Worst Case Scenario - The Globalist Totalitarian Takeover as Outlined in UN Agendae 21 and 30

in #life5 years ago (edited)

A lot of people are alarmed by the imposition of martial law around the world that has been a common governmental response to this pandemic. For many, the reasons they are concerned about this are inchoate, and they are unable to coherently explain.

I will attempt to provide rational arguments based on facts that give those concerns a reasonable explanation.

Agendae 21 and 30 are filled with innumerable words, and like many truths hiding behind unnecessary verbiage, the simple goals of the UN can be simply stated.

Sustainable development is just the infrastructure people make not destroying natural environmental systems and enabling people to achieve the goals of such infrastructure. So farms that don't kill forests, fishing that doesn't wipe out fish stocks, and the like.

In the UN documents, it is assumed that current methods of developing infrastructure, based on cutthroat competition between absolutely corrupt and inhumane corporations, cannot be changed, and what can be changed is how much development is undertaken.

Given utterly unethical low-bidder development, not only are future population projections unsustainable, but present populations as well. This has resulted in these agendae calling for reductions in human populations, and many people agree because they haven't grasped that there are better ways to do the developing than to leave the work to Robber Barons.

Phrasing this goal as they do here, 'lower population', euphemistically conceals what that actually means. What reducing human population actually means is genocide. The population goals of the UN Agendae are <1B. The current global population is >7.5B. The UN is calling for genocide of ~6.5B people, and that is the core principle of sustainable development.

So, if you have been in support of UN Sustainable Development Goals, you have actually supported the UN's call to murder ~6.5B people, by whatever means possible. I don't think most people would actually support such genocide if understood in these terms, which is why the UN has not stated their goals in clear terms easily understood, but hidden their intentions behind reams of paper and walls of text confusing and concealing the issue.

Organizations that have been acting in support of the UN as they promote these agendae, like enironmental NGOs, national governments, various foundations funded by the immensely wealthy families and people like Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Buffet, Gates, and Soros, each undertake a role that is couched in deceptive language and seems to be unconnected to others.

Through planning bodies like Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission, these disparate bodies are coordinated in action that isn't obvious to folks with far less information and access to this bird's eye view.

Mechanisms corrupting governmental agencies, foundations, and NGOs are subtly coordinated. Thus, disinformation regarding climate widely spouted by the enemedia is created by corrupting the scientific process by controlling the funding provided scientists, such that if scientists want to make a good living from their chosen field they need to publish papers that support the political agendas of the financial providers of funding for science.

It is easy to see how controlling who gets funded in this way discourages science from providing factual information in favor of that which can be used to support the genocidal goals of the corrupt banksters using governments as weapons against society to enrich themselves.

This is how the enemedia are provided fuel for their BS stories claiming climate is suddenly no longer changing due to natural processes that have always been ongoing, but only is affected by CO2 and human industry.

Obviously, if your group wants to kill off 6.5B people, a pandemic is what you want. So, for decades government, provably controlled by powerful financial interests and not the voting public, has been funding BSL-4 biological warfare labs around the world. Since the claim of government is that this needs to be kept secret for national security, factual information on that research is not provided to the public, and the truth is concealed. This is done through the channels that provide public information, and can be detected presently in scientific journals discussing the present pandemic.

Many journals have published deceptive articles and papers claiming the SARS2 pandemic is not engineered in a lab and comes from a wild source. Careful examination of these claims and the language they use reveals these are lies, and the fact they are lying across the entire industry is irrefutable evidence that this virus is indeed bioengineered, all by itself.

Then add to this evidence the publication by scientists that refuse to conceal the truth of actual facts, and the certainty SARS2 is a lab produced pathogen is unavoidable. Dr. Botao Xiao and Dr. Lei Xiao, despite being employees of the government of China and subject to the horrifying punishment for defying the censorship the Chinese Communist Party is notorious for, published their research that reveals the extremely high chance SARS2 was released by one of the labs in Wuhan, also run by the Chinese government.

We wouldn't know about this paper at all, because the publisher, Researchgate, censored it very quickly, except that it had been archived almost immediately.

I could go on about this forever, and I have elsewhere, but the point of this post is to outline how our present circumstances could lead to the implementation of the New World Order, that has long been the goal of corrupt banksters and their puppets in government and the media.

The various governments of the world, primarily those in the West where the highest density of financial assets exist, are mostly vectors for the criminal banksters pursuing a global totalitarian state and massive genocide that leaves these banksters in the most favorable position thereafter.

In that light, the incessant imposition of surveillance, oppressive restrictions on free speech and censorship, increasing militarization of police and funding of terrorists, all increase the power and control of banksters over populations they seek to murder. Additionally, the increasing creation of massive debts governments, and thus taxpayers, are responsible to pay back to central banks, that create airdrops of $billions on stockholders have recently been increased by orders of magnitude to $T's a day being dumped into stock markets, dramatically reducing the potential financial success of civilians due to the higher load of taxes and debt they are afflicted with by their governments.

Today we observe that most governments in the West, the USA most of all, have allowed the SARS2 pandemic to spread uncontrolled among their populations. The full scale of the spread of pandemic in America has yet to emerge, but America is already impacted by more confirmed infections than any other country on Earth.

Additionally, despite having been briefed on the pandemic as early as December, the government has undertaken no initiative to manufacture medicines, ventilators, or add hospital beds even as the government agents so informed sold off their stocks before the crash, and censored the information availed to the public.

In addition to the production of biological weapons to kill off humanity in support of UN agendae, and increasingly oppressing and censoring civilian populations, agriculture has been destroyed quickly, which will soon result in famine.

When people have been quarantined during the outbreak of pandemic, farms have been unable to tend to crops or care for herds and flockss, and much destruction has occurred. Last year China was afflicted with a swine flu that has now killed more than 70% of it's pigs - ~25% of the global pig population - and this swine flu has spread with military forces in the EU being used to slaughter wild pig populations so they don't pass the disease to commercial herds.

During the SARS2 outbreak, China also suffered two different bird flu outbreaks, and now both chickens and ducks in China are being decimated. We should also expect these to spread beyond it's borders. Last month was the time to plant rice, and farmers were locked down, so China ordered it's military to plant, so at least some crops got planted this spring.

Then, the worst plague of locusts in modern history arrived in Xinjiang.

Overall, Chinese agriculture is terribly disrupted, and the periodic cycles of the sun's output are presently headed for what's called a Grand Solar Minimum, that has historically caused famines and the collapse of empires.

Across the world, global harvests were roughly 1/2 in 2019 what they were in 2018, and the Grand Solar Minimum is just getting started. There are already riots in India because of lack of onions, and I have seen estimates that half the donkeys in Africa have already been eaten because of the swine flu.

Corn, wheat, beets, potatoes, soy beans, dry beans, on and on, across North America and Europe harvests of staple crops were roughly half what we expected. 2020 plantings are going to not only harmed by the Grand Solar Minimum, but quarantines are closing borders and preventing migrant workers from undertaking our plantings, and the crops just aren't going to be planted we'll need in the fall.

Again, censorship by government agencies and lying enemedia have concealed this information from the public, many of whom stocked up toilet paper instead of food. Without the food, there'll be no use for the toilet paper. Even for those that did stock up, this is but a temporary reprieve, as the Grand Solar Minimum is expected to last for years.

The food shortages appear to be about to hit China first and hardest, and faced with famine China has few options. One it has is seizing food with it's military forces.

Presently we are facing global pandemic, famine, and the strong possibility of war as nations seek to prevent their destruction as intended by globalist banksters.

There are reasonable actions people can take to improve their chances of survival from these threats. Making our own products as outsourced manufacturing and transportation breaks is one of them. Learn how to make soap, so pandemic prevention can be undertaken with good hygiene if bleach and alcohol disinfectants are no longer available.

Start gardens, start aquaculture, hydroponics, and aquaponics systems to feed yourselves and your communities. Get chickens, rabbits, ducks, and other small animals you can keep in backyards or even indoors. Make sure to form strong relationships with your neighbors, so that if your neignborhood is threatened, you can work together to defend yourselves no matter what the threat. Don't forget that medical supply lines have collapsed too, and look at replacing prescription medications with herbal remedies you can grow yourself.

Ignore the propaganda, get around the censorship and find factual information, work within your communities to mutually support and defend each other, and stay as safe as you can from all these threats together. If and when war comes, be prepared as you can for that before sneak attacks happen. Here's some guidance:



The worst case scenario will only happen if we consent.

I'm not planning on dying in a famine, I'm sure the masses won't blindly accept this as their fate either.

Good. I'm planning on not dying in a famine, myself. I am planting crops, and have just made housing for hens to ensure I have access to eggs, one of the best foods there is.

I have also distributed my gardens, in case there's seizures, as there were during the Holodomor in which ~10M Ukrainians died of starvation.

I hope I never have need of those garden plots, but if I do, I will have them.

As an urban dweller, my options are limited, other than to flee, or fight.

I would say that famine isn't in the cards for the immediate future, massive social unrest will happen first.

Damn your logic and clear explanations.

The food shortages appear to be about to hit China first and hardest, and faced with famine China has few options. One it has is seizing food with it's military forces.

Koreans worry that China may be at war due to food shortages. If famine and epidemics have spread in the past, China has always waged war.

Start gardens, start aquaculture, hydroponics, and aquaponics systems to feed yourselves and your communities. Get chickens, rabbits, ducks, and other small animals you can keep in backyards or even indoors. Make sure to form strong relationships with your neighbors, so that if your neignborhood is threatened, you can work together to defend yourselves no matter what the threat. Don't forget that medical supply lines have collapsed too, and look at replacing prescription medications with herbal remedies you can grow yourself.

It is possible because the United States has a very large territory, but Korea is impossible because it is a small territory. american senior

I know someone in my village that has a large aquaculture project growing tilapia - in his garage. While gardens and farms require land to grow, aquaculture usually does too, the fact is that aquaponics can be done in your home, as my acquaintance's tilapia growing facility is.

By using the waste water from the tilapia he could grow some food plants hydroponically, like lettuce, kale, and etc. That is aquaponics, and I strongly advise you to learn more about it. Here's a good place to start:

You can also keep rabbits and chickens in your home too, although they're filthy animals and it's not pleasant.

It's better than starving, which is what the Chinese will want.

I think Koreans are wise to consider China's history in view of the present circumstances. China has few options to feed it's people presently, and one of them is starving Korea.

Be safe even so, my friend.

Thanks for your kind advice. American senior.
Currently, the food shortage in China is very dangerous, so Koreans are in crisis. The situation of poor Koreans like me is harder than expected.
So, Koreans want the Korean government to give money to the lower classes in Korea.

My grasp of history is that dependence on authorities eventually backfires and gets folks killed. I undertake to ensure I have independent means of providing necessary resources for my survival. I strongly recommend doing so, at all costs.

Very basal necessities are not optional, and the fact is that public order and government is not able to be guaranteed. South Korea particularly provides evidence of the insufficiency of government, as the information I have seen regarding changes in the executive office during the last decade reveals.

Government is as dangerous as it claims to be useful. Dirt and potatoes make no claims, and I trust them.

My grasp of history is that dependence on authorities eventually backfires and gets folks killed. I undertake to ensure I have independent means of providing necessary resources for my survival. I strongly recommend doing so, at all costs.

Very basal necessities are not optional, and the fact is that public order and government is not able to be guaranteed. South Korea particularly provides evidence of the insufficiency of government, as the information I have seen regarding changes in the executive office during the last decade reveals.

American senior, you are right. However, there is this American saying. "Do you have money to buy your freedom?"
In modern Korea, there are many people who cannot buy their freedom like me.

When I make dinner, sometimes it includes potatoes. Potatoes have 'eyes' where roots are emerging. I can trim these off and not cook them in my dinner, and even leave an inch of starchy tuber attached to the eyes.

These eyes are seeds. I can go out to parks, wild areas, abandoned places, and plant these potatoes. If food becomes unavailable in stores I can go to places where I planted potatoes and get food. You can do this with carrot tops, onions, and other crops.

Money can't save you. Food can. Make sure you can get food no matter what anyone sells. I know South Korea eats crops that aren't familiar to me. Plant them in little out of the way glades and on the edges of copses of trees. I can't teach you how to grow freedom, but without food you can't be free. Start there.

Money can't save you. Food can. Make sure you can get food no matter what anyone sells. I know South Korea eats crops that aren't familiar to me. Plant them in little out of the way glades and on the edges of copses of trees. I can't teach you how to grow freedom, but without food you can't be free. Start there.

American senior, you are right. The food I made will set me free. However, Korea is too small and has a large population, so I don't have any land for farming.

Thank you! I wish you good health and longevity.

Its Medical Martial law dont you get it? https://www.corbettreport.com/mml2020/

I do get it. However, I don't think that's the end game. I think Agendae 21 and 30, with genocide of ~6.5 Billion people and a deified investor class that alone are capable of producing sperm, and own everything on Earth, is the end game.

Medical martial law is just the beginning.

of course this is just part two one being the fake war on terror

edit: wait maybe its part three or four, one being the war on real money, then the war on drugs then the war on terror, and now the war on infected/or uninfected citizens.

Well, the important thing to me is to make sure I am not sterilized or killed for as long as possible, and that includes starving to death.

I consider the extant circumstances very unstable, extremely dangerous, and am undertaking to ensure that no matter what happens, before I starve to death I will gain access to food that can prevent my death.

History provides examples of starvation events that reveal visible sources of food have been seized and destroyed by government, and my plantings acknowledge that history. I do not count on electricity, my present abode, stores, jobs, or society to remain useful to me in my planning at the most basic level. I do try to reasonably assess likelihoods of total loss of these various resources, but know I cannot be sure of anything, and therefore plan on being wrong about everything as much as possible.

Forgive me if you've already stated this in another blog post. There's not a very good search function for that here. Anyway, my question is about the population goals. I was asked some specific questions about them, and so I went to search the UN's materials on Agendae 21 and 2030. In the PDFs I found many mentions of population sizes and trends, but I couldn't find anything about specific targets or even whether reduction was part of the agenda. I've seen the text from the Georgia Guidestones, and I'm fully aware of environmentalists' alarmist efforts in regards to population size (through my liberal arts coursework), but I can't find anything directly from the UN to that effect. Could you point me to those instances?

I have not had the documents in my possession, and have not read them. I have watched hours and hours of videos by people that claim to have, and have relied on their opinions.

I also note that my observations of Greta, environmental NGOs, and attempted legislation over decades provides confirmation of a general trend all these actors support to depopulate rural areas, force all people to depend on technocracy, and inflict ubiquitous surveillance, mandatory vaccination, and complete defenselessness on individuals all support the worst conspiracy theories conceivable.

The statements of the folks discussing the UN agendae were convincing to me, and I inherently do not trust centralized authorities, so it seems more appropriate to me to act to secure my life and freedom rather than invest in personally verifying sources in this matter.