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RE: With a Little Help from my Friends

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It really sounds like a nice location with nice views overlooking the valley. I can feel your excitement, as you start to settle into the area and culture there. Somehow you add colors to a picture I find myself painting of that area/energy almost like a sort of Sedona-like vibe that seems to be attracting more spiritually minded people to the area.

I did notice the area seemed a bit treeless on the maps. Given where I live not as many trees are left either, some buy larger grown trimmed trees, such as olive trees. My neighbor in the back bought a nice old olive tree (more like a 9 ft. trunk) that must be 50-100 yrs old and had it brought in with a large truck and planted in a new moon week of the winter season. Because I have a special love for trees and feel them as living beings, I paid close attention to that and how well it dug into the land to feel at home, adding so well to the energy of that yard/area now a few years later.

I hear what you are saying on celebrity, as I've met several and always laughed a little at how people act around so called "celebrities". I wouldn't really consider Gregg Braden as a celebrity. Although, I suppose he is somewhat in the spiritual and New Age world, given he is one of the most prolific people I know of and respect who has done a lot to bridge the gap between spirituality and science since at least the 90's. He's part indigenous, I believe to the area there, which is probably part of why he is so profoundly conscious of the wisdom of the ancients and divine connection to all. Your out-of-the-box conscious thinking depth of soul reminds me some of the many things I've herd or read him speak of over the years too. So when I come maybe I can meet and have some long talks with two spiritual celebs. 😀:)