Desperate For Some ZZZZZ’s

in #life3 years ago


For the third straight night, I find myself waking up unable to fall back asleep at all. The past two nights it was around the 3 am mark while tonight the bug has hit me a bit earlier at around 1:30. I decided to take my blanket and pillow to the basement and try my luck on the couch down there which is where I wrote this. I dunno…maybe a new spot for now away from my snoring and oblivious wife will help.

It’s been a few brutal days at work where I’ve gotten my lone ass kicked open to close. My employee has called out several days as he’s sick with mudbutt, and the rush for customers to spend their Christmas cash & gift cards, along with kids being off of school has meant a conga line of eager nerds bursting through our door. Just…an asskicking that I’m looking forward to forgetting all this weekend when I’m off.

I think I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment and I feel as if I’m in a state of limbo in all avenues and aspects of my life. A perpetual state of waiting for something to change or evolve. At home, at work, in finances, in relationships, in health. There’s just a lot of shit going on behind the scenes in all facets and I think I’m just struggling a bit in how to deal with all of it, which is obviously affecting my sleep patterns as of late.

I always envied those who could pass out at the drop of a dime as this is something I’ve had haunt me sporadically for as long as I can remember. Over a decade ago I tried sleeping pills and all it did was give me horrific dreams which was a total trip. I use eyeshades, earplugs, and a sound machine nightly to help drown out the outside world, but they can only do so much if your brain just won’t shut off.

So how does one go about clearing their mind from all the distractions when it’s dark and quiet?!? My one buddy Matt tells me he’s been meditating daily and that it’s helped him stay a bit more focused. That’s a possibility I guess but I’m trying to think of what techniques I can utilize at the time of catching zzz’s.

So I ask any fellow Hivers…any tips? Anyone else here struggle with getting decent shuteye? Because I’m over the tossing and turning currently and am willing to try some weird crazy shit if it means getting quality rest. So lay it on me folks…what’s your secret to getting a decent night’s sleep?!?

I think I’m going to watch a bit of tv right now which is probably the worst thing to do outside of picking up the phone to conjure up a blog post about my lack of sleep. Dumb!

Nitey nite (maybe?),

🛌 😴 💤


Here are my "not-a-doctor" thoughts on trying to sleep

  1. Keep a sleep journal next to your bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about work/relationships/groceires, etc etc ... Write those thoughts down and promise your brain that you will review your notes in the morning. For me, that allows me to convince my brain that those "brilliant" ideas will be examined properly at a later date.
  2. Meditation
    2a) Here's my twist on meditation.... I collide two fantasy universes into my "zen". From the Star Trek world ... remember that they would go into warp for hours and hours and hours ... with the stars blurring by constantly while the crew wanders around the deck.
    2b) But instead of being in the big bulky Enterprise, you are in an X-Wing with R2 as your navigator. You have complete control, there is no threat, you are going to that planet that makes you happy. You can perform slow rolls, , sometimes you need to slowly bank to maintain your central position in the hyperspace wormhole. But it's all simple, calming and belongs to you. You've got nothing but time and if you need to talk, R2 is always listening.
  3. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't worry about not being able to sleep. If you find yourself worrying about not being able to sleep, that can prevent you from sleeping ... You can function perfectly fine on 6 hours of sleep. It will not affect your health. -you might need a little more caffeine tomorrow, but it's not something you should concern yourself about. Also, many times, when you think you've been awake for the past 3 hours, you actually dozed off, then re-awoke being unaware that you had fallen asleep.

These are in no way advise .... they are just ideas/concepts that help me.

I love it! Lol.

The journal idea seems like it could bear some fruit. Do you find yourself using it often?

I keep a pad of graph paper ... most mornings, when I look at it, I wrote gibberish on it. (Makes me think that my strategy is working). But, in the beginning, I'd often fire off an email before I had breakfast based on what I'd written. It all depends on what's rampaging through your mind that's keeping you awake.

Lol. I can just imagine waking up and seeing the nighttime scribbles from being half asleep.

This morning, I had. P.A.M.

I'm having issues virtualizing a server from around 2000. Last night, after I'd went to bed, I thought that I should look at the Pluggable Authentication Module on the virtual server. Since, back in the late 90's, early 00's, you could use rlogin, rsh, and rexec. But these methods were replaced by ssh (which is also 100% more secure AND encrypted). I rarely have to look at the PAM rules since I don't play in that sandbox any more.

The paragraph above would have rampaged my brain and prevented sleep ... but jotting down. P.A.M. was enough to satisfy it that the issue would be managed in the morning.

The good news is ... while looking on Google, I might be heading in the right direction. (

Now to get some more coffee and do some reading. ;-)

Since I’m a dumb human…I had to reread this a couple of times. Lol.

I’m so not computer savvy so it takes a moment to compute.

This reminds me of the awful notetaking I partake in when we play D&D. I jot random shit down with 0 context and then when we come back to it weeks later, I’m like P.A.M….what the fuck is that?!?


hehehe. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that anything written in the notebook has a shelf life of less than 24 hours. After that, it morph's into Klingon. If you don't speak Klingon, then:

"ma qel seng"

I know TV is supposed to be bad, but it’s the main thing that helps me. Probably tougher for people with a spouse/partner around to try though unless it is a separate room or some couch time like you’ve got going on now! The trick for me with TV is that I have to put on something that I know by heart. I’ve got a handful of series/movies that I turn to as my background noise that helps distract my brain from going crazy in the silence, but at the same time I’m not focusing, processing, straining to hear, etc. because I know every word that’s coming.

Lol. I agree in popping on something I’m super familiar with. I think if it’s something I know, I am comfortable and my mind is ok zoning out a bit. Whereas if it’s something new, I find myself paying attention more.

Oh man, sorry to hear you’re going through a burn out 😔

Happens to all of us at times. I did get sick after which blows. Lol. But starting to feel a bit better already should be good as new in a few days. Happy New Year brother!!!

Glad you’re on the up!
HNY dude!

This is because of the 5G network that blasts us at any given time. Get some shungite place it on your router, also u can get slabs to put in your phone it won’t ruin its look. But that way you will be protected, give it a try and see what comes out… only good sleep and good vibes

Never heard of that but I’ll look into it. Thx! 👍🏻

So how does one go about clearing their mind from all the distractions when it’s dark and quiet?!? My one buddy Matt tells me he’s been meditating daily and that it’s helped him stay a bit more focused. That’s a possibility I guess but I’m trying to think of what techniques I can utilize at the time of catching zzz’s.

So I ask any fellow Hivers…any tips? Anyone else here struggle with getting decent shuteye? Because I’m over the tossing and turning currently and am willing to try some weird crazy shit if it means getting quality rest. So lay it on me folks…what’s your secret to getting a decent night’s sleep?!?

I understand how you feel, I think the best way to catch some sleep even if you don't feel like sleeping is by narrating your mind to a different thing that actually reduce HOW you use your brain probably meditating or watching some movies is one way to reduce your stress eat some vegetables to stimulate your brain as well.

I Definitely need to chomp on more veggies. Lol

Yes brother and fruit too lol

Do smoothies and fruit snacks count?!?


Sleep depravation sucks. I actually fall asleep pretty quickly but then wake back up constantly. So it is weird but I never get a good night sleep.

I've went to sleep doctors and neurologists. One thing they all recommended was actually alcohol. Sounds like a joke at first but they basically say to drink a shot of something about 30 minutes before bed. I don't drink so never actually tried it but have been thinking about doing it lately. May be something to try. Kind of like drinking a lid full of Nyquil before bed.

Really? Just 1 shot before bed? Seems like an odd recommendation but I guess I could see how it could help.

My wife can fall asleep anywhere…so envious of it.

Yup. That's what they recommended. Like NyQuil. Not trying to get blackout drunk. 😅 Just enough to relax the mind/body I guess. Or a glass of wine if you're a wine person instead of liquor.

I think your doctors are alcoholics.

Just kidding, I can totally see how that could work it’s magic!

this is sad to know. i myself had sleepless nights once. I guess it was because of post partum depression. I tried crochet to releive myself from stress. It works but sometimes, it would not help at all. Then I tried music. I played it low enough that my ears will find and focus on the music, until I fell asleep.

I like it this way too, sleep paralysis does not occur to me

The music think is not a bad idea. I gave sone new buds and I might give that a try. Thx!!! Such a simple potential solution that I didn’t even think of. 👍🏻