What an honest, vulnerable and real post.
I could write so much just about what is being shared here. This post has great depth of value. Thank you for sharing it so openly.
Obviously you know that in life "shit happens" yet its what we do with it that decides us. You have been through a LOT of shit and healing/changing takes time.
While you will likely have more bad days on your journey to health and happiness you can have an attitude or progress, learning, making lemonade out of lemons.
Its ok to feel the "bad" feelings, just remember that you are in a safe place now where you are supported, and taken care of. You may feel alone at times but really you actually have a lot of help and support now. Instead of having a husband now you have a community and you can be sure that I will protect and provide for you and your children.
Its all ok. You are in a prime place to heal and find peace. To not only improve your life but help us improve so many lives.
Your pain and trauma will become something that helps heal the world, one person at a time.
I'm finding not only is the writing helpful to heal, but it also helps me process what I'm learning more fluidly. I remember a time in my life when I very much disliked people giving me advise, mostly because I thought they were idiots and it was a waste of my time to hear them speak lol. That is the exact opposite about how I feel when you share perspective with me that I can't yet see on my own. I appreciate and benefit from all of it.
I know I can be slow to ask for help, and I'm sure you know why after reading some of my previous posts. That is going to be a hard one for me to change, I am working on it. At least now when people ask me how I am I don't plaster a fake smile on my face and say I'm just fine :-)
I know the bad feelings are not the end of the world, like they used to feel, but I almost feel guilty for having them at all since I know so many people are still in really bad situations and mine has improved 1000%! I am so thankful my children and I are safe. It is a step on the hierarchy of human needs I'm not familiar with, once I adjust to the safety, I will keep growing!
Thank you for holding space for people like me each and everyday. Even if I can help heal one person through my experiences, it will be totally worth it, and all thanks to you for creating a place for it to happen!
Bless it be~*~
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