Hey Justmagikkal, thanks so much for sharing your story. I totally feel you. And I bet MANY other people do too.
Yes, many people say emotional abuse is worse than physical. It really gets into the psyche and of course as a child, your brain is still developing and very susceptible to these influences. And from my experience, you then spend your adult life trying to unlearn all that bullshit!!
Did you ever have any kind of therapy? If you're open to sharing, I'd love to hear how it impacted you.
Also, a book that is really amazing - Complex PTSD, From Surviving To Thriving, by Pete Walker. You may already be advanced in your healing and growth so it might not add anything new for you. But might be worth checking it out :) xx
I never had therapy for the emotional abuse, but rather for the depression.
Personally, I think my psychiatrist sucks at his job. Therapy hasn't helped me; separating myself from my father, on the other hand, has worked out very well.
I'll take a look at it :D
Hope you find something that helps, I actually hear quite a lot about therapists who aren't that good - a little worrying! I am working on creating a course on resilience - how we bounce back from trauma. I actually never had therapy but did get some coaching and have relentlessly worked on my own progress for 11 years. I think we all have it in us - well, research shows that we do!
wishing you all the best xx