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RE: Life is been hard lately, but does it even matter if you're a guy........

in #life8 years ago

There's nothing wrong with men discussing their problems! Everyone should have the right to do that!
I like your post, and I totally feel you.
One thing that has really really helped me when I was going through a hard time was, every single morning I would write on a paper, or in my notebook 3 things I am grateful for. And every morning I would try my best not to repeat what I wrote.. and the result is incredible.
I realized I had so many blessings and I slowly started becoming happier!
Some examples include:

  1. having a roof to sleep under (hours) and not having to live on the streets
  2. not being terminally ill which means I have many more chances to come
  3. Knowing and speaking English, an international language, that many of us take for granted,... and so on!
    follow me @raisinbran , sometimes I share my life through poems I write :)

You're awesome , and I'm totally going to start doing that. I'm going to include it as my alarm message as reminder to do it as soon as I get up in the morning, before I can think of anything else.

thank you! I followed you :)
yes I recommend doing it in the morning because it sets up your mentality for the rest of the day.
and if you're stressed out, I say hit the gym 3 times a week (start by once a week so you don't get overwhelmed). Exercising releases happy hormones in the body and improves the mood vastly.