wherever it lands, but alas by the end of your post I found out I was wrong. LOL. :D I'm okay with that, it happens a lot, unless my husband is reading that case, I'm never wrong. :D
I must be having an off day because in your proof-of-hay photo, where your fingers are holding the handful of hay, I thought it was one of your kids peeking through with their arms wrapped around their legs or something. LOL. :D Okay that could be the effects of my pain medication talking. :D Either way, wonderful post, love how you made it into a mystery and that it had a great ending. :D Merry Christmas to you and that beautiful family of yours! :D
God bless you all. Have an awesome day! :D
What a beautiful Christmas gift! You truly have wonderful neighbours. Merry Christmas to you and your family, @papa-pepper!
I’m checking it out and you’re channel is really awesome
Merry Christmas @papa-pepper! What a fabulous mystery. I am glad that nothing nefarious was going on. Proof of hay! lol
Have a steemy New Year!
: )
Interesting that you could figure something like that out from social media !
Here's my new Sola account, let's see how this goes :
I believe I'll post my 3D printable ornaments once they've been test-printed (tough only the ones I have taken pictures of... wouldn't be fair to the test-printer if I began using his pictures to earn money XD).
I so hope I win this 3D printing design competition, so I can 3D print my own models.
Fingers crossed !
Happy Steem-mas to @papa-pepper !
Thank you.