Sleep depravation sucks. I actually fall asleep pretty quickly but then wake back up constantly. So it is weird but I never get a good night sleep.
I've went to sleep doctors and neurologists. One thing they all recommended was actually alcohol. Sounds like a joke at first but they basically say to drink a shot of something about 30 minutes before bed. I don't drink so never actually tried it but have been thinking about doing it lately. May be something to try. Kind of like drinking a lid full of Nyquil before bed.
Really? Just 1 shot before bed? Seems like an odd recommendation but I guess I could see how it could help.
My wife can fall asleep anywhere…so envious of it.
Yup. That's what they recommended. Like NyQuil. Not trying to get blackout drunk. 😅 Just enough to relax the mind/body I guess. Or a glass of wine if you're a wine person instead of liquor.
I think your doctors are alcoholics.
Just kidding, I can totally see how that could work it’s magic!