Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
So many of you keep asking me how we are faring, how we are handling our new role as parents and how our little princess Flora is doing. That´s really nice of you guys, than you so much for thinking of us. Finally, I made myself find a little free slot in our crazy schedule to write this little update on our current situation.
As some of you know, there have been some extra challenges and stress for us lately since we moved places. Before our daughter was born, me and my wife were living the carefree life of digital nomads for more than a decade so moving from one place to another was something very natural and easy for us, even when it included switching between countries or even continents :)
This time, however, everything was so different and so much harder! Unlike in the past when we traveled just with our backpacks or little suitcases, we had to rent a whole truck to move our stuff (most of which was Florecita´s of course :D) from Prague back to my hometown. There was also a lot of flickering back and forth between the two cities for me as there was a lot to take care of before the move itself.
Eventually, once the stuff was moved, it was time to transport the most precious load - my wife and my daughter. For various reasons, the only possible mean of transport was the car so let me just say that the final drive with all of us in one vehicle, on the frozen slippery roads, was the ultimate challenge but after long 7 hours (our country is very small but we had to take many breaks), we all made it to our new home. And where is that? In my hometown - a charming historic city called Opava.
A quick snap of the Opava Town Hall that I took a few days ago. Hopefully, more pictures coming soon...
I grew up in this city and love it here. That´s also were I feel home the most. I say the most because it kind of felt like home in many other places around the world where we lived too but to me, this is like the "most homest home" :) Opava is a really beautiful city and I cannot wait to go for a proper photo tour to show you guys but guess what... yeah... free time has been an incredibly scarce commodity in my life lately. Le sigh.
But back to our new home. We have been here for some two weeks already, slowly adjusting everything to our liking. We rented a very nice apartment in a quiet suburban neighborhood, almost brand new, very modern. We would never be able to afford to rent such an apartment back in Prague, I mean unless Hive did a 20x or unless I joined the corporate rat race over there, which is something I would really hate to do :)
So yeah, I´m really glad to be back in my hometown after all those years and I like our new apartment very much. Too bad not everyone in our little family is so excited about the move but that´s another story and I don´t want to get too personal...
Now a few lines about our little princess aka Florecita, Florinka, Florisek etc. She has been absolutely amazing. She is currently 3.5 months old so she is not that tiny baby anymore! She already sleeps like an adult in the night (usually at least 7 or 8 hours straight without waking up - I know - we are blessed!) and during the day, she is so much fun to be around! She keeps smiling, laughing, babbling, making noises, grabbing at things etc. We know each other much better than we did in the first weeks when parenting felt so incredibly hard and exhausting. Now, we can definitely find some joy in it too and it does feel like it will only get better with time :)
Tomorrow, we are taking Flora for her first hexa vaccine so after that, we should be able to finally start socializing her. I have a couple of friends here in Opava who have babies of similar age and I cannot wait to see Florecita meet them :) We are also looking forward to introducing her to her sweet Venezuelan/Polish friend Olivia who has been waiting for the encounter back in Sosnowiec with her lovely parents and our friends Eva and Pawel - ¿Estoy en lo cierto, @evelynchacin? :)
So that´s it I guess, my little free time slot is up. Thank you guys so much again for all your kind thoughts, words and wishes. It means a lot. I really wish I had more time for Hive to engage like I did before but it is what it is...
Hugs and greetings from all of us.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Olivia también tiene sus vacunas mañana! 🥺 Me alegra que ya todo esté en orden y que encontraste un poco de tiempo para esta actualización mi amigo. Florecita está hermosa 😍 y muy grande ya. Yo todavía sigo intentando encontrar más tiempo para estar aquí, pero a veces se me hace muy difícil :(
Espero que nos podamos ver pronto mi amigo! Estoy muy feliz! Olivia y yo queremos conocer a tus hermosas chicas. Así que sí, estás lo cierto! 💃🏻💃🏻
¿Ah, de verdad? Luego las niñas recibieron sus vacunas el mismo día, pero supongo que ya era la segunda dosis para Oli. Fue el primero para Florinka pero ella fue muy valiente y lloró solo por un momento :) No se preocupen amigos, la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina así que una vez que llegue el buen tiempo, tendremos muchas oportunidades de encontrarnos :) No puedo esperar!
Sí, eran segundas dosis. Recibió 4 inyecciones y una tomada. Me alegro por Florecita 😍. Olí también lloro un poco. Siii, no puedo esperar a la primavera y espero que entonces nos encontremos pronto. Saludos a tus chicas! Besos a Florecita 🤗
So you live now much closer to Katowice, that's nice. I'm going to visit Opava's neighbourhood in may for a music festival. Would be great to get at least coffee or little walk there.
Great to see the Little Human growing happily and reading about you guys enjoying parenting. Did your sleep quality improved as well?
Greetings from Vilnius!
Oh really? What festival is that? There is a bunch of them held in this region but most of them are in summer. Yeah, it will be cool to meet up again, I will be happy to show you around my hometown :) Well, my sleep has been quite ok lately, by my standards I mean :D But yeah, the fact that Florinka can pretty much sleep through the whole night helps a lot. It was a nightmare for me when she used to wake up every 2 or 3 hours in the first weeks...
Cheers to Vilnius! It´s a nice city. How is the job so far?
Festival is called Step Evolution, last editions were staged in place called Hadinka. That will be my second time there.
By now job is quite enjoyable, however I couldn't work in delegations for a longer period of time. I'm installing identification signs in newly built combined heat and power plant. The whole object is quite big, around 60m in height, full of pipes, valves, rails and machines. But what is most important f,or me relations within company are healthy and civil :)
I don´t know the festival but I do know Hadinka, it´s a place where summer camps were often held when we were kids :)
Yeah, I know you need to switch jobs regularly not to get bored :) Glad to know that you been enjoying it so far. So see you in May!
How wonderful to return to your first home, and to find a really good place to live for Florinka and her parents 🥰🥰🥰 And I remember Eva, say hi to her from me.
Greetings friend! I also remember you 🤗
Thank you my friend, I will say hi to Eva and her lovely family for you when we meet :)
Sending my hugs and !LUV,
and a !BEER for your meetup 🤗
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It's good you are having a happy life with your wife and your dear little one, Flora, and the bond between you and them is very strong. I wish you the best in raising her and providing her with a good life and a good future. And may the resources never be lacking. Thanks for sharing this experience and have a great day.
Thank you very much for checking out my post and leaving this kind comment here :) Have a nice day!
Good to see your update @phortun! I'm glad that despite some problems, you are now better and calmer in your hometown, I hope everything goes well and you continue to enjoy life with your wife and Florecita, oh, and that Hive goes up hehehe
Thanks for your kind words and wishes amiga! :) I think the last one about Hive will be appreciated by everyone here :D
Así es amigo! We want a raise now! :D
"most homest home" 😂😂😂
..."corporate rate race" or rat race?, cose im fighting rat race big time, or better say trying..
boha jeho apartman.. jaze dakedy sadneme so zenskou do campru a dojdeme Vas setkych pozriet ale ta na prijazdovku to barz nevypada..
..drzte sa Rodinka!
Typo, díky za upozornění, opraveno :) Tu další část o apartmánu, camperu a příjezdovce jsem ale nějak nepochopil :D
mali sme a sa mi zda, ze stale mame s priatelkou plan vziat camper na trip "domov", nejaky festival na Drienku v lete a zaroven pobehat slovensko a cesko..takze to je ten camper vysvetleny, teraz sa pokusim zabit dve muchy jednou ranou, no a Vas novy APARTMAN nema PRIJAZDOVUCESTU kde by sme mohli odstavit CAMPER na noc a dat take ze HIVE stretko.. hmm.. dokonca som zabil tie much tri.. :D
Kdybyste ten trip opravdu zrealizovali, tak vám moc rád uvidím, ale nevím, jak jsi přišel na to, že k našemu domu není příjezdová cesta :D Nemyslíš, doufám, že bydlíme na radnici, co je na té úvodní fotce, že? :D
:D :D :D good one..
ono pokial mi njekto povie ze byva v apartmane ci byte tak si predstavim nas byt ako sme mali ked som bol decko, cize panelak.. pri panelakoch su sice prijazdovky a aj parkoviska, ale skor by som to pichol s camprom na nejaku prijazdovku k domu, dufam ze uz sa chapeme.. :D
Jo takhle :) No, u nás je cesta před domem celkem široká, tam by se camper píchnul ;) To víš, mně to tradování moc nejde, tak se musíme spokojit s nájmem bytu. Kamarád byl šikovnější a za pár Bitcoinů si před několika lety pořídil trojpatrovou vilu na pláži v Mexiku :D
Nice to hear you are settling in well! There is definitely something to be said for smaller towns and their cost of living benefits. The area I live gives you a lot more bang for your buck than the big city.
Yeah, I can imagine it´s similar everywhere but here in the Czech Republic, the differences between Prague (the capital) and the rest of the country are really huge. In everything.
So good to see an update.
It sounds like a big move, especially for you guys.
Luckily all arrived safe and sound in the new place. It does look like it is home home for you.
I hope I find it one day. We are still on the road since the 27th of January… not arrived yet hahaha 🤣
She is growing fast. What a blessing sleeping that long.
Have a wonderful week, settle in…
Hope to see some photos of the city soon. It looks beautiful 😍
Take care!
Still on the road? Wow! I need to check out your updates. Btw how do you manage to write such long and elaborate posts while moving? :D
Yes, still on the road. But… we are getting very close now.
The beginning I had no time. Some places didn’t even have internet or mobile reception.
After the second ferry we stayed 2 nights, 7, 3 and now 4 nights somewhere. So I can slowly catch up 😉
We are so close by now to getting the keys on Monday. Exciting 😎 I hope all goes well.
Wow, so close already! Fingers crossed so that everything goes well for you guys :)
Yes, very close. We got the keys today 🥳🥳 tomorrow we go to the house 🏡
We do need to fix the car and hope to get to a garage tomorrow too.
Have a nice week!
I sent 1.0 HUG
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Nice to read your post again mate. Hope everything will be okay soon. I know how it is diffocult to move "a house" to somewhere.
See you soon ;)
Thanks buddy :) Well, moving a house is definitely more difficult than moving a backpack :D
Awwww... What a lovely post @phortun friend!... I'm glad you all went to move to your hometown, it will be something nice for you there!... And Florecita!... Awww... She's beautiful and has grown a lot!... I send many blessings from me to you and your beautiful family dear friend!... And remember: Everything will always be fine!... A big hug! ;)
!discovery 35
Aww, thank you amigo! Your lovely comments and positive vibes always make my day :) Hugs and greetings from Czechia to Venezuela!
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Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/5)@phortun! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp.
Your little one is very cute, I hope everyone is always healthy.
Thanks man, best to you and your family as well :)
Yeah, thanks a lot too friend.
Koukám, že nemáš ani čas se před fotkou oholit :))
...a pak že ryby (aspoň teda prý většina) blbě vidí :) Já si říkal, že jsem měl toho smajla udělat ještě většího :D Času teď opravdu není nazbyt, to máš pravdu, ale i kdyby ho bylo víc, tak holit se denně by mě nebavilo (jakkoliv by si to moje T. přála :D). Ty jsi jeden z těch gentlemanů, co se holí denně? :)
Heh, zdaleka ne :))
Nice to know the updates.
Wish you all the best for you and your family.
Thank you! :)
Woah, what's wrong with her eyes 😳👀
She is so adorable! Sounds like you are really lucky with such a incredibly good sleeper! I hope you will feel home for a long time in your new city with your family :)
Thank you! Well, being a good sleeper is something she definitely didn´t inherit from me but I´m happy for her! And for us too actually :D I cannot even say that she sleeps so well in front of my friends who have babies of her age :D Not a new city, that´s my hometown, but thank you :)
Great to read about the updates in your life and the great progress 'not so baby anymore' Flora is making, she a little beauty!
Moving back to your home town where the cost of living is lower definitely makes sense if you're not tied to a workplace. And I imagine you'll be closer to your family now, lots more love and support for little Flora.
Thank you Pauline! Yeah, that was also a part of the plan, to be closer to the grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles and other people who cannot wait to babysit our little princess :) And of course, any place in the country is (way) cheaper than Prague ;)
Thanks for the update, glad to see hive's favorite new little family in pictures! Congrats on your move back to your hometown. It looks beautiful but not as much as the photo with Flora and her Daddy! Seems like you are adjusting just fine with your new role, at least you get to sleep a bit by now. xox
Thanks Ladybug! Well, I guess we are all a bit (patriotically) biased when it comes to hometowns but mine is really considered a nice one, even though more than 80% of the city was destroyed during the WWII... I hope to show you guys around through pictures in some of my future posts. Yesss, I sleep much better thanks to our daughter´s "sleeping superpower" :D Thank you for swinging by, hope you are alright!
Užívejte život v Opavě!
Na fotce Vám to sluší... asi... :D
PS: Šikovná holka s tím spánkem. Ani nebudu vyprávět sestřence, že to kojenec dokáže. Zlatá nevědomost. :D
Díky moc! No jako s tím spánkem je to fakt záhada, že zrovna moje dítě bude takový spánkový rekordman, to bych opravdu nevěřil. Já prý jako mimino nedokázal spát víc jak půl hodiny v kuse a Florecita tam klidně posílá osmičky, sem tam už i desítky :D Taky o tom ale mezi svými kamarády nemůžu moc mluvit :D
Tak třeba v rámci vyrovnání vesmírné energie bude kompenzovat tvůj nedostatek, svým přebytkem :D
Vidíš, to bude asi ono! :D
You have an adorable baby, you are lucky
Thank you :)
Pretty baby. That's a nice place wish you best for journey over here
Thank you very much :)
The baby is looking so cute and beautiful
Thank you :)
I could imagine how it feels to return back to your home town. And of course, I can't leave here without saying this "Florecita is so cute" I love her innocent smile
Aww, thank you :)
What a cool and charming baby you have there
Thank you.
Oh, that Florecita looks so cute 🌺☺️. Well, move to a new place is always a little stressing, even if it's your own hometown 🥴😂🤷🏻♀️. Patience and positive vibrations, little by little everything will fall into place, hopefully our Hive currency, too 🥴🙏🏻👊🏻🚀💰💰💰😃
Much love and blessings for you and your family 🤗
Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes, my favorite Hive superhero :) Greetings from Czechia to Venezuela!
Thank you ☺️ 💃🏻
What a beautiful and cute Florecita😇
Thank you :)
The fact that you now have a baby is that thing which will make you pack more load while traveling unlike when you both were not parents yet
Your baby is pretty though
Well, that´s what I said in the post...
I have also heard about this place, it is very beautiful and the comfort and pleasure of living inside one's own house cannot be found anywhere else.
You are from Pakistan and you heard of my little Czech hometown? Seriously?
I have heard a lot about this country and people used to post a lot on steemit and hive so I like it a lot and must visit one day.
U are from czech republic????
Yes, I´m. It´s in my profile intro and I have mentioned it many times in my posts.
Ok. Thanks.
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