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RE: Worst Case Scenario - The Globalist Totalitarian Takeover as Outlined in UN Agendae 21 and 30

in #life5 years ago

Forgive me if you've already stated this in another blog post. There's not a very good search function for that here. Anyway, my question is about the population goals. I was asked some specific questions about them, and so I went to search the UN's materials on Agendae 21 and 2030. In the PDFs I found many mentions of population sizes and trends, but I couldn't find anything about specific targets or even whether reduction was part of the agenda. I've seen the text from the Georgia Guidestones, and I'm fully aware of environmentalists' alarmist efforts in regards to population size (through my liberal arts coursework), but I can't find anything directly from the UN to that effect. Could you point me to those instances?


I have not had the documents in my possession, and have not read them. I have watched hours and hours of videos by people that claim to have, and have relied on their opinions.

I also note that my observations of Greta, environmental NGOs, and attempted legislation over decades provides confirmation of a general trend all these actors support to depopulate rural areas, force all people to depend on technocracy, and inflict ubiquitous surveillance, mandatory vaccination, and complete defenselessness on individuals all support the worst conspiracy theories conceivable.

The statements of the folks discussing the UN agendae were convincing to me, and I inherently do not trust centralized authorities, so it seems more appropriate to me to act to secure my life and freedom rather than invest in personally verifying sources in this matter.